

Es6 new Set([1,2,3]);


  • size: Gets the number of elements


  • add(value): Adds the element and returns the Set instance itself
  • delete(value): Deletes an element and returns the result of the deletion (Boolean)
  • has(value): Indicates whether the Set instance has this element and returns the query result
  • clear(): Clears all elements with no return value
const setOb = new Set([1.2])

console.log(setOb) / / {1, 2, 3}

console.log(setOb.size) / / 3
console.log(setOb.has(1)) // true
console.log(setOb.has(3)) // true
console.log(setOb.has(4)) // false

console.log(setOb) / / {1, 3}
console.log(setOb.has(2)) // false

console.log(setOb) // Set(0) {size: 0}

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Iterate over the Set instance

  • keys(): returns a traverser for key names
  • values(): iterator that returns key values. Keys () and values() return the same value
  • entries(): returns a traverser for key-value pairs
  • forEach(): Iterates through each element using the callback function
const setOb = new Set([Patrick's Star.Spongebob Squarepants.Squidward])
console.log(setOb.keys()) // SetIterator {' Patrick ', 'SpongeBob ',' Squidbrother '}
for (let item of setOb.keys()) {
/ / sent great stars
// SpongeBob
/ / the octopus

console.log(setOb.values()) // SetIterator {' Patrick ', 'SpongeBob ',' Squidbrother '}
for (let item of setOb.values()) {
/ / sent great stars
// SpongeBob
/ / the octopus

console.log(setOb.entries()) / / SetIterator {' sent great stars' = > 'sent great stars',' spongebob squarepants' = > 'spongebob squarepants',' the octopus' = > 'octopus'}
for (let item of setOb.entries()) {
// [' Patrick ', 'Patrick ']
// [' SpongeBob squarepants ', 'SpongeBob Squarepants ']
// [' Squidward ', 'Squidward ']

// Normally forEach cannot iterate over objects directly
console.log(setOb) // Set(3) {' Patrick ', 'SpongeBob ',' Squidbrother '}
setOb.forEach((value, key) = > {
    console.log('key:' + key + ' value:' + value)
// key: padstar value: Padstar
// key: spongeBob value: SpongeBob
// key: squidward value: squidward
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Es6 adds, returns an initialization instance, and the argument can be an array or other iterable (null is treated as undefine)


  • size: Gets the number of elements


  • set(key, value): Sets the key and value elements
  • get(key): Gets the value of the element through the element key
  • has(key): Determines whether an element exists by the element key
  • delete(key): Deletes the corresponding element by key
  • clear(): Clears all elements
const map = new Map(a)console.log(map) // Map(0) {size: 0}

map.set('pdx'.Patrick's Star)
console.log(map) // 
map.set('hmbb'.Spongebob Squarepants)
console.log(map) // Map(1) {' PDX '=>' PDX '}
console.log(map.size) / / 2

console.log(map.get('pdx')) / / sent great stars
console.log(map.has('pdx')) // true
console.log(map.has('pdx')) // false

console.log(map) // Map(0) {size: 0}

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Traverse the Map instance

  • keys(): returns a traverser for key names
  • values(): returns a traverser for key values
  • entries(): returns a traverser for all elements
  • forEach(): Iterates through each element using the callback function
const map = new Map([['pdx'.Patrick's Star], ['hmbb'.Spongebob Squarepants]])
console.log(map) // Map(2) {' PDX '=>' PDX ', 'HMBB' => 'SpongeBob '}

console.log(map) / / {' symbol '= >' sent great stars', 'HMBB' = > 'spongebob squarepants',' zyg '= >' octopus'}
console.log(map.size) / / 3

for (let key of map.keys()) {
// pdx
// hmbb
// zyg

for (let value of map.values()) {
/ / sent great stars
// SpongeBob
/ / the octopus

for (let item of map.entries()) {
    console.log(item[0], item[1])}// PDX star
// SpongeBob squarepants
// Zyg

map.forEach((value, key) = > {
    console.log(key, value)
// PDX star
// SpongeBob squarepants
// Zyg
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