
To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first – The Analects of Confucius · Wei Ling Gong

We all know that preparation is very important to do something well. When programmers write code, equipment is important. This article shares what I think is the must-have kit.

Macbook Pro

In the past, I have used several brands of laptop, Windows, Linux. After switching to a Mac, I never wanted to go back. Why is that?

1. The quality is very good. The Macbook Pro I use in my company was bought in 2014, and there is no problem so far. I really have no reason to change it. For some brands, you can change three at a time… 2. Speed. 3. Touch pad. Let me before the original use of those are scum, most like multiple Windows under the switch. 4. Type of Linux. Mac OS X is based on Unix, the terminal operation is similar to Linux, most of the useful tools can be used directly, Linux users are very friendly. Apple design. You can feel a lot of detail in the design and it’s done perfectly, it’s advanced, it’s aesthetically nurturing. Other brands…

Buying advice:

1. Select the latest model with the largest hard disk capacity within your budget. For Python developers, I don’t think memory requirements are very high (the higher the better), and I used a 4G-ram Macbook Air at my previous company and had no bad memories. 2. The new MacBook Pro at home is made in Asia and The United States, which is very cost-effective. Meeting sea tao can consider may have a good opportunity. 3. The new MacBook Pro has a smaller screen size and overall width compared to the old one. My 13-inch MacBook Pro always feels like a 12-inch laptop, so I recommend buying the 15-inch MacBook Pro.

Electrostatic capacity keyboard – HHKB

Programmers work with code every day, so they need a good keyboard. I’m sure you all know that the Mac’s built-in keyboard is hard to use (I don’t know anyone at work who uses the Mac’s built-in keyboard), and I use an external keyboard unless I’m at home or out.

The external keyboard I’m talking about here is mainly to say electrostatic capacitive keyboard and mechanical keyboard.

Electrostatic capacitive (mechanical) keyboards can greatly enhance the programming experience, and they have a very long life. I did not specifically to understand the keyboard classification, sound, cost performance and so on. I got to know my HHKB Pro 2 from my colleagues when I first joined the company in 2014. The conversation went something like this:

Me: yi, I notice you all use this keyboard, this how? CB: Ah, you still use your own keyboard? Recommend you proceed with 1, call HHKB, cent have carve, have no carve, need sea is cleaned out, come to hand 1 thousand 7,8 me: oh, how do you sea clean out? CB: Riya, buy me with MOE: Cool!

My assessment of this keyboard is that it is often useful and worth every penny. Especially Emacs like me.

Buying advice:

1. If you want more style, you can choose unengraved. I didn’t dare to challenge at that time, and I regret now… 2. You can buy extra key puller and color key cap at the time of purchase. I clean my keyboard twice a year, and the paddles come in handy, and the color caps add a little sparkle to the dull colors of the keys.

I got a little more than 2,000 yuan from overseas shopping (in 2014), I just flipped it down, and now it’s around 23,000 yuan, but now there are so many more options to choose from than then, for example, taobao is very cheap (I can’t understand it), if you have done this kind of shopping, please share your experience.

Noise cancelling headphones

Both mechanical and electrostatic keyboards have one drawback: they make sound when pressing the keys. If you are not a programmer or you do not use this keyboard, you will be annoyed….

On the one hand, I like the sound of HHKB, while most of the developers around me use HHKB. On the other hand, developers should be immersed in the world of writing code and ignore the influence of external sounds.

If you’re a student who gets distracted by the noise of demands being discussed, keystrokes, office purifiers, etc., don’t even think about quitting your job (or worse). The ultimate solution: noise-canceling headphones.

Take it, you will find the whole world is quiet! Great for code. Sometimes I wear noise-cancelling headphones when I am idle. I like to watch other people discussing problems, watching their expressions and actions, but I just can’t hear the sound. It’s very interesting.

I use BOSE QC 35II, which is widely used by my colleagues. Here is the list of BOSE headphones I found with BOSE Connect one day:

You can see the number of Bose devices around 20 m (30 ft radius) (only one QC30, the rest are QC35)… About a third of developers.

Another better known SONY WH-1000XM is currently being used by a colleague and I personally think it looks better. But what about the noise reduction effect and the comfort level without wearing it. Those who have had actual feelings are welcome to leave a message.

I got BOSE QC 35II when it first came out in ’17, and it just flipped and went up 100. (* ^ __ ^ *)

Two more points:

1. It is not recommended to use noise-canceling headphones on the commute, as it is easy to miss the station and prevent you from hearing dangerous sounds. Use different headphones for different scenarios. The main function of noise cancelling earphones is noise cancelling, so there is a distance between the sound quality and HIFI. For example, I listen to music at home on the Iron Triangle ATH-MSR7B – this choice has to do with my preference for listening to clearer vocals; Last month, I bought the Jabra Elite 65T specially for running during jingdong activities, and found that the sound quality was better than I expected.

Laptop stand

The average desk is low, and you usually have to look down at your laptop screen. Staring at a laptop for a long time can easily damage your cervical spine. Taobao turned over for a long time, those brackets are really too ugly, and later bought a in the United States

I like this appearance very much. In addition to helping to dissipate heat, the bracket raises the height of the laptop so that it can better reach the level with my eyes, and it can also rotate 360 degrees, which is very convenient to turn the screen to other directions for other colleagues to see

If you want to buy it, you can search “Rain Design mStand360”

Magic Trackpad

I do not use a mouse, under the Mac there is no need for a mouse!! . I use a Mac Trackpad at home and a Trackpad at work.

Buy advice: I use a generation of Trackpad, the official website to buy, impression inside more than 400. Just looked at the official website, there are more than 900 trackpads of the second generation, in addition to ugly, very expensive.

Standing laptop workbench

Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can take a toll on my health, especially when I’m concentrating on programming. Last year or so, I started to experience some discomfort in my cervical spine and started to try standing office. I bought a standing laptop workbench. Here’s one:

I now spend 2-3 hours a day standing up and writing code (equivalent to “microexercise”), and I rarely get cervical spine discomfort, as recommended by Wall Crack.


The above is some of my equipment, some I did not mention, such as the monitor, the company provided but never use, because I think the screen is too big for my eyes to be tired, so I do not recommend it