In recent years, microservices architecture has become popular in a large number of technical communities and is regarded as the future direction of IT software architecture. First-tier Internet companies, such as Alibaba, Baidu and netease, have long entered the pit of micro-service architecture due to their large business volumes and business scenarios.

But when it comes to microservices, many people still have this question: “As a developer, is microservices architecture irrelevant to me? Isn’t that all about the architects?”

Let me share my views on this issue.

Microservices are one of the hottest back-end architectures out there. No matter what level of programmer you are, no matter what size of company you are in, servitization is a problem that you are bound to encounter sooner or later. The process of implementing microservices is itself a process of upgrading and attacking monsters, and you will encounter almost all backend architecture problems in this process. By solving these problems, you will naturally understand the advanced concepts and become an architect, and growth and capability are ancillary to this process.

Also, once you understand the microservices architecture, you can understand why your leaders want you to do what you’re doing, and it’s easier to think about the progress of your company’s technology from a systems perspective, which can be very helpful in building your big picture.

Moreover, micro service this technology in the interview is always mentioned, especially for the head of Internet enterprises, micro service architecture is an interview assessment necessary, so “into the big factory must master 50 micro service interview questions” and other articles are very popular.

How to design a highly available and concurrent microservice architecture

1. How to split the microservices architecture

Knowledge point: split method, split landing case

2. Microservice architecture applications

Knowledge: Requirements level, performance level, data consistency level

3. Typical architecture mode of microservices

Knowledge: Chain architecture pattern, aggregator architecture pattern, data sharing architecture pattern, asynchronous messaging

4. How do microservices reach 99.999% high availability

Service redundancy, stateless, load balancing, idempotence design, timeout mechanism, asynchronous design, service fuses, limiting traffic degradation

5. Real cases of micro-services

Hundreds of billions of real cases and practices

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