Editor’s note: Since the beginning of this century, with the rise of Internet big data, the explosive growth of information and the wide application of machine learning algorithms such as deep learning in the Field of the Internet, artificial intelligence has once again entered a period of rapid development. At the same time, scientists in different fields, entrepreneurs such as physicist Stephen Hawking, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and others, have expressed concerns about the future of artificial intelligence, and proposed that the rapid development of artificial intelligence may pose a threat to human beings, so the threat theory of artificial intelligence has been widely spread. The threat theory of ARTIFICIAL intelligence is not only a hot social issue that arouses huge controversy, but also a topic of quantitative evaluation of artificial intelligence system behind it.

Speaking of the von Neumann architecture, we have to speak of the Turing Machine, the abstract computing model proposed by The British mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. The Turing Machine is a computer in the brain with an infinitely long tape, Determine the next action based on the input and a state migration table.

Computer pioneers made the first generation of computers based on the Turing machine model, among which the more well-known is the ENIAC computer of the US military, which almost completely cloned the design of Turing machine. ENIAC program is a jumpers on multiple groups of boards, forming a state transition diagram similar to Turing machine. In order to complete this program, It takes several people a week to complete, and then the program can process multiple sets of data inputs and produce results.

Von neumann realized that this method of programming is very slow, so we can imagine the program are stored, the formation of “stored procedures” computer, the computer is the feature of the program and data are loaded into memory, the transfer of data and application to the ALU (arithmetic logic unit) and the controller is calculated, the ALU, of course, also have input and output devices. The von Neumann architecture is characterized by its simplicity and does not require multiple buses between memory and CPU (central processing unit) [1]

Von Neumann framework

AI threat theory in the era of new artificial intelligence and the generation of standard intelligence model

Since the beginning of this century, with the rise of Internet big data, the explosive growth of information, and the wide application of machine learning algorithms such as deep learning in the Internet field, artificial intelligence has entered a period of rapid development again. At the same time, the different areas of the scientists, entrepreneurs such as physicist Stephen Hawking, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and others, have expressed worry about the future of the artificial intelligence, put forward the rapid development of artificial intelligence may produce a threat to human itself, as a result of these scientists, entrepreneurs have a strong influence, artificial intelligence threat so widely spread.

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, its research and development products include editing robots, writing robots and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

The threat theory of ARTIFICIAL intelligence is not only a hot social issue that arouses huge controversy, but also a topic of quantitative evaluation of artificial intelligence system behind it. In the previous article “To carry out AI IQ test, we should first establish a standard intelligence model to unify human and machine”, “The establishment of a standard intelligence model is emphasized to try to generalize the characteristics of human, living body, robot and artificial intelligence system”. As shown below:

FIG. 3 Schematic diagram of standard intelligent system model

This model has the following characteristics:

Feature 1 The ability to obtain data, information and knowledge from the outside world through sound, image and text (including but not limited to these three methods).

Feature 2 The ability to convert data, information, and knowledge acquired from the outside into knowledge mastered by the system.

Feature 3 The ability to make innovations based on external data, information and knowledge, including but not limited to association, creation, speculation, discovery of rules, etc., and the new knowledge mastered can be formed as a result of this ability.

Feature 4 Feedback data, information, and knowledge generated by the system to the outside world or modify the outside world through sound, image, and text (including but not limited to these three methods).

How standard intelligent systems interact with the external world and each other is illustrated by the following figure:

FIG. 4 Interaction between standard intelligent system and the outside world

The evolution of von Neumann architecture in the New Era of artificial intelligence

As mentioned above, von Neumann architecture has five components, namely calculator, logic control device, memory, input system and output system. Contrast our standard in figure 3 and figure 4 describes intelligent models and standards intelligent model knowledge interaction diagrams, von neumann architecture can be found in the age of the Internet under the condition of new artificial intelligence can add two parts, in this supplement, trying to push the people, machines, artificial intelligence system in a more clear way.

The first is the innovation and creation function, that is, according to the existing knowledge, discover new knowledge elements and new rules, make it into the memory, for the use of computers and controllers, and through the input and output system and external knowledge interaction;

The second is the external knowledge base or cloud storage capable of knowledge sharing, while Feng. Neumann architecture’s external storage serves only a single system.

Therefore, the vonneau iman architecture is extended to form the new architecture as shown in Figure 5

Figure 5. New Von Neumann architecture for unifying man and machine

(Author: Liu Feng, Head of AIE Laboratory)

About Omega AI program

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.

Science and Technology and AIE Laboratory, together with the Academy of Sciences and other relevant institutions, jointly launched Omega AI program, using the wisdom of the masses and experts to jointly solve the frontier intersection problems in artificial intelligence, Internet, brain science and other fields.

Omega’S AI program aims to solicit important scientific and technological questions from the general public, technology entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and scientists in the field of artificial intelligence. Invite experts and professionals to participate in discussions, research and solve important scientific and technological problems in artificial intelligence and other related fields through the Internet platform. Regular seminars and brainstorming salons are held to discuss the cutting-edge issues of ARTIFICIAL intelligence that Omega AI plans to focus on. Regularly publish the latest research results through scientific and artificial intelligence experts and other media.