Let me start with a few recent observations.

  1. Recently, the sina finance and economics have article jilt pot young man excessive consumption the economic crisis Young Chinese are led the country to dangerous finance.sina.com.cn/stock/ussto…

  2. Tencent’s former employee, also an entrepreneur, recently fell from a building and died, a sad sigh. Business, not the success before 3 times from the 22 floor jump down, his name is forrest gump, https://new.qq.com/omn/20180808/20180808G0S82V.html

  3. The young man’s first job after 95 in not for a long time Led the British: first job working time 95 an average of 7 months after leaving www.chinanews.com/cj/2018/08-…

  4. Limitations of family of origin? The growth of young web celebrity portraiture “kill fish brother” network think real life outside of http://www.bjnews.com.cn/inside/2018/08/10/498962.html

Some people accuse young people of overdrawing for tomorrow, some people accuse young people of being giant babies, and some people say that this generation of young people is not good. This may be the behavior of those who hold the right to speak. Housing prices are not decided by young people, and the current social game rules are not determined by young people to what extent they can control them.

“The extension of life expectancy has really brought a whole new social problem,” Wang said. It used to be that every generation in their twenties would finish their books and start working just as the previous generation started thinking about retirement. Now the rhythm is off.”

So, how will this generation of young people (under 30) live? My personal thinking is more divergent, and I am afraid of making comments on current events. The following contents will not discuss my views on current events.

I prefer to set up a coordinate system, and talk about my personal feelings about the way of living from the ancient and the modern.

Spatial dimension – Chinese and foreign

From a domestic perspective, many of the articles that have swept the Internet over the years have ticked young people’s nerves, either frightening them or demoralizing them, like your peers abandoning you, or preaching that hard work is useless, a lot of toxic chicken chicken, basically saying that if you work hard enough, you’ll eventually find… The end is still so frustrated and so on, these you really when jokes can be happy, don’t really feel that hard study hard work useless.

Compared with foreign peers, according to my personal a small amount of sample observation, I found a phenomenon, people born prick silk, do an ordinary good easier being in a foreign country, by contrast, students stay at home, endless anxiety around all us ordinary people, even if most people flee first-tier cities life is not easy.

In view of the differences between China and foreign countries, most of my peers come from ordinary families. I think I can share three thoughts with you.

** First, from the perspective of short-term social mobility, the likelihood of continuing to work hard and then changing your fate is higher at home than abroad. ** In developed countries, where social classes are already highly stratified, it is much harder to cross them. See from my previous one data, Chinese undergraduate population proportion about 6%, in the history of ancient Chinese literacy is not more than 5%, the two wide data to estimate the not particularly big, the data can be roughly a corollary, Chinese class hasn’t completely curing, by reading the university entrance exam to change the fate of the probability.

** Secondly, in terms of long-term development competitiveness, the development potential of young people is very different. From primary school to undergraduate education, although the generation around us is a generation learning foreign languages, they are not all people with a “world” outlook. Because of the existence of various walls, the inner wall has blocked the imagination of young people. The wall of poverty in the original family has killed the “fish-killing brother”. The wall of information is more monotonous for young people to obtain information. If I have a correct understanding of universities, the courses offered to undergraduates by famous universities are all of the same level, which is neither better nor worse. What really shapes people’s differences is not only knowledge or knowledge, but the world outlook shaped by insight and courage. Undergraduate majors may limit one’s options in the short term, but what really limits a college graduate’s long-term development is vision. I have not been abroad since I was almost 30 years old, and my English is not good enough. Seeing the world is just a skin. I have a deep understanding of it, and it is not the same realm to rely on reading and experience. The logic of “underachieving students” in elite schools is to find a good school, take two courses, have a student identity, class is not important, the important thing is to travel, contact with people, talk, see everywhere. Gao Xiaosong said in the wonderful works conference, in the current travel thousands of miles before reading thousands of books, now the knowledge has been inflated into a bubble, we need more vision to get the ability to judge books. I think the reason is the same. We are not short of knowledge but short of knowledge, which has a great impact on the long-term development of young people.

Finally, internationalization is the theme of China’s development in the next stage. More and more enterprises go abroad for development. Young friends must find more internationalization direction. Last year, I know a company that publishes games for the Middle East market and makes localized operations for the Middle East. Another mobile phone manufacturer makes system adaptation for local religious worship, and the two companies have done very successful localization business. In the course of development, any latecomer country will gradually become an economy highly dependent on global trade, and many developed countries also rely on global finance to support their huge welfare expenditures. Wealth depends on amplitude, happiness depends on frequency, this international wave, if young people can catch it will also create wealth myth. It’s a pity that I don’t know enough about foreign economy, politics and culture, so I don’t have more opinions to share.

Time dimension – ancient and modern

The ancient imperial examination system has always allowed China to have a relatively good mobility, the dynasty for Tian She Lang, the twilight ascend the Temple of heaven. Will have no seed, men when self-improvement. In history, there were many peasant uprisings in China that overthrew the ruling class, but few in western history. Ancient China’s institutions were designed with great political wisdom, and institutional evolution has been adjusted with the goal of social mobility, because the rulers knew that if society became rigid, there would be mass riots.

Today’s China, compared with many other ethnic groups in the world, we are still a very hard-working people, and the social atmosphere is becoming more and more open, although we still carry a lot of historical burdens and prejudices.

With history as a mirror, LET me do some thinking.

