This is the 17th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

TIP πŸ‘‰ To the country of life and death, not because of fortune and misfortune to avoid! ____ Lin Zexu, “Going to The Garrison on a Journey to Occupy his Family Β· Ii”


05.01 【 Handout 】ES6 project actual combat

  • ES6 module
  • Concurrent requests
  • class
  • A decorator
  • Request encapsulation
  • Express simple middleware processing

Differences between ES6 Module and CommonJs

// util.js
export let token = null

export const getToken = () = > {
  console.log('get Token')}setTimeout(() = > {
  token = 'token value'
}, 1000)
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// import {token} from './util'
const {token} = require('./util')

console.log('token', token)

setTimeout(() = > {
  console.log('token', token)
}, 2000)

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Tree-shaking: Different, ES6 does not load modules that are not needed, webPack Production uses tree-shaking. Module. Exports exports an entire object and require is an entire object

Note: After the export default object is imported, the properties and methods hanging on default cannot be tree-shaking even if they are not called. Therefore, when we organize module files, Export default {A, B, C} should be avoided whenever possible. Export const XXX = {}

export default {
  request() {
    console.log('request')},response() {
    console.log('response')}}Copy the code
import util from './util'
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Vue2 and 3 writing changes

// 2.x
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.nextTick(() = > {
  // Something DOM related
/ / vue2 export
// export default Vue

// 3.x
import { nextTick } from 'vue'
nextTick(() = > {
  // ...
/ / vue3 export
// export { compileToFunction as compile }
// export * from '@vue/runtime-dom'
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A reference to a value or a copy of a value

Module. exports require Does not change in require if a variable is modified

ES6 Module and CommonJs

module.exports require

module.exports = {

} = ' '

module = {} // wrong, other modules require no access to this export
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export import

export const request = xxx
const request = 'xxx'
export { request }
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HTTP module encapsulation

Access token

// util.js
import axios from "axios";

export let token = null

let getTokenPromise = null

export const getToken = () = > {
  if(! getTokenPromise) { getTokenPromise = axios.get('/api/token').then(res= > {
      token =
      return token

  return getTokenPromise;

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Request header adds token

// http.js

import axios from 'axios'
import {token, getToken} from './util'

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '/api'

instance.interceptors.request.use(async config => {
  let headerToken = token
  if(headerToken) {
    console.log('Token already exists', headerToken)
  } else {
    console.log('Token does not exist to initiate request')
    headerToken = await getToken()
  config.headers.token = headerToken
  return config

instance.interceptors.response.use(res= >

export const getTabs = () = > instance.get('/tabs')

export const getNewsList = () = >  instance.get('/news/list')

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The server authenticates the token

app.use('/api'.function(req, res, next) {
  if(req.path === '/token' || req.headers.token === '42gd2') {
  } else {
    next('invalid token')}})// ...

app.use('/api'.function(err, req, res, next) {
    error: 1.message: err

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The client requests concurrently

// Promise.all
const [tabs, newsList] = await Promise.all([getTabs(), getNewsList()])

// or await
const tabsTask = getTabs()
const newsTask = getNewsList()

const tabs = await tabsTask
const newsList = await newsTask
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Avoid sending duplicate requests

import axios from 'axios'

const peddingMap = new Map(a)export const addPeddingRequest = (config) = > {
  const {url, method} = config

  const mapKey = [url, method].join('&')

  if(peddingMap.has(mapKey)) {
    const cancel = peddingMap.get(mapKey)

  config.cancelToken = new axios.CancelToken(cancel= > {
    peddingMap.set(mapKey, cancel)

export const deletePeddingRequest = (config) = > {
  const {url, method} = config

  const mapKey = [url, method].join('&')


// http.js
instance.interceptors.response.use(res= > {
}, error= > {
  if(axios.isCancel(error)) {
    console.error('This request has been cancelled', error)
  return Promise.reject(error)
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class App {
  constructor({root}) {
    this.root = root;
  init() {

  async requestData() {
    // const [tabs, newsList] = await Promise.all([getTabs(), getNewsList()])
    const tabsTask = getTabs()
    const newsTask = getNewsList()

    const tabs = await tabsTask
    const newsList = await newsTask

    console.log(tabs, newsList)

    new Tab(tabs).mount(this.root)
    new NewsList(newsList).mount(this.root)

new App({root: document.body})
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export default class Component {
  constructor(data) {
    this.props = {
  constructElement() {
    const html = this.render()
    const $container = document.createElement('div')
    $container.innerHTML = html

    this.$el = $container.firstChild
  mount($container) {
    if(!this.$el) {

  render() {
    return null}}Copy the code

Implementing the News list

import Component from './component'

export default class NewsList extends Component {
  render() {
    const {data: newsList} =
        ${ => {
          return (
                <img src="${news.image_url}" />
        }).join(' ')}
      </ul>`)}}Copy the code

The news list scrolls to load

listenScroll() {
  const DISTANCE = 100
  window.addEventListener('scroll'.() = > {
    const scrollY = window.scrollY
    const screenHeight = window.screen.height
    const domHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight

    if(domHeight - (scrollY + screenHeight) < DISTANCE) {

async appendList() {
  const newsList = await getNewsList()
  new NewsList(newsList).mount(this.root)
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The difference between anti-shake and throttling

Take the time of 3 seconds as an example

Anti-shake: Keyword — wait, wait for no new action within 3 seconds, then execute

Throttling: Keyword – discard, actions within three seconds are executed only once, and other actions are discarded

Ordinary throttling

// util.js
export function throttle(func, timeout = 1000) {
  let done = false
  return (. args) = > {
    if(! done) { args) done =true
      setTimeout(() = > {
        done = false
      }, timeout)

// index.js
constructor({root}) {
  this.root = root;

  this.appendList =, 500)}Copy the code

The decorator implements throttling

// util.js
export const decoratorThrottle = (timeout = 1000) = > {
  return (targetPrototype, propName) = > {
    const oldMethod = targetPrototype[propName]
    let lastActionTime = 0
    targetPrototype[propName] = function(. args) {
      const currentTime =

      if(currentTime - lastActionTime > timeout) { args) lastActionTime = currentTime } }return targetPrototype

// index.js
  async appendList() {
    const newsList = await getNewsList()
    new NewsList(newsList).mount(this.root)
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“Feel free to discuss in the comments section.”

Hope to finish watching friends can give a thumbs-up, encourage once