All the GitHub projects in this issue are recommended by fans who visit GitHub official account. They are:

1. A niche but nice smart home iot project

2. A visual mall building platform based on VUE development

3. A tool for generating readable open apis for static data quickly

4. The project collected a lot of good blogs or information

5. Open source projects to help you learn Python

6. How do I take notes directly on the web page you are currently browsing

7. An open source and cool terminal tool: Tabby.


Smart home Iot project

Today, Lao Fan recommends an Internet of things project: Wumart intelligent. If you have hardware and software knowledge, this project will definitely meet your appetite.

Wumart intelligent is an open source software and hardware project, which can help you quickly build your own smart home system. You can learn about device integration and hardware/software interaction.

The PC or mobile phone communicates with the server, and the single chip microcomputer can accept the instructions of the remote control device and the server, and give instructions to the hardware terminal devices such as fans, lamps and air conditioners.

The architecture of the project is as follows, including intelligent device module, server and client. The server is based on Spring Boot, MySQL and Redis technology stack, and the front end is based on Vue and Mobile Android. The hardware is based on ESP-IDF, Arduino, etc.

The hardware and software interaction is based on Mqtt protocol and Http protocol, using EMQ proxy server.

Open source projects come with a management background that allows you to manage your devices and gain insight into usage.

For users, they can control their devices at home and check their health through mobile interactions.

Project directory



Visual mall building platform

Mall-Cook is a visual Mall building platform based on VUE development, including multi-page visual building, Json Schema generator (visual building material control panel), to achieve assembly line type standard access platform.

1. Drag and drop the build page

2. Json-schema generator

Experience the address:

Open source:…


A nice API tool

Roapi, a tool, can quickly generate readable open API for static data, which supports a wide variety of API query forms, such as REST API, SQL query, GraphQL. The following diagram shows the overall interaction flow diagram of the tool ROAPI.

Roapi tool is mainly divided into four parts, namely query layer, query plan execution layer, data layer and data return layer. The general process is that the front-end query layer will generate different execution plans in the query plan execution layer through different query methods, and finally execute queries on the data.

Different data formats are abstracted into a single data abstraction layer to shield the differences between different data formats.

Open source address:


List of high quality blogs

This open source project is called email-Newsletter-RSS. This project is a blog list. The author collects a lot of good blogs or news and lists them in the open source project. You can browse these blogs to find people or things that interest you and subscribe to them for updates.

Open source:…


Learn Python

This is an open source project to help you learn Python. It contains lots of small Python projects to get you up to speed on topics like visualizations, crawlers, and so on. Each project has a purpose and meaning, from which more interesting projects can be discovered.

Each small project in an open source project will have a tutorial that tells you how to do it, and of course the author will update the project on his blog.

Analysis of douban film review data

MacBook Pro Price Change visualization

TOP 200 regional distribution of Douban Popular films

Open source:…


How to take notes on a web page?

This is an open source browser plug-in that allows you to take notes directly on the web page you are currently viewing, reducing the cost of taking notes and improving the quality of your notes by linking them to the context of the web page.

The plug-in implements two core functions:

  • Notebook: Browse notes and jump back to context with one click

  • Tags: Neat management, quick search to any note

After the plug-in is installed, select any text on the page, the corresponding context-Note Logo diagram will appear in the upper right corner, and the corresponding note input box will appear on the right side of the note. After input, the note will be generated. It is very simple to use.

Open source:…


Useful and cool terminal tools

Finally, I recommend an open source and cool terminal tool: Tabby.

Tabby has received 26K+ STAR.

  • Supports multiple platforms, Windows, MacOS (Intel chip /M1 chip), Linux have corresponding installation packages;

  • The SFTP function is provided to transfer files with the Linux system.

  • Cool terminal page, easy to use, as well as a variety of plug-in support

Open source:…