Preface: Why do low code platforms
First, before we get down to business, let’s take a look at the development of the front-end as a whole.
From the front end of history, let’s go back to the front end of prehistory, the so-called Chetuzai period. At this time, the front end students were mainly responsible for the logic of the view layer. At that time, the mainstream front end was in the era of “the three Musketeers of the web page”, which was specially responsible for the display of static pages. The rest of the dynamic rendering, business logic, HTTP APIS, etc. are handled by the back end.
Then because smartphone universal access, as well as the rapid development of 3 g to 4 g network age, the front has entered a fast lane, rapid development in the era of engineering, the age, developers are very concerned about the performance before and after optimization, page rendering gradually to the front-end classmates and responsible work, gradually began to separate before and after the end, PHP, JSP have gradually dropped out of the main stage of history, replaced by the vigorous development of jquery, jquery Mobile, HTML5, CSS3 and the rise of front-end building tools Grunt and WebPack.
Then, front-end students began to be dissatisfied with the inefficient front-end collaborative development mode, and it was the emergence of Node that made some front-end students undertake the development of BFF access layer, and gradually began to take charge of the full-stack development of some innovative projects, providing HTTP API externally.
Easter eggs
: What is BFF?
BFF is an abbreviation of Best Friend Forever, which is often used in spoken English.
The front end and the back end are always best friends!
With the change of functions, changes bring us new opportunities as well as new challenges
The giants of the front end have never stopped their pace, new functions bring greater opportunities and more challenges, the front end also began to consider, how to ensure high availability, high performance, high quality and high stability?
The big front end is here!
For many front-end students, this is a brand new field, from the browser side to the server side, from the simple view layer logical rendering to the business layer service development, many new fields just need to understand and learn, a brand new term appeared in front of the front-end developer’s desk: Front-end microservices, data visualization, low code platform, big front-end, mid-stage, componentization…
And today, we want to talk about the front-end low code platform to explore the road, is built in such a magnificent background 
What problem do I need to solve with a low code platform
For architecture, all technical solutions are based on the discovery of problems, problems encountered, specifically used to solve problems, to avoid problems.
So for us, what exactly do we need to solve with WG-Lcode?
Unify the style and interaction of the micro-application pages of the micro-front-end architecture
Medical information of our company his system composed of multiple independent deployment, the third party technology stack is not unified system, the style of these systems, interaction, through the page visual building system generated pages use the same set of bottom component library, which can satisfy the style, interaction, and the style of the face after and interactive changes supports batch modification
Shorten page development time
Medical information of our company is a toB his system, there is considerable similar page, repeated development page easy to kill the enthusiasm of developers, organize page in common, through visual structures, system development and to reduce the pages degrees, the complex logic allows developers to concentrate on the development of the page
Improve delivery quality and lower the threshold of front-end development
- For simple logic pages, through the visual construction system, configuration and one-click automatic generation of activity pages and operation pages, can reduce the complexity of front-end code, so that product students, test, implementation, back-end students, interns can build countless pages by writing a small amount of JavaScript code or even no writing at all.
Low code
In fact, it’s not that hard to build a usable front-end low-code platform. However, it is not easy to build a low code platform that conforms to the actual situation of the company and satisfies the needs of employees.
First, we need to be clear that the biggest problem low-code platforms solve is reuse.
Reuse is also an important topic in front-end development, especially the current mainstream JavaScript frameworks, such as Vue and React we are using, are all component-based development methods, and the emergence of various UI component libraries like Element-UI. Ant-design and so on are used to solve the problem of duplicate wheels.
The current problems we encounter and the proposed solutions
Our front-end team is still in the initial stage, and the infrastructure is still in the state of continuous improvement, although we usually create some common components in the daily development process, and then reference the components in each place where they are needed to improve the development efficiency.
