
Summary of a.

1. Basic concepts

ES6 introduces a new primitive data type, Symbol, that represents unique values. The Symbol value is generated by the Symbol function, that is, the property name of the object can have two types, the original string and the new Symbol type.

let s = Symbol();

typeof s
// "symbol"
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Note: Note that the new command cannot be used before the Symbol function, otherwise an error will be reported. This is because the generated Symbol is a primitive type value, not an object. That is, because the Symbol value is not an object, attributes cannot be added. Basically, it’s a data type similar to a string.

Parameters of 2.

(1) String: A description of the Symbol instance (mainly for display on the console, or when converted to a string, easy to distinguish)

let s1 = Symbol('foo');
let s2 = Symbol('bar');

s1 // Symbol(foo)
s2 // Symbol(bar)

s1.toString() // "Symbol(foo)"
s2.toString() // "Symbol(bar)"
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(2) object (the toString method is called to convert the object to a string, and then a Symbol value is generated)

const obj = {
  toString() {
    return 'abc'; }}; const sym = Symbol(obj); sym // Symbol(abc)Copy the code

Note: There is a reason why Symbol functions with the same parameters do not return the same value: The Symbol function argument only represents a description of the current Symbol value

// No argumentslet s1 = Symbol();
let s2 = Symbol();

s1 === s2 // false// With parameterslet s1 = Symbol('foo');
let s2 = Symbol('foo');

s1 === s2 // false
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3. The conversion

Can only be converted to one of the following two types (1) to a string

let sym = Symbol('My symbol');

String(sym) // 'Symbol(My symbol)'
sym.toString() // 'Symbol(My symbol)'
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(2) Convert to a Boolean value

let sym = Symbol();
Boolean(sym) // true! sym //false

if (sym) {
  // ...

Number(sym) // TypeError
sym + 2 // TypeError
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2. Symbol. The prototype. The description

When creating a Symbol, you can add a description.

const sym = Symbol('foo'); In the code above, sym is described as the string foo. However, reading this description requires converting Symbol explicitly to a string, as follows. const sym = Symbol('foo');

String(sym) // "Symbol(foo)"
sym.toString() // "Symbol(foo)"

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ES2019 provides an instance attribute, Description, that returns the description of Symbol directly

const sym = Symbol('foo');

sym.description // "foo"
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Symbol as the attribute name

Ensuring that no properties with the same name appear is useful when an object is made up of multiple modules, preventing a key from being accidentally overwritten or overwritten

letmySymbol = Symbol(); // The first waylet a = {};
a[mySymbol] = 'Hello! '; // The second waylet a = {
  [mySymbol]: 'Hello! '}; // The third waylet a = {};
Object.defineProperty(a, mySymbol, { value: 'Hello! '}); // a[mySymbol] //"Hello!"
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Note that the dot operator cannot be used when the Symbol value is the name of the object property.

const mySymbol = Symbol();
const a = {};

a.mySymbol = 'Hello! ';
a[mySymbol] // undefined
a['mySymbol'] / /"Hello!"\\ the value of mySymbol is not read because the dot operator is always followed by a string, so the attribute name of a is actually a string rather than a Symbol value. Inside an object, when defining a property using a Symbol value, the Symbol value must be placed in square brackets.let s = Symbol();

let obj = {
  [s]: function(arg) { ... }}; obj[s](123);Copy the code

Example: Eliminate magic strings

Magic string definition: a string or numeric value that appears multiple times in the code to form a strong coupling with the code. (Well-styled code should eliminate magic strings and replace them with well-defined variables)

function getArea(shape, options) {
  let area = 0;

  switch (shape) {
    case 'Triangle'Area =.5 * options.width * options.height;break;
    /* ... more code ... */

  return area;

getArea('Triangle', { width: 100, height: 100 }); Onst shapeType = {Triangle: shapeType = {Triangle: shapeType = {Triangle: shapeType = {Triangle: shapeType = {Triangle: shapeType = {Triangle:'Triangle'

function getArea(shape, options) {
  let area = 0;
  switch (shape) {
    case shapeType.triangle:
      area = .5 * options.width * options.height;
  return area;

getArea(shapeType.triangle, { width: 100, height: 100 });
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If you look closely, you can see that it doesn’t matter which value shapeType.triangle equals, just make sure it doesn’t conflict with the values of other shapeType attributes. Therefore, this is a good place to use the Symbol value.

Triangle = shapetype. triangle = shapetype. triangle = Symbol; const shapeType = { triangle: Symbol() };Copy the code

5. Traversal of attribute names

Symble is the attribute name. When traversing the object, the attribute does not appear in the for… In, for… Of loop, will not be the Object. The keys () (the return can be enumerated attribute array) of the specified Object, the Object. The getOwnPropertyNames () (return an array of all its attributes specified objects, Includes non-enumerable properties), json.stringify () (JSON object –>JSON string) returns.

