Ask a graphics card what it hates most, and the answer is Ethereum.
Ethereum, miners go crazy, graphics cards shiver, gamers swear.
However, aside from buying mining machines, connecting to mining pools, and selling coins for cash, has anyone looked at ethereum’s reward system?
Just listen to me slowly.
Temporary fork
Because blockchain is a decentralized technology, all the miners in the world work at the same time, independently mining the blocks that meet the requirements. Working independently of each other, it is possible for two independent miners to find two different blocks that meet their requirements, such as the following situation, known as a temporary fork.
Note: An arrow pointing to a block means it holds the Hash of the previous block
Both miners have found a block of height 2, so whose is it to use?
Blockchain is a snob. It only recognizes the longest chain. The yellow and green blocks that have the next block and become the longest chain will be recognized and those that fail will be abandoned. To become one of the longest chain, two miners are desperately to dig yourself into blocks by means of radio tell more nodes, and hope they can bring their own blocks spread more widely, making more miners in his dug under the block of mining under a block, eventually make their own blocks part of the longest chain.
However, there is only one winner, the winner writes the history, the loser is discarded and the transactions are repackaged into the subsequent block. Here’s the green block winning, and the yellow block orphaned and abandoned.
It happens all the time. It’s not unusual. If the block is abandoned, what happens to the mining rewards it contains? For Bitcoin, the winner takes all and the loser gets nothing. The heart of the miner who dug out the yellow block is broken, he is crying .
Uncle blocks (Uncle Block)
Ethereum created a new term Uncle Block. For a block of height 3, the green block is its parent block. The yellow block failed, but it was a sub-block of the height 1 block and a sibling block of the green block. Thus, the block of height 3 is respectfully called the yellow block uncle, uncle block is so named.
Note: The dotted line is used only to state the relationship, not to indicate an actual connection.
And orphan blocks that are not part of the main chain become uncles if they are picked up by a subsequent block in the blockchain via the uncles field. If an orphan block is not picked up by any block, the orphan block will still be discarded and will not enter the blockchain. In other words, the orphan block will become uncle block only after being picked up.
Ethereum is designed to be much more human than Bitcoin, and it can be rewarded so that miners don’t have to worry about working for nothing. In addition, the block who hosts the uncle block in the future has an additional reward, which is also known as containing uncle block.
The block at height 3 below contains a tertiary block, but the tertiary block is only contained, and the transactions in the tertiary block are returned to the trading pool for repackaging. A block can contain a maximum of two tertiary blocks.
Why is Ethereum designed this way? Because Ethereum’s block time is around 20 seconds, it is more prone to temporary forks and orphan blocks than Bitcoin. The shorter block times also make it harder for blocks to spread fully across the network, especially for miners with slow connections, which is a huge injustice. In order to balance the interests of all parties, such a tertiary block mechanism was designed. Tertiary block in all excavated blocks accounted for the proportion of tertiary block rate, tertiary block rate is about 9.7% at present.
Source: The Ethereum Blockchain Explorer
The Gas that drives the program
Ethereum, a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts, provides a Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, on which developers can build a variety of applications. You can think of the EVM as your computer, capable of running some ethereum-defined instructions. Unlike Bitcoin’s scripting engine, Ethereum’s EVM is so powerful that it claims to be “Turing-complete.” Regardless of what is “turing-complete,” as long as you know “turing-complete” virtual machine can realize loop statement, a loop there must be a little bad egg or unqualified programmers make a dead loop, computer froze dead cycle a big deal, it is good to restart, but the etheric fang is decentralized, EVM entry if death cycle, can’t restart.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
Unfortunately, this Halting Problem, known as The Turing Halting Problem, has been studied years ago and has proven there isn’t a reliable way to detect Halting programs.
Since it can’t be detected, is there another way to stop the loop?
Idle at gas stations, Ethereum developers pondered, asking themselves: Why don’t cars just go crazy and never stop? “Because there will be no gas!” The refueling master said as he pulled out his refueling gun.
