The cover picture is a picture of hunan fried yellow beef, delicious there are several essential seasonings, onion, ginger, garlic, garlic, red pepper, coriander, celery stick, next time you can try ~

Record the front end trends you see every week, filter them out and post them here. Follow this column to receive updates

Good writing and study

Draveness. Me // SYSTEM-des… Persistent storage disk in today is no longer a scarce resource, but the CPU and memory are still relatively expensive resource, the author in essence of scheduling system design used to introduce the operating system and programming language of CPU resource scheduling strategy and principle, this article will introduce another scarce resources – common in the computer memory, How it’s managed.

TC39 January 2021 meeting summary proposal schedule… The January meeting of TC39 ended as scheduled on January 29. The following is the introduction of the proposals that successfully achieved phased progress, the review of recent changes and other progress summary of the proposals in this meeting.

Useful DevTools Tips And Shortcuts (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)…

Interview with Ryan Dahl, Creator of Node.js… Read about Ryan Dahl’s project, the challenges of Deno, and his thoughts on the future of JavaScript and TypeScript…

Vite 2.0 issued Vite 1.0 although before entered the stage of RC but before release we decided to conduct a thorough reconstruction to solve some design flaws. So Vite 2.0 is actually the first stable version of Vite.

Open Source and tools

Read Github’s source code using “vscode”…

In the original Github repository address, add 1s after the corresponding….

Beaker Browser: An experimental peer-to-peer Web Browser

Json-schema-to-ts: Infer the TS type from JSON schema…

const dogSchema = {
  type: 'object'.properties: {
    name: { type: 'string' },
    age: { type: 'integer' },
    hobbies: { type: 'array'.items: { type: 'string'}},favoriteFood: { enum: ['pizza'.'taco'.'fries']}},required: ['name'.'age']}; type Dog = {name: string,
  age: number, hobbies? : string[], favoriteFood? :'pizza' | 'taco' | 'fries'};Copy the code

Tidy. Js: A library of tools for organizing data

Can be used as a rich complement to the native array processing method in JS.

Remotion: Creates a video programmatically in React…

Supercookie: Browser Fingerprinting via Favicon… Supercokie uses Favicons to assign a unique identifier to a site visitor. Unlike traditional tracing methods, this ID is almost permanent and not easily cleared by the user.

IOS and the end

A allows large iOS project compilation speed up 50% of the tool… Cocoapods-map-prebuilt is a cocoapods plugin developed by Meituanplatform. Based on Header Map technology, it can further improve the speed of code compilation and improve the search mechanism of Header files.

Principle of graphic fishhook… Although there are many articles written about the Fishhook principle, it is always not simple and intuitive. Most of them are just a bunch of source code, so this article will throw the source code away completely, aiming to be simple, clear, and get to the point where you can get to the bottom of fishhook.

Inspiration and Design

Payment system modernization, China – zhou xiaochuan: digital DC/EP and digital yuan… Very professional and worth reading.

Why are movie tickets so expensive this Spring Festival?… Because demand exceeds supply, I know you will go to see a movie on the first day of the first month, and it will be full.

Clues to understand user… The idea starts from the application platform and definition of user cues, and then extends from the life cycle to deepen the understanding of this word.