• background

Although Eureka is no longer maintained in open source, there are many good things to learn from being an excellent framework.

  • Environment configuration

Set the global configuration

Configure the Eureka server

Configure the Eureka client

  • A common HTTP REST interface for registries

I personally think that’s where the value comes in. It’s written in Java, but it provides an HTTP interface, not an RPC interface, so that it can cross languages, not just Java.

  • View a list of all service http://localhost:3000/eureka/apps

As you can see from this, this is a Map> double Map structure, which will be explained later.

  • Check the corresponding service http://localhost:3000/eureka/apps/APP-ORDER

  • Rolled off the production line of the corresponding instance of a service PUT http://localhost:3000/eureka/apps/APP-ORDER/localhost:app-order:8001/status? value=DOWN

  • Similarly launched a service of the corresponding instance of the PUT http://localhost:3000/eureka/apps/APP-ORDER/localhost:app-order:8001/status? value=UP

Here are just a few of the interfaces THAT I personally use or consider important. The best is to refer to the official documentation: github.com/Netflix/eur…

  • The late notice

This article is mainly before the source code analysis of the environment configuration and related to some important interface enumerations, the next Eureka Server source code analysis, enjoy looking forward to!