Debugging a Bug is not too hard. The harder thing is naming a Bug, and choosing a name is very important. In Vue, there are multiple references to the use of component names, and the styles are defined within the framework.

The reason

The reason for writing this article is that before writing UI library, encountered the introduction of component names when the problem is not standard.

When writing test cases, one test case failed all the time, but there was no problem with the code logic and instance use after reviewing it for many times. Only a component name error was reported, and then the test was done after changing it, as expected. When registering a component locally in a single-file component, there is no installation specification name and the correct name should be import WIcon from ‘./icon’.

import Wicon from './icon'
components: {Wicon}
Copy the code

The above code is syntactically sound, but it is problematic to use, and the test case will report an error if you use the imported component

in the template like this.

[vue warn] unknown custom element <w-icon>, did you resgister the components correctly?
For recursive components make sure to provide the "name" option
Copy the code

The official advice

After reading the requirements and recommendations for component names in the Vue documentation, make the following points:

  1. Two styles in component names

    Component names need to be multiple words (all lowercase and must contain a hyphen, except for root components and Vue built-in components such as
    ‘< Component >). This avoids conflicts with existing and future HTML elements because all HTML element names are single words.

    A. kebab-case(short line)

    String the words together with short lines, define them in the Kebab style, and use them in the Kebab style. For example, Vue.component(‘my-component-name’, {/*… */}),

    when used.

    A. PascalCase B. PascalCase

    When defining components in the Pascal style, either naming style can be used. Vue.component(‘MyComponentName’, {/*…


    can be used. However, only kebab-case is valid if used directly in the DOM(not

    During local registration, for each property in the Components object, its property name is the name of the custom element, and its property value is the component’s option object.

        new Vue({
          el: '#app'.components: {
            'component-a': ComponentA,
            'component-b': ComponentB
    Copy the code

    However, after using ES6, it is generally written as:

        new Vue({
          el: '#app'.components: {ComponentA, ComponentB}
    Copy the code

    Several places in the project related to component names are the name in Option when creating a component, the name of the component when registering it, the label name when using the component, and the component name when viewing the component structure in Vue Devtools.

    In the case of the Button component, the W-button registered in the entry file is written to use the component in the template. The name declared inside the component, which is visible in vue-devTools, can be used to identify the component, but is not unique.

  2. Write the tag name

    The style guide in the official documentation strongly recommends:

    A. Components with no content in single-file components, string templates, and JSX should be self-closing, but never do so in DOM templates. HTML does not support self-closing elements (except for officially empty elements).

    B. For most projects, component names should be PascalCase in single-file component and string templates, but always kebab-case in DOM templates.

    The following is recommended

        <! -- In single-file components, string templates, and JSX
        <! -- In the DOM template -->
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  3. The style of the prop

    When declaring prop, it should always be named camelCase, and kebab-case should always be used in templates and JSX. CamelCase is more natural in JavaScript and kebab-case in HTML.

        props: {
          isShow: {
           type: Boolean}}Copy the code
     <Dialog is-show="false">
    Copy the code