The introduction

This article is a summary of the melon in 2020, a little feeling, to share with you.

2020 is bound to be an extraordinary year.

Only the first half of the year: “epidemic”, “trade war”, “kobe Bryant”, “Wall Street”, “price” and room “N”, “black human rights”, “flood”…

I wonder how I will feel after five years, or ten years, or fifty years.

For you and me, this is a period of “years” worth remembering! (It is said that the older you get, the more nostalgic you become.)

This melon

I write self-proclaimed “Ben gua”, take meaning from “nuggets Anthony”. When I first saw the word “Nuggets”, I first thought of the NBA “Nuggets”. I started to watch football in 2008, sprout in Queen Bee Paul, developed in banana boat brothers. As a result, I also have a special love for Grug.

Society my brother, now also old. Do not know when he saw the 00 post fat tiger in the “flying all over the sky”, how to feel? Did he want to show the young man again that Lian Po was not old and still had a good mouth?

console.log("The Black Mamba,Rest in peace.")
Copy the code

Two years

The end of the first half means that Bengua has graduated for two years. The right job to look for, the place to live around, people coming and going. Indeed, “Life is a struggle”!

On the ordinary 211, into the ordinary Internet, writing ordinary code, touch ordinary fish.

After the ordinary work, the ordinary dinner, the ordinary entertainment in the ordinary tenement, the time always flies away quickly.

Once thought he was the chosen one, then discovered he was the “Chosen tool man”. Cried 😂.

“But”, there is always that disobedient voice in my heart to warn me. Bengua always remembers grandpa Hemingway’s words:

But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

I was not made for you to defeat. You can destroy me, but you cannot defeat me.

So even a tool man would choose to fight on!


My hometown is Hubei province. I went home for the Spring Festival via Wuhan. At that time, no one thought that such a large-scale “war epidemic” would occur.

At first, my mother complained that I had too little holiday for Chinese New Year (ten days), and ended up staying for three months. He returned to his place of work for another month. It was early May when I went back to work.

I mainly do three things at home: 1. Accompany my parents; 2. Long-distance relationship with your girlfriend; 3. Work from home.

What surprised me was that after staying at home for so long, my parents still refused to give up when we said goodbye at the station. Children struggling outside are not easy, and parents often suffer from the pain of missing, especially families with only children.

The stock market

Bengua got into the stock market around June 2019. Although I know that I cannot escape the fate of “leek”, I also know that “investment is a lifelong thing”. Therefore, he entered the market with a learning attitude and invested 10% to 30% (conservative type).

The stock market in the first half of 2020, you know, the U.S. stock market circuit breaker five times, Buffett did not see. Subsequent fed crazy money printing, capital injection, the United States stock rebound into ten thousand points, is fantastic.

The leek in the big A steady performance, small loss 6 to 7 points, this wave of learning, not loss?

Because the epidemic situation is waiting for home, take a bit to encourage the nature of the church old dad fry, deficit is impossible to deficit, only when pay tuition fees, learn the stock meltdown scene of a hundred years, how rare the opportunity 🐶.

A station

Almost every programmer has the experience of setting up a site, this is also the heart of Ben Melon.

In the first half of this year, I not only built my personal site, but also improved Github Page Blog and the welcome friend chain.

At the same time, SEVERAL Web projects have been built on ECS:

  1. Front end bookmark web: a collection of bookmarks on the front end learning path. The current style needs to be adjusted, and the functionality needs to be improved. Too little feedback QAQ.

  2. Daily one net: use somebody else’s front-end open source framework, I plan to use Node as the background, the data stored in the database. Localization and functional expansion (add tomato clock, etc.) will be implemented gradually.

  3. Chart bed service: the current function is too simple, need to improve, including: limit upload type, view pictures lazy loading and so on.

The Denver nuggets

In the first half of the year, I was promoted to the third-level author of nuggets. *. * * ( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*. First set a small goal: grade 5 at the end of the year, I want to write a small book seriously.

Sincerely hope that you can move the little finger more praise 👍!

Another wave of self-promotion:

  • Inside ghost message: series of high-frequency interview questions, worth a look!
  • Vue(V2.6.11) million lines of source code raw gnaw, just hard!
  • Programmer’s Guide to Humor, are you the hipster
  • As a humble frontman, what web links do I collect?
  • Rereading the INTRODUCTION to the ES6 Standard (3rd edition)
  • More can be found at……

Welcome to exchange ~

The interview

Bengua has come to understand that “quality is not quantity” in an interview.

Prepare well for every interview. A good summary is the key.

Post a brain map record of your interview preparation and summary, and wish you all the best!

  • This melon summary

Interviewing is important, but as a programmer:

  1. All things become known.
  2. Handwritten code (non-CV code).

These two habits are even more important in “everyday development life”!

Looking forward to

In the second half of the year

  • Continue to improve
  1. Improve the site (or at least make it simpler).
  2. Improve your blog (or at least manage your tags properly).
  3. Perfect your project on ECS (or at least make it comfortable).
  • Continuous output
  1. Nuggets column continued output, early on level 5.
  2. Public construction output, resource arrangement.
  3. B station/Youtube video output (want to do movie commentary/unboxing video, etc., just do it).
  • Daily Flag
  1. Read more books and read more news (policy, finance, science).
  2. Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy.

More expectations in the heart silently wish and strive for ✊……

The nuggets essay | 2020 years and I summarize the campaign is under way…

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