Express API classification
The Express API can be divided into five categories:
: Operation
: Operation
: Operation
: Operation routing (abbreviated
1. Express related apis
1. express.json()
Middleware for parsing jSON-formatted data.
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2. express.static(root,[options])
Middleware used to start a static server.
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App related API
1. app.use()
Used with Express middleware to execute a function with parameters req, RES, and next.
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
console.log("req method:", req.method);
res.send("hello world!");
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2. app.listen()
Used to listen on a specified port.
app.listen(3000.() = > {
console.log("listen 3000");
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3. app.METHOD()
Used to route requests for a method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
app.get("/test".(req, res, next) = > {
});"/user".(req, res, next) = > {
res.json({ name: "tom" });
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4. app.all()
Used to route all types of requests.
app.all("test".(req, res, next) = > {
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5. app.set(name, value)
The value used to set the variable name to value.
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6. app.get(name)
Used to get the value of variable name.
app.get("key"); // test
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Request the relevant API
1. req.params
This parameter is used to obtain preset URL path parameters. For example, if the request path is /user/:id, you can run to obtain the parameter ID.
2. req.query
Used to obtain url query parameter objects, such as: request path is /detail? {name:test} can be queried using req.query.
3. req.body
Get the parsed request body.
4. req.route
Gets the current route object, including the original path string, generated re, request method, query parameters, and so on.
5. req.cookies
Used to retrieve cookies included in the request, which can be used with cookieParaser() middleware and defaults to empty objects.
6. req.get(field)
Get the value of the field in the request header, note that it is case insensitive,
app.use((req, res, next) = > {
const contentType = req.get("Content-Type");
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Used for sharding concurrent download of resources.
The response related API
1. res.status()
Used to set the response code, can be called chain.
app.use((req, res, next) = > {
res.status(400).send("Bad Request");
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2. res.send(body)
Used to send a response.
res.send("text"); // text
res.send({ name: "tom" }); // {"name":"hi"}
res.send("hello world!
"); // >hello world!
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3. res.json(body)
Used to return a JSON object, the response header content-Type: text/json is automatically set
res.json({ name: "tom" });
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4. res.set(name.value)
Used to set the content of the response header.
"Content-Type": "text/html"."Content-Length": "200"});Copy the code
5. res.redirect([, status],url)
Used to relocate to a new address.
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6. res.cookie(name, value [, options])
Set the cookie content of the response.
res.cookie("name"."hello world");
res.cookie("test"."welcome test", {
domain: "".path: "/admin".secure: true});Copy the code
Router related apis
A Router object is a separate instance, which can be considered as a “mini-application”, with the ability to manipulate middleware and routing methods. Each Express program has a built-in APP route, and the route itself represents a middleware. So you can use it as an argument to the app.use() method or as an argument to use() of another route. Create a route:
// Create a route
const router = express.Router([options]);
// Mount the route
app.use("/index", router);
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1. router.all()
Used to route all requests, similar to app.all.
2. router.METHOD()
Used to route requests to a method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), similar to app.all.
3. router.param(name,callback)
It is used to add a callback trigger to a routing parameter. Name refers to the parameter name and callback is the callback method.
router.param("id".function (req, res, next, id) {
console.log("called only once");
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4. router.route(path)
Middleware that returns an instance of a singleton route on which various HTTP actions can then be applied, similar to app.route.
.all(function (req, res, next) {
.get(function (req, res, next) {
.put(function (req, res, next) { =;
.post(function (req, res, next) {
next(new Error("not implemented"));
.delete(function (req, res, next) {
next(new Error("not implemented"));
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5. route.use()
Used to use middleware, similar to app.use.