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Excel offers a fairly wide range of features for creating graphs, which Excel calls charts. You can access Excel’s chart features by selecting Insert > Chart. We will describe how to create bar and line charts here. Other types of charts are created in a similar manner. Once you create a chart, you have access to three new functionality areas, Design, Layout, and Format. These are used to refine the diagrams created.

The bar chart

To create a bar chart, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the data to be diagrammed into the worksheet.
  2. Highlight the range of data, and then select “insert” > | “chart”. Displays a list of bar chart types. In general, you can place your mouse pointer over a picture of any chart type to get a brief description of that chart type. For example, the first is a two-dimensional side-by-side bar chart, while the second is a two-dimensional stacked bar chart.
  3. Use design, Layout, and Formatting zones to complete your chart.

Now, let’s use the following example to show how to create a bar chart.

Example 1 – Create a bar chart for the data in Figure 1.

The first step is to enter the data into the worksheet. Next, we highlight the scope of the A4: D10, which includes data of row and column headings (not including the total number), then select insert > chart | columns.

Figure 1 – Bar chart in Excel

The final diagram is shown in Figure 1, although initially the diagram does not contain a chart title or axis title. To add the chart title, please click on the chart, select “layout” > “tag” | “chart title”, and then select the “chart above and enter the title” results “marketing activities”. By selecting the “layout” > “tag” | “shaft title” > > “main horizontal axis title” at the bottom of the title “axis” and enter the word “urban”, can add the title of the horizontal axis in a similar fashion. Finally, you can add a horizontal axis title by selecting Layout > Vertical Axis title. Tags | axis title title > > the main vertical shaft rotation title.

To make the results appear in Figure 1, we also need to move the chart around the worksheet by clicking the left mouse button on the chart and dragging it to the desired position. We can then resize the diagram to make it smaller (or larger) by clicking on a corner of the diagram and dragging the corner to change the size. To ensure that the aspect ratio (aspect ratio) does not change, it is important to hold down the Shift key while dragging the Angle.

If you want to chart according to the brand sales rather than by city sales chart, you can click the chart, and then select “design” > “data” | “switch row/column”. You can also by clicking on the chart, select the “design” > “type” | “change chart type”, and then select the desired chart type (for example, the stacked bar chart rather than side by side bar chart) to change the type of chart.

The line chart

The process of creating a line chart is similar to that of a bar chart. Main difference is that you need to select “insert” > “chart | line”.

Example 2 – Create a line chart for the average income of people under 30, based on the data in Figure 2.


Figure 2 – Line chart (initial view)

To create a chart, we highlight range B3: bl3 and select Insert > Charts | Line. The result is shown in Figure 2. Next, we describe a series of modifications to the diagram.

With income of legend is not particularly useful, so we by clicking on the chart and select the layout > > tags | illustrations to eliminate it. Next, we simply highlight the title (income) and change it to something more informative, such as “Average income by age,” to change the chart title. We also inserted horizontal and vertical axis headings like the bar chart in Example 1.

Note that the horizontal axis defaults to time series 1 through 10 (because there are 10 data items). To change it to 31 through 40, we click on the diagram and Select Design> Select Data to display the dialog shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Edit axis label dialog box

Now, we click the Edit button (on the right side of the dialog box) on the Horizontal (Category) axis TAB. We are prompted to enter the axis label data range, then enter A4: A13 (or just highlight this range on the worksheet), then press the OK button. Next, we accept the changes by pressing the OK button in the dialog shown in Figure 3.

Since no data element corresponds to income below 20,000, it is better to start the vertical axis at 20,000 rather than 0. We can by clicking on the vertical axis labels (0-40000) and select “layout” > “the currently selected” | “format choice” to achieve (or, right-click on the vertical axis labels, and then select “formatting axis…” Option). This opens the Format Axis dialog box. Select “Axis Options”, then change the “Minimum” radio button from “Automatic” to “Fixed” and enter 20000.

We also decided to change the format of the label to use thousands of comma separators. This is done by selecting the Numbers TAB (also in the Format Axis dialog box) and selecting the Numbers category, then clicking the Use 1000 Delimiter (,) check box and entering 0 for Decimal places.

The result of all these changes is shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 – Line chart (revised view)

A scatter diagram

A scatter plot is simply a diagram of pairs of data elements, the first of which corresponds to the X-axis and the second to the Y-axis.

Example 3: Create a scatter plot of (x, y) pairs as shown in Figure 5 in range A3: C9. Here, these pairs represent each revenue (y value) and operating cost (x value) in millions of dollars. Six divisions of the retail business.

Highlight range B4: C9 and select Insert > Charts | Scatter, and as it did in the previous example modify title, to generate the chart shown in figure 5.

Figure 5 – Scatter plot

To add labels, click on the chart at each point in the chart using the appropriate zone name. This will bring up the three ICONS shown at the top right of the diagram in Figure 5. Click the + icon, and then click to the right of the Data Labels chart element option. On the menu that appears, select “More options…” Options. This will bring up a menu, as shown on the right side of Figure 6. Uncheck the Y Value option, and then the Value from Cell option. In the dialog box that appears, enter the range A4: A9 (including the locale name), and then press the OK button. The diagram will now contain the locale name label, as shown on the left side of Figure 6.

Figure 6 – A labeled scatter diagram

Step figure

Excel does not provide step chart functionality, but we can use the scatter chart functionality shown above to create step charts.

Example 4: Create a step diagram for the data in Figure 7.

Figure 7 – Step diagram data

The key is to re-enter the data found in Figure 7’s A3: B9 by copying the entries, as shown in Figure 8’s range J3: K14. Then can highlight range J3, K14 (or J4: K14), then select insert > Charts | Scatter, use “scatterplot with straight line and tag” option. After making the usual changes to the title, you get the step diagram shown in Figure 8.


Figure 8 – Step diagram