I just made up the story to spice it up.
If the EVM program on each instruction to consume a little “resources”, “resources” used up, whether the program execution is not finished, will be forcibly terminated, so whether or not the loop does not matter.
The resource used to execute the program is called Gas, and each instruction consumes a different amount of Gas.
A few examples:
- ADD: ADD operation 3Gas
- MUL: multiplication operation 5Gas
- SUB: subtraction operation 3Gas
- DIV: Division operation 5Gas
- HASH: computes the HASH value 30Gas
The more complex the operation, the more Gas it needs to consume, and by putting an upper limit on Gas consumption, the program can be prevented from running in an endless loop. Ethereum also sets an upper limit on the total Gas consumed by the applications contained in each block, so that the blocks do not contain too many applications and affect some of the weaker nodes. The maximum amount of Gas each block can consume is also subject to a vote by the miners, which currently stands at 6725538Gas, the Gas LIMIT shown below.
Data source: Ethereum Network Status
Gas is not free in real life, and it’s not free in Ethereum either. You buy Gas with Ethereum. Each program gives them how much Ether they are willing to pay for 1 unit of Gas, known as the Gas Price.
The amount of ether each program needs to pay for Gas can be calculated using the following formula:
Gas cost = quantity of Gas consumed x Gas price
The higher the Gas price you are willing to pay, the faster your transaction will be packaged by miners, much like bitcoin transaction fees.
Ethereum block rewards
After the introduction of uncle block and Gas, the core part of ethereum’s reward system is now. As mentioned earlier, there are two types of ethereum blocks, normal blocks and uncle blocks, and we need to discuss the rewards of each block individually.
General block awards:
- Fixed bonus of 5ETH per normal block
- The sum of Gas costs for all programs contained in the block
- If the normal block contains a tertiary block, the fixed reward for each tertiary block is 1/32 of 5ETH, which is 0.15625ETH.
Tert block reward:
The calculation of the tert bonus is a bit complicated, and the formula is:
Tert bonus = (tert height + 8 – The height of the block containing tert) * Normal block bonus / 8
Practice a
First of all, I would like to thank @Jiangzuo Xiaomei for letting me know about a very good browser called Ethereum Blocks Information, which can see the rewards of each block in detail.
Let’s look at a newly dug block, 4222300, which is normal because we saw it on the main chain.
Its rewards consist of three parts:
Fixed bonus: 5ETH
Total Gas cost (also known as transaction fee) : 0.281837168043699381ETH
Bonus for including two terts: 5 * (1/32) * 2 = 0.3125ETH
And I have to note here: the official document reads “an extra reward for including uncles as part of the block”. When I first got into Ethereum in 2015, many online articles said “including uncles”. And I thought I was getting the same Reward as finding these Uncles (and I’m just wrong: 8.75ETH). And the “including Uncles Reward” refers to the Reward for including Uncles into the blockchain. I hope you avoid stepping into this trap.
Let’s look at a tertiary block 0 x1c2cbba0403f1079dcdb70e5971a87ce0fbc03d4572be30e2d17e4e4a0f136d5, is looking at is quite weird, tertiary inconvenient by height, because the same height has been a main chain blocks, That’s how bad it is. The height of the parent block +1 is the height of the tertiary block.
Directly into the formula:
(4222271 + 8-4222272) * 5/8 = 4.375ETH
So much for the reward system, have careful readers noticed that there is a hole ahead:
- “The upper limit of Gas consumption per block can also be adjusted, which is decided by the vote of the miners.” What is the process of this vote adjustment?
In order not to make this article too long and cause inconvenience to everyone’s reading, let’s keep it in suspense, and I will slowly fill in these holes in the future. Ethereum is a really good platform and it’s growing fast, so hopefully people will pay attention to it, learn about it, and drive it, rather than hype it up and ultimately destroy it.
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