Export an image based on the image name



rbd_block_id="$( glance image-list | grep -i " ${image_name} " | awk '{ print $2 }' )"

rm -rf ./image
mkdir -p image

cd image

# -m n Number of concurrent writes -w allows non-sequential writes and cannot be used together with the compression option -c
# time qemu-img convert -m 16 rbd:${pool}/${rbd_block_id} -c -p -O qcow2 ./${img_name}

nohup qemu-img convert -m 16   rbd:${pool}/${rbd_block_id} -c -p -O qcow2 ./${img_name} 2>&1 > convert.log &

# upload
curl  --progress-bar -o ./progress.log -u admin:brysjhhrhl356126155165352237656123565615 -T ${f_path} "http://${inner_ip}:50000/remote.php/dav/files/admin/iso/${f_name}"

Clear the disk in time to prevent the system disk from being occupied
rm -rf ./*

Copy the code

Export the image and provide a download connection

mkdir -p /root/images && . /root/admin-openrc && glance image-list | grep -E '[a-z0-9]{6,}' | awk '{print "glance image-download --progress --file /root/images/" $4 " " $2 }'  |  xargs  -I {}  /bin/bash -c "{}"

# HTTP download is available
cd/root/images nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 50000 2>&1 >./py_server.log & SSH [email protected]"mkdir -p /root/images/"

Choose 1 # 2SCP - r/root/images/win10GPU [email protected]: / root/images rsync SSH - a - n - e - P - exclude ='*.pyc'  --exclude='*.log'/ root/images/win10GPU0325 [email protected]: / root/images/usage: glance image-upload [--file <FILE>] [--size <IMAGE_SIZE>] [--progress] <IMAGE_ID> glance image-upload --file /root/images/win10GPU --size 40 --progress win1 cinder create --image-id win1 --is_sys_voltrue  40

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The network becomes congested when Glance exports the large image at the same time

View and download all images

mkdir -p /root/images ; . admin-openrc; glance image-list | grep -E '[a-z0-9]{6,}' | awk '{print "glance image-download --progress --file /root/images/" $4 " " $2 }'  |  xargs  -d \n  -I {}  /bin/bash -c "{}"

glance help image-download
usage: glance image-download [--file <FILE>] [--progress] <IMAGE_ID>

Download a specific image.

Positional arguments:
  <IMAGE_ID>     ID of image to download.

Optional arguments:
  --file <FILE>  Local file to save downloaded image data to. If this is not
                 specified and there is no redirection the image data will be
                 not be saved.
  --progress     Show download progress bar.


glance help image-upload
usage: glance image-upload [--file <FILE>] [--size <IMAGE_SIZE>] [--progress]

Upload data for a specific image.

Positional arguments:
  <IMAGE_ID>           ID of image to upload data to.

Optional arguments:
  --file <FILE>        Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded.
                       Alternatively, images can be passed to the client via
  --size <IMAGE_SIZE>  Size in bytes of image to be uploaded. Default is to
                       get size from provided data object but this is
                       supported in case where size cannot be inferred.
  --progress           Show upload progress bar.


 glance help image-create
usage: glance image-create [--architecture <ARCHITECTURE>]
                           [--protected [True|False]] [--name <NAME>]
                           [--instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>]
                           [--min-disk <MIN_DISK>] [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
                           [--kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>]
                           [--tags <TAGS> [<TAGS> ...]]
                           [--os-version <OS_VERSION>]
                           [--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>]
                           [--os-distro <OS_DISTRO>] [--id <ID>]
                           [--owner <OWNER>] [--ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>]
                           [--min-ram <MIN_RAM>]
                           [--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>]
                           [--property <key=value>] [--file <FILE>]

mkdir -p /root/images ; . admin-openrc; glance image-list | grep -E '[a-z0-9]{6,}' | awk '{print "glance image-download --progress --file /root/images/" $4 " " $2 }'  |  xargs    -I {}  /bin/bash -c "{}"

cd /root/images && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 50000 

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