Object. GetOwnPropertySymbols () : get all the Symbol of specified Object attribute name of the array

Reflect.ownkeys (): Returns all types of attribute names (including regular and Symbol keys)

/ / case 1: Object. GetOwnPropertySymbols () const obj = {[Symbol ('a')]:'Hello',
    [Symbol('b')]:'world'} const a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj); A //[Symbol(a), Symbol(b)] //let obj = {
  [Symbol('my_key')]: 1,
  enum: 2,
  nonEnum: 3

//  ["enum"."nonEnum", Symbol(my_key)]
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Because the Symbol value is used as the key name, it is not iterated by the normal method. We can take advantage of this feature to define non-private methods for objects that we want to use only internally.

let size = Symbol('size');

class Collection {
  constructor() {
    this[size] = 0;

  add(item) {
    this[this[size]] = item;

  static sizeOf(instance) {
    returninstance[size]; }}let x = new Collection();
Collection.sizeOf(x) // 0

Collection.sizeOf(x) // 1

Object.keys(x) // ['0']
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x) // ['0']
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(x) // [Symbol(size)]
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The above code, the Object the size attribute is a Symbol of x value, so the Object. The keys (x), Object. GetOwnPropertyNames (x) can get it. This creates the effect of a non-private internal approach.

Symbol. For(), Symbol. KeyFor ()

For () with a 1, Symbol.

Requirement: You want to reuse the same Symbol value

Symbol. For () : accepts a string as an argument, searches for a Symbol with the name –> (1) If yes, return the Symbol. (2) If no, create a new Symbol with the name and register it globally

// s1 and s2 are actually the same value belowlet s1 = Symbol.for('foo');
let s2 = Symbol.for('foo');

s1 === s2 // true

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2, the Symbol. KeyFor ()

Symbol.keyfor (): method returns the key of a registered Symbol type value. Note: Symbol() is written without a registration mechanism

let s1 = Symbol.for("foo");
Symbol.keyFor(s1) // "foo"

let s2 = Symbol("foo"); Symbol. KeyFor (s2) // undefinedCopy the code

3, Symbol. For (

Difference: (1) symbol.for () is registered in the global environment,Symbol() does not (2) symbol.for () does not return a value of the new Symbol type each time it is called. The given key is first checked for existence. Symbol() returns a new one each time

Example 1: symbol.for ("bar") === Symbol.for("bar") / /true

Symbol("bar") === Symbol("bar") / /false

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Symbol.for() registers the name of the Symbol value for the global environment, whether or not it is running in the global environment.

Example 2:function foo() {
  return Symbol.for('bar');

const x = foo();
const y = Symbol.for('bar');
console.log(x === y); // true// Symbol. For (Symbol.'bar') is run inside the function, but the generated Symbol value is registered globally. So, run symbol.for ('bar'We can get this Symbol valueCopy the code

The global registration feature of symbol.for () can be used to fetch the same value from different iframes or service workers.

Example 3: iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = String(window.location);

iframe.contentWindow.Symbol.for('foo') === Symbol.for('foo') / /trueIn the code above, the iframe window generates the Symbol value, which can be obtained on the main page.Copy the code

7. Module Singleton mode

Singleton pattern concept: Invoking a class that returns the same instance at all times

For Node, a module file can be thought of as a class. How do I guarantee that the same instance will be returned each time I execute this module file?

It’s easy to imagine putting an instance into the top-level object, Global.

// mod.js
function A() { = 'hello';

if(! global._foo) { global._foo = new A(); } module.exports = global._foo;Copy the code

Then, load the mod.js above.

const a = require('./mod.js');
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In the code above, variable A is always loaded with the same instance of A.

There is a problem, however, that the global variable global._foo is writable and can be modified by any file.

global._foo = { foo: 'world' };

const a = require('./mod.js');
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The above code distorts any script that loads mod.js.

To prevent this from happening, we can use Symbol.

// mod.js
const FOO_KEY = Symbol.for('foo');

function A() { = 'hello';

if(! global[FOO_KEY]) { global[FOO_KEY] = new A(); } module.exports = global[FOO_KEY];Copy the code

In the code above, we can ensure that global[FOO_KEY] is not inadvertently overwritten, but it can still be overwritten.

global[Symbol.for('foo')] = { foo: 'world' };

const a = require('./mod.js');
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If the key name is generated using the Symbol method, the value cannot be referenced externally and therefore cannot be overwritten.

