DAppNode step-by-step guide

Use the official Ethereum launcher to generate the mnemonic and validator keystore to authenticate Ethereum 2 on DAppNode.

DAppNode has been available as open source software since late 2017, and began selling pre-loaded hardware boxes in 2019 to make it easier to run nodes and DApps.

Users can use its decentralized storage and GUI to deploy nodes and install DApps with just a few clicks, not as complicated as running them directly from the command line. Similarly, DAppNode provides users with an easy way to run the Ethereum 2 validator and constantly update the client.

However, one key step is left up to the user: generating the mnemonic and validator private keys.

Why not generate keys on DAppNode?

This is because it is a critical security step and users must choose the best Settings for themselves. It is best practice to generate the keys mentioned above in a completely offline state on a different machine than the one on which the validator will be running, where it is not safe to generate the keys in a DAppNode.

In this way, users can choose the security measures they want to take to protect their mnemonics, which gives them access to the keys they need to withdraw funds during Phase 1.5. DAppNode users will be redirected to the official Ethereum Foundation startup panel, but users may need to adjust some steps.

Step by step description of the boot board:

1. Read all the steps in the overview section

Take this information seriously, and running a validator at an early stage carries significant risks, if only with adequate understanding of these risks.

2. Don’t skip any parts! Need to read all!

Be responsible for your ETH, don’t say you don’t know.

3. Select the ETH1 client

As a DAppNode user, you can skip this step. DAppNode helps manage your nodes and options.

4. Select an ETH2 client

You can skip this step as DAppNode currently provides a Prysm client implementation. These packages are maintained by updates to their software.

5. Generate a key pair

Here, you need to select the number of validators to deploy. But don’t worry, this can be added later.

Then, select the operating system running the key generation software. If you want to run on the host computer, select the host computer’s operating system.

Download the appropriate software (the required operating system version) from Github and follow the instructions written on the boot pad. You must run the program from the console/terminal – double click to run and follow the instructions written on the boot pad or it may not work!

For those of you who may not be familiar with the command line, it’s simple! Open the terminal/command line in the folder on the right and run the commands provided by the launcher website.

Users can also run the key generation process from an offline computer. How do you do that? Use an old laptop and reinstall Linux. Download the script from Github on the main computer, move it to an offline machine via usbkey, and run the script to generate the mnemonic and validator keys. With the same USbkey, move the deposit data and validator keystore to my main computer and continue the process on the boot pad. Then reinstall the operating system on the old laptop and wipe out all the data.

6. Upload deposit files

The script generates two files to put into the deposit data (…) In json.

7. Connect your wallet

Select the wallet, and then follow specific instructions to connect it to the Web application. This is the wallet where the ETH contract is deposited.

8. View user information

Tip: If you don’t understand or don’t know what Launchpad describes, learn more about it first. Stored ETH will not be available until ETH2 phase 1.5 or later.

If the mnemonic is lost, it will never be able to withdraw the funds again. It is recommended to make a backup. Also make sure to deposit the correct deposit contract.

9. Let’s go

Let’s say the deposit contract has reached the minimum amount. Slash might happen due to some client error, so be prepared to lose 32 ETH, it could happen, please be aware!

Use your DAppNode

A. Installing the Prysm DAppNode Software Package (DN)

Note that the Prysm client has two packages! Test everything on the TestNet test network before testing on the main network.

B. Install and select your Ethereum 1 client

When you click Install, it prompts you to select an endpoint from the Eth1 node. It should normally have been synchronized; if not, click the link and install the package.

Note: While TurboGeth is good, other options are now more recommended because they are more stable.

C. open the UI

Prysm comes with its own UI. To access it, there are two links on DNP:

D. Create a new wallet

To save the keystore created in the previous step, we need to select the Imported Wallet option.

Here, we drag and drop the keystore-(…) Json file. Not deposit – data (…). Json. If you do, an error will be displayed.

You need to unlock this keystore using the password you selected during startup board tool generation. Then select the password for the WebUI:

There’s another password to encrypt your wallet! Friendly tips! The wallet password has some requirements that are not specified in the user interface. User feedback found that at least 7 letters (at least 1 capital letter), at least 3 numbers, and 1 special character are required. Getting down to six letters or two numbers sometimes doesn’t work.

E. The server has an internal error

Yes, it will throw an error. But don’t worry. This will be fixed once the deposit is read from ethereum 1’s chain, which takes about 30 minutes to a few hours. This error:

  1. This is going to keep happening until your ETH1 gets synchronized;
  2. Even if it is synchronized, it takes time to process.

Hopefully the red UI warning will soon be changed to something more explanatory.

Note: Users reported that restarting the Eth1 node seemed to fix it because the dashboards could not recognize their deposits after a while. It may work, but it is only recommended to wait before choosing this path – the Eth1 node is fully synchronized for a few hours. Restarting the Eth1 node may cause it to get out of sync and may need to be synchronized again

ETH2GO: ETH2.0 Chinese service community

ETH2GO data service community

ETH2GO is a data service platform for the ETH2.0 ecosystem. At present, the POS data of ETH2 and messages from third-party service providers are mainly used. In the future, the latest information of ETH2 and newly released project information based on ETH2 will be gradually integrated to provide more auxiliary tools for miners and investors.

Eth2go.com summarizes the information of ETH2.0 third-party service providers that have released the information, and describes the costs and features of various services:

If you want to estimate the return of ETH2 mining, you can enter the amount of ETH you want to pledge in eth2go.com to get the estimated result:


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This article is published by OpenWrite!