Recently, I became obsessed with a tool called After a couple of uses, it got out of hand.

Usually when writing MD articles, often need to insert some frame diagram, schematic diagram, and these diagram changes more frequently, each modification needs to rebuild the picture, and then inserted into the MD, more tedious.

That is, until a group member recommends draw. IO. Clicking on the referenced image link takes you to an edit page that takes effect in real time.

Modify the draw. IO diagram directly in MD:

Sorry that the picture is a little paste, because the original image is too big, it always fails to upload, so I compressed it.

Draw. IO is especially useful at work.

For example, every time I put forward testing requirements, I need to write test suggestions to QA students. I will also use draw. IO to do it: text + pictures, very clear, and finally output a picture to QA students:

After drawing, export as a picture:

I now even use Draw. IO for my fitness plan:

My personal favorite is a graphic with a grid background:

As for the font, the built-in font is relatively common and can be customized. I prefer Google’s ZCOOL KuaiLe Chinese font.

You can customize fonts as follows:

You can choose from custom system fonts, Google fonts, and Web online fonts:

Here I choose to customize a Google ZCOOL KuaiLe font:

More Google fonts can be found here: Google Fonts

Screen out Chinese fonts:

The font effect is as follows:

There are many more features of draw. IO that you can explore and try out for yourself.