// mod.js
const FOO_KEY = Symbol('foo'); // The following code is the same...Copy the code

The above code will cause no other script to reference FOO_KEY. The problem with this is that if you execute the script multiple times, you’ll get a different FOO_KEY each time. Although Node caches the results of script execution, the script is not normally executed more than once, but the cache can be cleared manually by the user, so it is not foolproof.

8. Built-in Symbol value

In addition to defining the Symbol values you use, ES6 provides 11 built-in Symbol values that point to methods used within the language.

  • Symbol.hasInstance
  • Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
  • Symbol.species
  • Symbol.match
  • Symbol.replace
  • Symbol.split
  • Symbol.iterator
  • Symbol.toPrimitive
  • Symbol.toStringTag
  • Symbol.unscopables

Set data structure


  • Definition: A data structure similar to an array in which the member values are unique and have no duplicate values
  • Statement:const set = new Set(arr)
  • Parameters: YesThe Iterator interfaceData structure of
// const items = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5]); Items. size // 5 // example 2 constset = new Set(document.querySelectorAll('div')); Set.size // 56 /Copy the code
  • Properties:

    • Constructor: the default is Set
    • Size: Returns the total number of instance members
  • Methods: 1). Operation method

    • Add () : Adds a value and returns the set instance itself
    • Delete () : Deletes a value and returns a Boolean on success or failure
    • Has () : Checks the value and returns a Boolean
    • Clear () : Clears all members. No value is returned

    2). Operation method

    • Keys () : Returns an object with the property value as a traverser
    • Values () : Returns the object with the attribute value as the traverser
    • Entries () : Returns objects with property values and property values as traversers
    • ForEach () : Iterates through each member using the callback function
      let set = new Set(['red'.'green'.'blue']);
      for (let item of set.keys()) {
      // red
      // green
      // blue
      for (let item of set.values()) {
      // red
      // green
      // blue
      for (letitem of set.entries()) { console.log(item); } / / /"red"."red"] / ["green"."green"] / ["blue"."blue"]
      let set = new Set([1, 4, 9]);
      set.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key + ':' + value))
      // 1 : 1
      // 4 : 4
      // 9 : 9
    Copy the code

Application scenarios

  • […new Set(arr)] or array. from(new Set(arr))

  • […new Set(STR)].join(”)

    var str = 'kkkaaa222'[ Set(str)].. join(' ') / /"ka2"
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  • Set the array

    • Const a = new Set(arr1), const b = new Set(arr2)
    • And set:new Set([...a, ...b])
    • Intersection:new Set([...a].filter(v => b.has(v)))
    • Difference set:new Set([...a].filter(v => ! b.has(v)))(Questions, to be updated)
  • Map collections

    • Let set = new set (arr)
    • Mapping:set = new Set([...set].map(v => v * 2))orset = new Set(Array.from(set, v => v * 2))

The difficult

  • Traversal order: Insert order
  • There are no keys only values that can be consideredThe key and the value are equal
  • When multiple nans are added, only one NaN exists
  • When the same object is added, it is considered a different object
  • No type conversion occurs when values are added (5! = = “5”)
  • keys()andvalues()In exactly the same way,entries()The traverser returned contains both a key and a value that are equal


  • Definition: Similar to the Set structure, member values can only be objects
const ws = new WeakSet();
// TypeError: Invalid value used in weak set
// TypeError: invalid value used in weak set
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  • New WeakSet() WeakSet()
  • Input parameter: an object with an Iterable interface
Const a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; const ws = new WeakSet(a); // WeakSet {[1, 2], [3, 4]} 解析 : note that it is the members of the array a that become WeakSet members, not the array a itself. This means that the members of an array can only be objects. Example 2. Const b = [3, 4]; const ws = new WeakSet(b); // Uncaught TypeError: Invalid value usedin weak set(...). Resolution: In the above code, the member of array B is not an object. When adding WeakSet, an error will be reported.Copy the code
  • Properties:
    • Constructor: Returns WeakSet
  • Methods:
    • Add () : Adds a value and returns the set instance itself
    • Delete () : Deletes a value and returns a Boolean on success or failure
    • Has () : Checks the value and returns a Boolean

WeakSet cannot be traversed, because members are weak references and may disappear at any time

Application scenarios

  • Storing DOM nodes: This member is automatically released when DOM nodes are removed without worrying about memory leaks when these nodes are removed from the document
  • Temporarily store a set of objects or information bound to them: As soon as these objects disappear externally, their reference in the WeakSet structure is automatically removed

The difficult

  • Members areA weak reference, garbage collection mechanism does not consider the reference of WeakSet structure to this member
  • A member is not suitable for reference, it will disappear at any time, so ES6 specifies a WeakSet structureNot traverse
  • When other objects no longer reference a member, the garbage collection mechanism automatically reclaims the memory occupied by the member, regardless of whether the member still existsWeakSet structureIn the