Today, I recommend a very comprehensive collection of AI interview notes, including school recruitment, spring recruitment and autumn recruitment in 2018 and 2019. Topics include natural language processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Machine Learning, C, C++, Python, interview notes, etc.

First place the online address of the interview notes:…

The road map for this GitHub interview Notes collection is: \

In terms of content, it is divided into 8 modules, which are machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, mathematics, algorithms, programming language, written and interview.

The following details respectively!

1. Machine learning

The machine learning part mainly involves four modules: machine learning foundation, machine learning practice, machine learning algorithm and integrated learning. \

For example, the theory part will introduce common mathematical theoretical knowledge in machine learning, such as the relationship and difference between deviation and variance.

The machine learning practice focuses on the practice, introduces some machine learning tuning techniques, and how to build a complete machine learning project. \

2. Deep learning \

The deep learning part mainly involves: deep learning foundation, deep learning practice, CNN, RNN, optimization algorithm, sequence modeling and other modules. \

The theoretical part introduces the common knowledge points of deep learning, such as activation function, methods to prevent over-fitting and so on.

3. The written test is written

The part of written examination mainly involves various long pen-based exams, including: Baidu, Tencent, Bytedance, Kuaishou, iQiyi and so on. \

The basic points of answering an interview question are: \

  • What is the
  • Why (motivation)
  • How to do it (Principle)
  • Usage scenarios
  • Some details (if used)

Introduced an interview experience in the direction of Toutiao/Bytedance-Deep learning /NLP:

There’s a lot more to this interview note, which I suggest you get on GitHub, but I won’t cover it here. \

Finally, insert the address of the AI’s interview notes again:…

Note: the menu of the official account includes an AI cheat sheet, which is very suitable for learning on the commute.

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