However, we can find that although such pages are very similar, our UE students also designed different key points of the specification. Each student has different cognition of the specification, and there are many ways to realize the page that looks the same. The cost of blooming is difficult to maintain and hidden problems will occur when copying.
And one from 0 to 1 stage of the product, product repeatedly modified and standardize repeated revision is a normal state, in the case of the project schedule and pressure so tense, our front end to a serious shortage of research and development of human itself, if you also need to taking the development of the resources to do the UI details shall be investigated under the walkthrough, it is a nightmare and disaster. But from a delivery point of view and from a variety of perspectives, we need to make sure that the product is beautiful and functional.
Therefore, our front-end infrastructure team hopes to maintain the wG-Lcode low-code platform uniformly by building it. If it involves the adjustment of specifications and styles, we only need to maintain the resources of the low-code platform.
Architecture design
We can get an idea of the overall WG-lcode architecture by looking at the big picture below.
In this case, we borrowed the idea of Ant-Design-Pro and wanted to divide WG-Lcode’s resources into two broad categories: blocks and templates.
This is one of the most common pages in our base configuration workstation. Contains list data add, delete, change, search operations.
If we define this page as a template, it consists of the following blocks:
- Title bar block
- The search block
- The operating block
- Content blocks,
- Paging blocks
We can describe such a template with json data that looks something like the following,
They are:
- Title (headerTtile)
- Control the overall configuration details of the search block (searchOption)
- Control what is displayed in the search block (searchs)
- Controls whether content blocks show multiple selections (showSelect)
- Control whether content blocks display serial numbers (showIndex)
- Control the content displayed in the header of the content block list and the details of the data to be displayed (columns)
- Controls the personalization of content block lists for special table headers ———— action columns (columnsOption)
- Control the left side of the action block (toolBarRender)
- Control actions on the right side of the action block (toolBarRightRender)
- Abstract Network Request Method (REQUEST)
- Flags that control the loading state of templates
These are the attributes and initial attribute values that can be passed into the template and into individual blocks. Columns such as the layout shown in this template, block content, column information contained in the table, buttons, etc. This JSON is also a core part of building a low-code platform. In our plan, WG-Lcode needs to support visual drag-and-drop page design, and this JSON needs to act as the link between page design and page rendering.
Phase 1 planning V 1.0 WG-Blends-Page
When our product presents a similar interface, the development only needs to reference the blendPage template component in the page file and pass the corresponding description JSON information into the component.
About the wg – blend – page
But this seems to be a coded way to solve the reuse problem, some distance from our low code.
Phase II plan V 2.0 WG-lcode-web
We will create an internal backend project for WG-lcode-Web.
Things to do in this episode:
- Create visual engineering interfaces
- You can configure components and fields and properties required by components on the GUI
- Automatically generate the corresponding template page or block component based on the configured field and attribute parameter conditions
- You can select the location specified for the generated artifacts (such as specifying the template page to be generated under a workstation)
- You can post directly online
- Publish the source code along with the distribution line, which can be used for secondary modifications and recustomizations
At this point, these dynamically controllable component properties can be filled in via an online form.
In the front-end workstation project, we can directly find the components corresponding to the page routing of this block template in the Pages folder, and they are all the list add, delete, change and check templates that we have encapsulated.
In this way, if there is a need for secondary development and re-customization, we only need to complete the rendering of the template according to the actual business scene requirements, improve the JSON data, and assign the template property values we set to the components that make up the template.
Phase iii V 3.0 Visual drag low code platform
In this phase of the project, we will do two things:
- Wg-lcode-web back-end management platform needs to support drag-and-drop flexible scaffolding pages
- To achieve this goal, we first need to preset a large number of block components in line with business scenarios and user needs, including but not limited to a large number of rich and perfect table blocks, tree blocks, popover blocks, form blocks, etc.
- Wg-cli scaffolding requires support for floating dev-tool, one-click insertion of code blocks and automatic local page template generation
The above two screenshots are from Ant-Design-Pro and a finished low-code platform