I. Introduction to VRP
1 Basic principles of VRPVehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most important research problems in operations research. VRP is concerned with the path planning of a supplier and K points of sale, which can be summarized as: for a series of delivery points and receiving points, the organization calls certain vehicles, arranges appropriate driving routes, and makes the vehicles pass through them in an orderly manner, under specified constraints (e.g. The demand and quantity of goods, delivery and delivery time, vehicle capacity limit, mileage limit, driving time limit, etc.), and strive to achieve certain goals (such as the shortest total mileage of empty vehicles, the lowest total transportation cost, vehicles arrive at a certain time, the use of the smallest number of vehicles, etc.). The legend of VRP is as follows: 2 Problem Attributes and FaQsThe characteristics of vehicle routing problem are relatively complex and generally include four attributes: (1) Address characteristics include the number of parking lots, demand types and operation requirements. (2) Vehicle characteristics include: vehicle number, carrying weight constraints, carrying variety constraints, running route constraints, and working time constraints. (3) Other characteristics of the problem. (4) The objective function may be to minimize the total cost, or minimize the maximum operating cost, or maximize just-in-time operations.
3 Common problems are as follows:(1) Traveling salesman Problem (2) Vehicle Routing problem with Capacity Constraint (CVRP)
The model was difficult to extend to other scenarios of VRP and the execution paths of specific vehicles were not known, so the model continued to be improved.
(3) Vehicle routing problem with Time Windows (VRP with Time Windows) is a vehicle routing problem with Time Windows (VRP with Time Windows, VRPTW), considering that demand points have requirements on vehicle arrival Time. The Vehicle Routing problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is a time window constraint for the customer to be visited on the VRP. In the VRPTW problem, in addition to the driving cost, the cost function also includes the waiting time caused by arriving at a customer early and the service time required by the customer. In VRPTW, vehicles must not only meet the constraints of VRP problems, but also meet the Time Window constraints of demand points. The Time Window constraints of demand points can be divided into two types, one is Hard Time Window, which requires that vehicles must arrive within the Time Window. Early arrival must wait, while late arrival is rejected. The other is the Soft Time Window. It is not necessary to arrive in the Time Window, but to arrive outside the Time Window must be punished. The biggest difference between the Soft Time Window and the hard Time Window is to replace waiting and rejection with punishment.
Model 2(refer to 2017 A generalized Formulation for Vehicle Routing problems) : This model was formulated with two-dimensional decision variables
(4) Collection and distribution problem (5) Reference for multi-yard vehicle routing problem (2005 Lim, Genetic Algorithm for multi-yard vehicle routing problem _ Zou Tong, 1996 Renaud)
Since vehicles are homogeneous, the modeling here does not include vehicle dimensions in the variables.
(6) priority constraint vehicle route problem (7) compatibility constraint vehicle route problem (8) random demand vehicle route problem
4 solutions (1) mathematical analysis method (2) human-computer interaction method (3) group and then arrange route method (4) group and then arrange route method (5) save or insert method (6) improve or exchange method (7) mathematical programming approximation method (8) heuristic algorithm
5 Comparison between VRP and VRPTW
Introduction to genetic algorithm
1 the introduction
Genetic algorithm theory2.1 Biological basis of genetic algorithm
2.2 Theoretical basis of genetic algorithm
2.3 Basic concepts of genetic algorithm
2.4 Standard genetic algorithm
2.5 Characteristics of genetic algorithm
