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The interview process

FB interview is divided into two parts, one is phone screen and the other is on site. I only had one round of interviews, four rounds of on-site interviews.

Interviews are all coding.

01 electric plane

I was a little nervous on the face, but I got it.

Coding: Implements circular queues with basic queue attributes


Onsite following the onsite interviews are FB’s Menlo Park headquarters. During the whole process, the interviewer seemed very nice.

However, I felt that their work was very busy. I met frequent phone calls during the interview, which greatly affected my thinking.

So it is also important to develop anti-interference ability.

01. Merge sort

Pure merge sort, no extra conditions.

This is a Lincode easy problem, it is not difficult to make, but to do bug free still need to be careful. LintCode:… The Solution link:


02.Coding: Implementation of Huffman code

03.Coding: Number of Islands

Given a two-dimensional grid map, 1 for land and 0 for water, count the number of islands.

LintCode:… Solution:…

4.Coding: Buying and selling stocks

I have done this problem countless times, lintcode has a total of 3 related deformation problems, I have done all, so it is relatively smooth.



The interview feeling

The whole interview down, feel the topic is not very difficult.

Perhaps the interviewer does not judge whether a person will succeed in the interview merely by getting the questions right, but by the qualities that a person can show if he or she gets them right.

Getting it right is a must anyway, so it’s advisable to scan LintCode before an interview.

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