Brief introduction: MaxCompute is an analytic-oriented enterprise-class SaaS cloud data warehouse that provides fast, fully hosted online data warehouse services based on Serverless architecture, eliminating the limitations of traditional data platforms in resource scalability and flexibility and minimizing user operation and maintenance investment. Help enterprises and big data developers to analyze and process massive data economically and efficiently.

The author of this article is Mu Yi, intelligent product manager of Ali Cloud

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This sharing will cover four aspects.

01 Enter the MaxCompute ecology

02 Overview of Business Intelligence (BI) analysis tools

03 JDBC introduction

04 Practical operation demonstration — fast access to FineBI

Let’s begin the first part of our sharing

Enter MaxCompute ecology

The external tools supported by the MaxCompute product can be divided into business intelligence, development management, transport scheduling, programming interface. MaxCompute includes Tableau, FineReport, FineBI, and Quick BI. Tableau, FineBI, FineReport, Tableau, FineReport, Tableau, FineReport Quick BI as a product of Ali cloud, can be directly connected through ali cloud account and AK information, at the same time in 8.6 and above version of Yonghong Desktop can also be connected through the built-in driver MaxCompute. There are also open source BI tools in the business Intelligence section, Superset, Davinci can also connect to MaxCompute.

In the development management section, we will cover the second lecture, including DBeaver, DataGrip, SQL Workbench/J.

We also integrate Kafka and Flink open source engines. The supported ETL open source tools are Kettle, Airflow, and Azkaban, introduced in the third session of this season’s livestream. Supported programming interfaces include Python, JDBC, and SQLAlchemy.

In addition to supporting external tools, MaxCompute also has its own open ecology, including Spark, migration tool MMA, development ecology PyODPS, Mars, tool ecology Web-Console, etc. At the same time, MaxCompute and Ali Cloud internal products together to build a rich solution ecosystem and data application ecosystem.

Overview of business intelligence (BI) analysis tools

Business intelligence (BI) tools help executives and managers make smarter business decisions by enabling data from computing engines to be visualized through dashboards, charts, and other graphical outputs.

This page shows BI tools that have been tested by members of the MaxCompute team to successfully join MaxCompute table data and visualize the data. Tableau, FineBI, and FineReport are all connected to MaxCompute through the MaxCompute JDBC driver. Quick BI and Yonghong Desktop can connect to MaxCompute through product built-in drivers. After the BI tools connect to the MaxCompute data source successfully, they can list the database, list the table, view the table structure, query the table data, query the view and other related operations to create data reports.

Introduction to JDBC


Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java API used to execute SQL statements. It provides unified access to multiple relational databases. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java language. To put it simply, the Java language is used to send SQL statements to the database to operate the database.

MaxCompute JDBC driver

The MaxCompute JDBC driver is a JDBC interface provided by MaxCompute that can access MaxCompute. You can perform distributed computing queries of massive data based on MaxCompute through the standard JDBC interface. The MaxCompute JDBC driver can also be used to connect MaxCompute to jDBC-enabled tools.

MaxCompute Basic parameter information

• URL: JDBC: odps: < MaxCompute_endpoint >? project=<MaxCompute_project_name>

  • : mandatory. MaxCompute Specifies the Endpoint of the area to which the project belongs.

  • : Mandatory. Name of the target MaxCompute project to connect to. This is the MaxCompute project name, not the workspace name.

•User: Indicates the AccessKey ID that has the permission to access the specified project.

•Password: AccessKey Secret corresponding to the AccessKey ID.

4. Practical operation demonstration — fast access to FineBI

In field show

The practical operation content can be viewed by clicking the practical operation video below. Solid exercise video:…

Access to other commercial BI tools

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