2.6 Improvement direction of genetic algorithm
3. Genetic algorithm flow
4 Key Parameters
Three, some source code
%% includes charging stations1
clear all
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[NO,type,XCOORD, YCOORD,DEMAND,READY_TIME,DUE_DATE,SERVICE_TIME]=textread(filename,'%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'.'headerlines'.1); Empirical solution path K= Randperm (100); % Randomly sort customer points M=30; % Task capacity =200; % timewindows_yuanshi=[str2num(char(READY_TIME))'; str2num(char(DUE_DATE))']; % time window coordinate_yuanshi=[str2num(char(XCOORD)),str2num(char(YCOORD))]; % Coordinate information Coordinate_chongdianzhan =[coordinate_yuanshi(2:22.1)'; Coordinate_yuanshi (2:22, 2) '; ]'; Demand_yuanshi =str2num(char(DEMAND))'; Service_yuanshi =str2num(char(SERVICE_TIME))'; % All service time D=distanse(coordinate_yuanshi); % distance 1 coordinate=[coordinate_yuanshi(1,1),coordinate_yuanshi(K(1:M)+22,1)'; coordinate_yuanshi(1.2),coordinate_yuanshi(K(1:M)+22.2)'; ] '; % Center and customer location timeWindows =[timewindows_yuanshi(1.1),timewindows_yuanshi(1,K(1:M)+22) ;timewindows_yuanshi(1.2),timewindows_yuanshi(2,K(1:M)+22)]; % demand=[demand_yuanshi(1),demand_yuanshi(K(1:M)+22)]; % service=[service_yuanshi(1),service_yuanshi(K(1:M))+22]; % Coordinate_yuanshi1 =[Coordinate_yuanshi (1.1),coordinate_yuanshi(23:end,1)'; Coordinate_yuanshi coordinate_yuanshi (1, 2), (23: end, 2) '; ]';%中心和客户坐标位置
% D1=distanse(coordinate_yuanshi1);%距离
% %% 遗传参数初始化
C=500;%C为停止代数,遗传到第 C代时程序停止,C的具体取值视问题的规模和耗费的时间而定
%经验公式m=[Σgi /aq]+1,粗求车辆数
function [ farm ] = crossover( farm,n,k,popsize,Pc )
%CROSSOVER Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% ⑴随机产生交叉位,如果在交叉位的外侧两端的父代基因都是0的话,则对父代1
% 进行简单交叉;如果交叉位的外侧两端的父代基因不为0的话,则将左交叉位向左
% 移,直至移动到左交叉位的左端基因为0时停止。以左交叉位为起点,继续向右移
% 动右交叉位,直至右交叉位的右端基因为0为止。这样就保证了父代染色体都用1条
% 子路径来进行交叉。
% ⑵经过第1步操作,子代中仍会产生访问同一客户2次的情况,需要对
% 子代进行整理。在子代中选择那些具有重复情况的自然数,如果该自然数并非
% 在交叉位内的话,则删除之。子代如存在未访问到某一客户的情况,则在染色
% 体的交叉位外补上该客户对应的自然数。
% ⑶经过第2步的操作,如果产生了某一子路径为空的情况,即染色体中含
% 有2个连续的0,须继续进行第3步操作。将其中的1个0与染色体其它位上
% 的客户自然码进行交换。对该客户自然码的要求是该码的前一位与后一位均不
% 为0。本步操作可放在对子代的变异后进行。
function temp = minsert(chrom,num,n)%insert函数,向量中指定位置插入数
[x,xx] = size(chrom);
temp = zeros(1,xx+1); %初始化
temp(1,1:n) = chrom(1,1:n);
temp(1,n+1) = num;
temp(1,(n+2):(xx+1)) = chrom(1,(n+1):xx);
function temp = mdelete(chrom,n)%delete函数,向量中指定位置删除数
[x,xx] = size(chrom);
temp = zeros(1,xx-1); %初始化
temp(1,1:n-1) = chrom(1,1:n-1);
temp(1,n:xx-1) = chrom(1,(n+1):xx);
total = n+k+1;
for i = 1:(popsize/2) %按对进行交叉
if Pc > rand
chromosome1 = zeros(1,total);
chromosome2 = zeros(1,total);
chromosome1 = farm(i,:); %染色体1
chromosome2 = farm(popsize - i + 1,:); %染色体2
ran1L = round(rand*(total-3)+2); %随机数1 注意1和最后不要随机到
while chromosome1(1,ran1L) == 0 %不能随机到0
ran1L = round(rand*(total-3)+2);
ran1R = ran1L;
ran2L = round(rand*(total-3)+2); %随机数2
while chromosome2(1,ran2L) == 0 %不能随机到0
ran2L = round(rand*(total-3)+2);
ran2R = ran2L;
while chromosome1(1,ran1L-1) ~= 0 %左移直至第一个0出现
ran1L = ran1L - 1;
while chromosome1(1,ran1R+1) ~= 0 %右移直至第一个0出现
ran1R = ran1R + 1;
while chromosome2(1,ran2L-1) ~= 0 %左移直至第一个0出现
ran2L = ran2L - 1;
while chromosome2(1,ran2R+1) ~= 0 %右移直至第一个0出现
ran2R = ran2R + 1;
temp1 = zeros(1,total); %临时储存
temp2 = zeros(1,total); %临时储存
length1 = ran1R-ran1L+1; %片段长
length2 = ran2R-ran2L+1; %片段长
for ii = 1:length1 %转移到临时储存
temp1(1,ii) = chromosome1(1,ran1L+ii-1);
for ii = 1:length2 %转移到临时储存
temp2(1,ii) = chromosome2(1,ran2L+ii-1);
chrom1 = zeros(1,total+length2-length1); %中间染色体1
chrom2 = zeros(1,total+length1-length2); %中间染色体2
chrom1(1,1:ran1L-1) = chromosome1(1,1:ran1L-1);
chrom1(1,ran1L:ran1L+length2-1) = temp2(1,1:length2);
chrom1(1,ran1L+length2:total+length2-length1) = chromosome1(1,ran1R+1:total);
chrom2(1,1:ran2L-1) = chromosome2(1,1:ran2L-1);
chrom2(1,ran2L:ran2L+length1-1) = temp1(1,1:length1);
chrom2(1,ran2L+length1:total+length1-length2) = chromosome2(1,ran2R+1:total);
nala1 = zeros(1,total);%搜索temp2中有而temp1中没有的数,那个数1中必定重复
nala11 = zeros(1,total);%存放nala中数的位置
nala2 = zeros(1,total);%搜索temp1中有而temp2中没有的数,那个数2中必定重复
nala22 = zeros(1,total);%存放nala中数的位置
kk = 1; %nala的下标 好累啊,wwwww......
