Kibana – use

Table 1. Kibana configuration Settings

configuration instructions
server.port : Default value: 5601 KibanaThe service is provided by the back-end server. This setting specifies the port to use. : Default value: localhostThis setting specifies the host for the back-end server.
server.basePath : Enables you to specify if you run after the proxyKibanaThe path. This affects onlyKibanaThe generatedURL, your agent should forward the request toKibanaBefore deletingbasePathValue. This setting cannot be set with a slash (/End).
server.maxPayloadBytes : Default value: 1048576The maximum payload size, in bytes, of an incoming server request. : Default value: “your-hostname”Used to identify thisKibanaThe readable display name of the instance.
server.defaultRoute : Default: “/app/kibana”This setting specifies turn onKibanaIs the default route. You can use this setting when openingKibanaTo modify the login page.
elasticsearch.url : Default value:”http://localhost:9200″To be used for all queriesElasticsearchThe instanceURL.
elasticsearch.preserveHost : Default value: trueWhen the value of this setting istrueWhen,Kibanause****The host name specified in the Settings. When the value of this setting isWhen false * * * *.KibanaUse the link to thisKibanaThe hostname of the instance’s host.
kibana.index : Default value:.kibana KibanauseElasticsearchIndex to store saved searches, visualizations and dashboards. If the index does not exist,KibanaA new index will be created.
kibana.defaultAppId : Default value: discoverThe default application to load.
tilemap.url : KibanaFor use intilemapMap block services that show map blocks in visualizationURL. By default,KibanaRead this from the external metadata serviceURL, but users can still override this parameter to use their ownTile Map Service. Such as:"https : //{z}/{x}/{y}.png? elastic_tile_service_tos=agree&my_app_name=kibana"
tilemap.options.minZoom : Default value: 1Minimum zoom level.
tilemap.options.maxZoom : Default value: 10Maximum zoom level.
tilemap.options.attribution : The default: **"© [Elastic Tile Service](HTTPS: //"**Map property string.
tilemap.options.subdomains : tileAn array of subdomains used by the service. Specifies one with a tokenURLThe location of the subfield of{s}
Elasticsearch. username: elasticsearch.password: If you haveElasticsearchProtected by basic authentication, these Settings are providedKibanaThe server is used at startup for theKibanaIndex user name and password for performing maintenance. yourKibanaThe user still needs to use the passKibanaServer proxyElasticsearchPerform authentication.
Server.ssl. cert: and server.ssl.key: Refer toPEMformatSSLCertificate andSSLPath to the key file. These files are fromKibanaOutgoing requests from server to browser enabledSSL.
Elasticsearch.ssl. cert: and elasticSearch.ssl. key: providePEMformatSSLOptional Settings for certificate and key file paths. These files verify yourElasticsearchThe back end uses the same key file. : Optional Settings that enable you toElasticsearchInstance to specify a certificate authorityPEMPath to the file.
elasticsearch.ssl.verify : Default value: trueTo ignoreSSLCertificate validity, please change the value of this setting tofalse.
elasticsearch.pingTimeout : Default value: value **elasticsearch.requestTimeout**Set the wait time in millisecondsElasticsearchPINGRespond.
elasticsearch.requestTimeout : Default value: 30000Wait from the back end orElasticsearchThe response time in milliseconds of. This value must be a positive integer.
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist : Default value: [‘ authorization ‘]To be sent to theElasticsearchKibanaList of client headers. To send any client headers, set this value to[](an empty list).
elasticsearch.customHeaders : Default value: {}To be sent to theElasticsearch(header name) title name and value. No matter how configuredelasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelistAny custom **header** cannot be overwritten by the client header
elasticsearch.shardTimeout : Default value: 0 ElasticsearchThe time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the shard. Set to0Can be disabled.
elasticsearch.startupTimeout : Default value: 5000Try again beforeKibanaWait on startupElasticsearchIn milliseconds.
pid.file : The specifiedKibanaCreate the path to the process identity file.
logging.dest : Default value: stdoutAllows you to specifyKibanaA file that stores log output.
logging.silent : Default value: falseSets the value of this setting**true**To disable all logging output.
logging.quiet : Default value: falseSets the value of this setting**true**To disable all logging output except error messages.
logging.verbose Default value: falseSets the value of this setting to**true**Log all events, including system usage information and all requests.
ops.interval Default value: 5000Sets the interval in milliseconds for the sample system and process performance indicators. The minimum value for100.
status.allowAnonymous Default value: falseSet this to if validation is enabled**true**Allow unauthenticated users to accessKibanaServer statusAPIAnd status pages.
console.enabled Default value: trueSet tofalseConsole can be disabled. Switching this will cause the server to regenerate the asset the next time it starts up, which can cause a delay before the web page can start Posting.
console.proxyFilter Default value: * * \ * * *A list of regular expressions used to validate any outgoing requests from the console. If there is no match, the request is rejected.
console.proxyConfig List of configuration options based on proxy targets. Use this option to set custom timeouts or for specific hostsSSLSettings. This is done by**match**Use wildcards/globsDefine a set of criteria to do this, which will be checked against each request. The configuration from all the matching rules is then combined to configure the broker for the request. Valid match All of these keys default to *****, which means they will match any value. See for an exampleConfiguration console.
elasticsearch.tribe.url : Used for all queriesElasticsearchOptional clan instanceURL.
Elasticsearch. Tribe. Username: and elasticsearch tribe. Password: If you haveElasticsearchProtected by basic authentication, these Settings are providedKibanaThe server is used at startup for theKibanaIndex user name and password for performing maintenance. yourKibanaThe user still needs to use the passKibanaServer proxyElasticsearchPerform authentication.
Elasticsearch. Tribe. SSL cert: and elasticsearch tribe. SSL. The key: providePEMformatSSLOptional Settings for certificate and key file paths. These files verify yourElasticsearchThe back end uses the same key file. : Optional Settings that enable you toElasticsearchInstance to specify a certificate authorityPEMPath to the file.
elasticsearch.tribe.ssl.verify : Default value: trueTo ignoreSSLCertificate validity, please change the value of this setting tofalse.
elasticsearch.tribe.pingTimeout : Default value: the value elasticsearch. Tribe. RequestTimeoutSet the wait time in millisecondsElasticsearchPINGRespond.
elasticsearch.tribe.requestTimeout : Default value: 30000Wait from the back end orElasticsearchThe response time in milliseconds of. This value must be a positive integer.
elasticsearch.tribe.requestHeadersWhitelist : Default value: **[ 'authorization' ]**To be sent to theElasticsearchKibanaThe clientheaderList. To send any customerheader, set this value to [] (an empty list).
elasticsearch.tribe.customHeaders : Default value: {}To be sent to theElasticsearchheader namevalue. No matter how configured* *, * * elasticsearch. Tribe. RequestHeadersWhitelist any custom header * * * * are not covered by client header * * * *.