Writing in the front

Many friends have feedback that the current job is not easy to find ah, also dare not change jobs, in the original post is also scared! In fact, the root cause, or their own technology is not good, if your technology is really hardcore, afraid of what? Go wherever you want! One of my readers had an interview with Ant Financial, and HR hired him next week!

Note: Erguzi, one of my loyal readers, is very diligent, every article of mine he is required to read, later because of frequent communication technology, become more familiar with the net friend, erguzi is also my nickname for him, haha. This time, he won ant Financial and said to me, “Most of the questions in the interview were covered in my articles on my official account. Ha ha ha, are you happy? !

Pay attention to the glacier technology wechat public number, learn more super core technology!!

Introduce two dogs

During the epidemic this year, two dogs have been reviewing at home, learning all kinds of knowledge and skills. It was also during the epidemic that I began to make efforts to write public accounts. At this moment, two dogs concerned about my public number, I did not update a, he will read a, encountered a problem, in the micro channel all kinds of ask ah, to tell the truth, sometimes, I have a little bored him! However, on second thought, it is really rare to have such loyal readers! So we talked about technology all the time. From then on, Erdogzi’s goal is Ant Financial! Later, from talk about technology to talk about life, talk about ideal. Became very good friends!

Surface by sharing

After erdogzi got the Offer from Ant Financial, he told me about it on wechat at the first time. He was so happy that he delighted with it! To be honest, I’m happy for him, too. This time, two dogs must let me share his face. Indeed, can enter ant Financial service or need some strength, below, I will two dogs this experience to share with you, we see if you go to interview Ant Financial service, is it possible to successfully get the Offer? Welcome to the end of the message!!

One round of technical side (90 min)

1. Difference between hashMap and Hashtable 2. Why deadlocks occur 3. Reflection use 6. Database used 7. Difficulties and problems of the project 8. 10. What algorithm do you know

Round 2 Technical Side (120 mins)

1. Talk about the project 2. Use of optimistic lock in database 3. MySQL > HashMap source code 8. Design a thread-safe HashMap 9. Implementation of fast sorting, time complexity and space complexity 10. What algorithm will be 11. How to turn projects into SOA architecture 12.Spring source code, the most profound module, AOP purpose 13. Garbage Collection mechanism 15. Look at garbage collection in the project

Three rounds of technical surface (150 mins)

1. The underlying principle of ConcurrentHashMap? 2. Write an LRU by hand (with LinkedHashMap) 3. 4. Why do hashmaps in JDK1.8 use red-black trees instead of ordinary AVL trees? 5. Why do lists become trees at 8? 6. Why is the linked list returned from the tree at 6? 7. What is the best way to set 7 parameters in the thread pool? 9. How is the visibility of volatile and the prohibition of instruction reordering implemented? 10. What is CAS? What is the underlying PriorityQueue, what was its initial capacity, and how did it expand? 11. If the original size is less than 64, it is doubled +2; otherwise, it is 1.5x. 13. Do you know how to use a skip watch? 14.CopyOnWriteArrayList Does iterator support Fail-Fast? 15. What is innoDB’s underlying data structure? 16. Why B+ tree instead of B tree? 17. Why use B+ trees instead of red black trees? Coding: How to find the KTH largest number in an unordered array, write a binary tree hierarchy traversal 19. 20. N items each item has a certain value, divided between two people, how to divide the value difference between two people is the smallest

Four wheel technical side (120 min)

Permission management in the project 2. How to store login status 3. The difference between session and cookie and how to manage session 4 6. Synchronized modiifies the difference between class method and common method lock, can acquire object lock after acquiring class lock 7. The parent delegate model of a class loader can be used to load a class repeatedly. Describes Redis 10. How to distribute data across different Redis 11. Do you know the mod algorithm? Apo implementation of Spring 13. Bytecode structure 14. Browser input url process, combined with SpringMVC

Five rounds of technical side (120 mins)

MySQL > use B+ tree 4; MySQL > use B+ tree 4; Can multiple indexes have multiple copies of data 5. Isolation level of database and solved problem 6. 7. Input the url to display the whole process, combined with springMVC 8. The algorithm of load balancing 9. Haverman coding, how to solve the decoding problem 10. Does the internship affect the work 11. Introduce a project in English 12. How to view the system load 13. Describe a problem-solving process 14. How to copy files from the server to the local, with what command

Six rounds of technical surface (90 min)

1. Describe what you know about JVM garbage collection algorithms 2. What techniques are used in the project 3. MySQL query optimization 6.MySQL slow query start, statement analysis 7.HashMap lookup efficiency 8.JVM memory model 9. Design pattern, policy pattern usage scenarios 10. How to ensure singleton thread safety 11. The default scope of Spring beans 12. What you know about Netty 13. Future plans 14. How to make code readable more complex

Seven rounds of HR surface (40 minutes)

1. Talk about the development direction 2. Talk about the problems caused by lack of experience 3. Tell me your main contribution to the Challenge Cup program. 5. Internship time 6. 8. The difference between Tencent’s technology stack and Alibaba’s technology stack

Big welfare

Follow the wechat official account of “Glacier Technology” and reply the keyword “Design Mode” in the background to get the PDF document of “23 Design Modes in Simple Java”. Return keyword “Java8” to obtain the Java8 new features tutorial PDF. “Distributed traffic limiting solutions under 100 million levels of traffic” PDF document, the three PDFS are created by the glacial and collated super core tutorial, interview essential!!

Ok, that’s enough for today! Don’t forget to click a like, to see and forward, let more people see, learn together, progress together!!

Write in the last

If you think glacier wrote good, please search and pay attention to “glacier Technology” wechat public number, learn with glacier high concurrency, distributed, micro services, big data, Internet and cloud native technology, “glacier technology” wechat public number updated a large number of technical topics, each technical article is full of dry goods! Many readers have read the articles on the wechat public account of “Glacier Technology” and succeeded in job-hopping to big factories. There are also many readers to achieve a technological leap, become the company’s technical backbone! If you also want to like them to improve their ability to achieve a leap in technical ability, into the big factory, promotion and salary, then pay attention to the “Glacier Technology” wechat public account, update the super core technology every day dry goods, so that you no longer confused about how to improve technical ability!