for ii = 1:length2
flag = 0;
for j = 1:length1
if temp2(1,ii) == temp1(1,j);
flag = 1;
if flag == 0
nala1(1,kk) = temp2(1,ii);
kk = kk + 1;
kk = 1; %nala的下标
for ii = 1:length1
flag = 0;
for j = 1:length2
if temp1(1,ii) == temp2(1,j);
flag = 1;
if flag == 0
nala2(1,kk) = temp1(1,ii);
kk = kk + 1;
ii = 1;
while nala1(1,ii) ~= 0
[x,xx] = find(chrom1==nala1(1,ii)); %找出重复的位置
j = 1;
while xx(1,j) >= ran1L && xx(1,j) <= ran1L+length2-1
j = j + 1;
nala11(1,ii) = xx(1,j); %将重复数的位置保存下来
chrom1(1,xx(1,j)) = 0; %%重复的数变为零
ii = ii + 1;
ii = 1;
while nala2(1,ii) ~= 0
[x,xx] = find(chrom2==nala2(1,ii)); %找出重复的位置
j = 1;
while xx(1,j) >= ran2L && xx(1,j) <= ran2L+length1-1
j = j + 1;
nala22(1,ii) = xx(1,j); %将重复数的位置保存下来
chrom2(1,xx(1,j)) = 0; %%重复的数变为零
ii = ii + 1;
[xx,x] = size(nonzeros(nala1));%得到nala的大小
[yy,y] = size(nonzeros(nala2));%得到nala的大小
if yy-xx < 0 %交换后变成yy>xx的情况
[chrom1,chrom2] = exchange(chrom1,chrom2);
[nala1,nala2] = exchange(nala1,nala2);
[nala11,nala22] = exchange(nala11,nala22);
% yy-xx > 0 --> 说明变化后1比2短-->1需要补0并且插入,2需要补0并且删0
% yy-xx < 0 --> 说明变化后2比1短-->2需要补0并且插入,1需要补0并且删0
ii = 1;
while nala11(1,ii) ~= 0
chrom1(1,nala11(1,ii)) = nala2(1,ii);%1中补0
chrom2(1,nala22(1,ii)) = nala1(1,ii);%2中补0
ii = ii + 1;
model1 = chrom1; %用来适应变量维度
model2 = chrom2;
j = 1; %!!!!!!!j初始化应该放在while循环外面,小错误不断啊
flag_nala22 = 1;
% %两个chrom的维度是一个问题
% chrom11 = zeros(1,total);
% chrom22 = zeros(1,total);
while nala2(1,ii) ~= 0
model1 = [model1,0]; %注意顺序
model1 = minsert(chrom1,nala2(1,ii),1);
chrom1 = [chrom1,0];
chrom1 = model1;
while flag_nala22 %又是一个错误,靠,nala22temp每次循环都会被初始化,1次就够了,细心细心,淡定淡定......
nala22temp = zeros(1,total-ii+1);
nala22temp = nala22(1,ii:total);
flag_nala22 = 0;
nala22temp = sort(nala22temp);
nala22temp = fliplr(nala22temp);
[q,qq] = size(chrom2);
model2 = zeros(1,qq-1); %注意顺序
model2 = mdelete(chrom2,nala22temp(1,j));
j = j + 1;
chrom2 = zeros(1,qq-1);
chrom2 = model2;
ii = ii + 1;
farm(i,:) = chrom1;
farm(popsize - i + 1,:) = chrom2;
end %交叉概率检测
end %main loop
end %function
Copy the code
4. Operation results
Matlab version and references
1 matlab version 2014A
[1] Yang Baoyang, YU Jizhou, Yang Shan. Intelligent Optimization Algorithm and Its MATLAB Example (2nd Edition) [M]. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2016. [2] ZHANG Yan, WU Shuigen. MATLAB Optimization Algorithm source code [M]. Tsinghua University Press, 2017.