The introduction

When we import OS, improt SYS, Improt Math, etc., we can import them successfully, but when we import AAA, we can’t. That’s because of Python’s package path. Let’s look at Python’s package path and see how it works.

View the packet guide path

You can view the packet guide path using the built-in SYS module.

In [1] :import sys

In [2]: sys.path
Out[2] : ['D:\\Hui\\DevelopEnv\\Python\\Python379\\Scripts\\ipython.exe'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\DLLs'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\lib'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379'.' '.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\lib\\site-packages'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\lib\\site-packages\\IPython\\extensions'.'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.ipython']

In [3] :Copy the code

Sys. path returns a list of paths that represent the paths of the search elements used to guide Python packages.

  • The Python interpreterfromsys.pathIn order to find the module file or package to import
  • ' 'Represents the current path
  • sys.pathThe order of the paths in the list representsThe Python interpreterThe order in which modules are searched

Path for storing built-in modules and packages

Built-in modules and packages like OS, SYS, JSON, etc., are stored in the Lib directory where the Python interpreter was saved when you downloaded it

Storage path to my personal example:

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Download the third party inventory path

Self-downloaded third-party libraries like Requests and ipython are stored in the Lib site-packages directory

Storage path to my personal example

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However, sys.path contains both paths

So we can find modules and packages using import OS, import sys, import JSON, import requests, and so on

If the corresponding module is not found in sys.path when importing modules and packages, the following error is reported

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'xxx'
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import aaa
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-37ad1770aa41> in <module>
----> 1 import aaa

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aaa'
Copy the code

It works a bit like our computer’s environment variable -Path.

You can open the Python interactive interpreter by typing Python in a CMD window. PIP install XXX can download third-party libraries. All because of the system environment variable -path, which has a specific executable file Path

Append a new packet guide path

We can append a new package path dynamically while the program is running, as shown below

sys.path.append('D:\Hui\Code\Python\demo')		# append to end

sys.path.insert(0.'D:\Hui\Code\Python\demo')   Append to the beginning position to ensure that the path is searched first
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Ipython test

There is now a module in the D:\Hui\Code\Python\demo directory.

The module contains the following contents


def test() :
    print('Succeeded in adding guide path')
Copy the code

[bug Mc-108966] – Import AAA fails to append D:\Hui\Code\Python\demo to package path

After appending, try again

After adding the guide package path can be successfully imported and used.

Django projects append package paths

Come to the application scenario of kangkang guide packet path.

Django usually places subapplication modules under the apps package, but how do you set the path when registering subapplications?

Add code to print the guide path in

import sys
from pprint import pprint

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Pprint pretty print so that the list of outputs is not on one line.

Then run the Django program to see the package path results

['C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\meiduo_project\\meiduo_mall'.'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\meiduo_project'.'D:\\Hui\\DevelopTools\\PyCharm '
 '2020.2.3 \ \ \ \ plugins \ \ python helpers \ \ pycharm_display'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\DLLs'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379\\lib'.'d:\\hui\\developenv\\python\\python379'.'D:\\Hui\\VirtualEnv\\meiduo_mall'.'D:\\Hui\\VirtualEnv\\meiduo_mall\\lib\\site-packages'.'D:\\Hui\\DevelopTools\\PyCharm '
 '2020.2.3 \ \ \ \ plugins \ \ python helpers \ \ pycharm_matplotlib_backend']
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We know the guide path

  • meiduo_project/meiduo_mall

The directory where the Users application resides is known

  • meiduo_project/meiduo_mall/meiduo_mall/apps/users

Therefore, the path to import the Users application can be written as meiduo_mall/apps/users

Knowing where the package is going is a good way to register the child application in

    'django.contrib.admin'.'django.contrib.auth'.'django.contrib.contenttypes'.'django.contrib.sessions'.'django.contrib.messages'.'django.contrib.staticfiles'.'meiduo_mall.apps.users'.# Register user module
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Is it possible to make registering users applications easier? Use the following format to register with the application name Users

    'django.contrib.admin'.'django.contrib.auth'.'django.contrib.contenttypes'.'django.contrib.sessions'.'django.contrib.messages'.'django.contrib.staticfiles'.'users'.# Register user module
Copy the code


  • We know the guide path
    • meiduo_project/meiduo_mall
  • knownusersApplication Directory
    • meiduo_project/meiduo_mall/meiduo_mall/apps/users
  • To use the application name directlyusersregistered
    • A guide path is required:meiduo_project/meiduo_mall/meiduo_mall/apps

The solution

  • Append guide path:meiduo_project/meiduo_mall/meiduo_mall/apps

Append the guide path to

Copy the code

Dead paths are not written in projects, so use BASE_DIR to dynamically concatenate paths

The BASE_DIR content is displayed as follows

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Where does that path come from? Let’s look at the code, okay

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
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  • Among them__file__Is to point to the current module
  • os.path.abspath(__file__)Is the absolute path to the current module
  • os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))Obtain the directory where the module resides according to the current module path


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This is the directory above which the current module resides.

The current module in my case is, which is in Settings, and the directory above Settings is meiduo_mall

Therefore, we can add the packet guide path through BASE_DIR dynamic concatenation of paths

Append the subapplication package path
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'apps'))
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Register the child application and write the application name directly.

    'django.contrib.admin'.'django.contrib.auth'.'django.contrib.contenttypes'.'django.contrib.sessions'.'django.contrib.messages'.'django.contrib.staticfiles'.# 'meiduo_mall.apps.users'

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The role of guide packet paths

By viewing the package guide path, you can quickly know how to import each package in the project.

When taking over the project, I can adapt to the way of project guide package as soon as possible.

By adding packet guide paths, you can simplify the complicated packet guide mode of some directories.

Re-import modules

After the module is imported, import Module can not re-import the module, re-import must use IMP reload

from imp import reload
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Let’s go back to the module example I mentioned earlier


def test() :
    print('Succeeded in adding guide path')
Copy the code

Ipython test

In [21] :import aaa

In [22]: aaa. Test () succeeded In adding the packet guide path In [23] :Copy the code

Do not close ipython at this point and then modify the module as follows


def test() :
    print('Reimport module tests')
Copy the code

Then go back to ipython to test

# Before modification
In [21] :import aaa

In [22]: aaa.test() Succeeded in adding the packet guide path# after modification
In [23]: aaa. Test () succeeded In adding the packet guide path In [24] :import aaa

In [25]: aaa. Test () succeeded In adding the packet guide path In [26] :Copy the code

Aaa. Py has been modified, but the current ipython interaction does not know about it. We can open another ipython interaction to verify this

In [3] :import sys

My aaa. Py module is not in the current package path, so I need to append it dynamically
In [4]: sys.path.insert(0.'D:\Hui\Code\Python\demo')

In [5] :import aaa

In [6]: aaa.test() re-import the module test In [7] :Copy the code

Therefore, after the AAA module is imported, import AAA cannot import the module again. Use the following method to import the module again

# Before modification
In [21] :import aaa

In [22]: aaa.test() Succeeded in adding the packet guide path# after modification
In [23]: aaa. Test () succeeded In adding the packet guide path In [24] :import aaa

In [25]: aaa. Test () succeeded In adding the packet guide path In [27] :from imp import reload

In [28]: reload(aaa)
Out[28]: <module 'aaa' from 'D:\\Hui\\Code\\Python\\demo\\'>

In [29]: aaa.test() reimports module testsCopy the code

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