First of all, the conflict between collectivism and individualism makes many enterprises confused. After years of deep cultivation, a lot of IT corporate culture began to have more and more strong vitality and confidence, the awakening of civic consciousness, so that a lot of emphasis on individualism of corporate culture by leaps and leaps, emphasizing the collectivism of the order of the enterprise is becoming less and less vitality. The most appropriate metaphor for an enterprise is a ball game trying to win. In this era full of uncertainties and variables, emphasizing the flexibility of individualism is more conducive to the success of an enterprise and the accumulation of personal potential energy.

From my own superficial knowledge, I agree with the view that the western army emphasizing individualism is more effective than the Eastern army emphasizing collectivism, which is easily destroyed by the strategy of catching the thief before the king. The smaller Qing army defeated the Ming army, and despite reasons such as the Little Ice Age, many battles were rout style. At the battle of Marathon in the Greco-Persian war, ten thousand Greeks defeated one hundred thousand Persians. So select team, my personal advice, if they are to face more unknown circumstances, to choose more can stimulate individual potential, to accumulate personal potential energy of the team, if faced with the problem of more known, can choose to focus on stress prevents this collective, individual can conceal cowardice, exert the power of collective.

Secondly, winning at the starting line with winning the choice of long-distance running. This is a common problem faced by anxious young people. Parents want their children to get a head start, but some children naturally mature later than others. The ancients lived shorter lives, but they didn’t have the same anxiety about the starting line as modern people do, and some of them were destined to be famous at a young age and some of them were destined to be great at a late age, and there are countless examples. In fact, a very important point to consider here is “line”, what is the starting line on earth, whether this reference system is reliable. Marcel Duchamp gave up painting in 1912. Chen danqing says Duchamp turned over the page on something big and old, like painting. Until the 1950s and 1960s, “art” still meant painting and sculpture, which had been going on for thousands of years. It was so old that the starting point was very difficult to overcome. Duchamp was alert, thinking more than a hundred years ago: besides painting and sculpture, he tried to redefine the word “art”. I’ve always believed that smart people see what others don’t, and reflect on the rules of the game themselves. Each of us has a specific time and space condition for our behavior. I advocate thinking more deeply about the dimension and length of competition, and choosing short-term security or long-term resilience of life. Everyone may have to think deeply.

** Finally, success, most of the time is not a method, is the price. ** Young people who change jobs frequently may think that they can live for a long time and try more. I think it is right that people are more and more free, which is a very good thing. But on the other hand, are young people making too hasty decisions, that they don’t need to make prudent decisions? I don’t think job-hopping is the issue, because each different workplace methodology has specific adaptations. I have peers who jumped ship within seven months and stayed at the same company for five years. They all got what they wanted.

The real key, I think, is not the methodology but the cost. If we change to the perspective of cost, I think it may help us out of the job-hopping dilemma. Personally, I strongly agree that young people should dare to break the convention, dare to deviate from the norm, dare to “bet on tomorrow” with their youth. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow never comes. What young people really need to think about is what they can “bet on tomorrow”.

Du Yuesheng, a green gang leader of the Republic of China, once said to a cultured friend, “You used to be a carp. After 500 years of cultivation, you jumped into longmen and became a dragon, while I used to be a loach. Then in the cultivation of 500 years just jumped longmen, if we both fail that you or a carp and I can become a loach pull you say I do things how can not be careful?” . This paragraph, estimate will poke in a lot of underclass youth soft rib. Think about it, there are countless ordinary people disappeared in the dust of history, but a lot of people still struggle hard. Our generation of bottom-slingers fought their way up, and each of us ended up trapped by his or her own endowments, resources, and times, hitting a ceiling that he or she would never break through. Most people don’t achieve real, sustained success, but millions struggle with themselves, and that’s the price of consistency. Everyone was deeply trapped in the fear that they could not continue to make breakthroughs. The fifth generation of Chinese directors, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, all became famous when they were young. They no longer had works beyond their previous works, but they still worked hard to create.

Luo Zhenyu of Luji Thought also said that in this era, there are countless entrepreneurs, who always look down on themselves and are always dissatisfied with themselves. They are making continuous efforts for the goal doomed to failure. Their success is neither method nor good luck, but they are always paying the price that ordinary people refuse to pay.


To sum up, many dimensions have not changed at all times.

In my opinion, the class differentiation in China is taking shape and has not been solidified, and there is still a chance to realize the class transition with continuous efforts. However, the difference in long-term competitiveness is gradually becoming prominent, and both leaders and followers are becoming divided. Young people should broaden their horizons and open their eyes to see the world, especially to pay attention to international development.

In addition, we ordinary people still have a long career as a career than a student, a lot of people work is knowledge of emotional work, occasionally with grave mood to work, but the river’s lake is a long way, life is very long, as long as the young people want to success tomorrow, you first digging their own potential, and constantly and the ceiling of his fight, again and again envelops into their own endowment resources.

PS: This week’s small composition is very divergent, the author is working hard. If there is a better writing methodology, please feel free to advise.

PS S: Over the years, there have been many entrepreneurs around. They have had ups and downs. Sometimes they have gone the right way, sometimes they have gone the wrong way. In the first half of this year, the primary market is expected to run out of money after launching unicorns every 3.5 days. The sharp rise in costs in various aspects, such as taxes, rent and manpower, puts even greater pressure on small companies like us.

Finally, to borrow a word from chicken soup: entrepreneurs are always paying the price that ordinary people refuse to pay.


Andy Reed Technology founder and CEO

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