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1. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors

1.1 introduction

ES5 Object. GetOwnPropertyDescriptor method returns an Object attribute description of Object (descriptor), ES2017 introduced Object. GetOwnPropertyDescriptors method, Returns a description object that defines all of the object’s own properties (non-inherited properties).


const obj = {
  name: 'the little _Battle'.get test() {
    return 'the nuggets'}}Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj)
// { name:
// {value: 'small _Battle',
// writable: true,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true },
// test:
// { get: [Function: get test],
// set: undefined,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true } }
/ / implementation of this method is based on the ES5 Object. The getOwnPropertyDescriptor ()

const getOwnPropertyDescriptors = (obj) = > {
  const res = {}
  for (let key of Reflect.ownKeys(obj)) {
    res[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key)
  return res
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Object.assign() cannot copy the get and set attributes correctly. And we can use the Object. DefineProperties () Object. GetOwnPropertyDescriptor to achieve correct shallow copy.

const source = {
  name: 'the little _Battle'.set test(val) {
const res = {}
Object.defineProperties(res, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source))
// { name:
// {value: 'small _Battle',
// writable: true,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true },
// test:
// { get: [Function: get test],
// set: undefined,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true } }
The typical way to create a subclass is to define a subclass, set its prototype to an instance of the superclass, and then define properties on that instance. It's not very elegant, especially for getters and setters. You can set the prototype as follows: */

function superclass() {}
superclass.prototype = {
  // Define methods and properties here
function subclass() {}
subclass.prototype = Object.create(
    // Define methods and properties here}),)Copy the code

2. Object.values/Object.entries

2.1 introduction

ES2017 has two new functions, Object.values and Object.entries

The object. values method returns an array of all the enumerable property values of a given Object itself

The Object.entries method returns an array of key-value pairs for a given Object’s own enumerable properties, traversed in ascending order if the property’s key is numeric.

2.2 the Object values

const obj = { name: '_Battle'.address: 'juejin' }

Object.values(obj) // ['_Battle', 'juejin']
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When the attribute key is a number

const obj = { 2: '_Battle'.1: 'juejin' }
Object.values(obj) // ['_Battle', 'juejin']
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Only the object’s own traversable property is returned. If the property is an object, the object must have the Enumerable property enabled otherwise it is not returned.

const obj = Object.create({}, {name: { value: 1 }})
Object.values(obj) / / []
const obj = Object.create({}, {name: { value: 1.enumerable: true }})
Object.values(obj) / / [1]
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If the attribute value is Symbol, object. values filters attributes whose attribute Key is Symbol

Object.values({ [Symbol()] '_Battle' }) // '_Battle'
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If the argument is not an Object, such as a value or a Boolean, object. values does not add non-inherited attributes to the instance, so an empty array is returned if the argument is a string, an array of characters is returned

// ['_', 'B', 'a', 't', 't', 'l', 'e']
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2.3 Object. Entries

Object.entries(), which returns an iterable to iterate through the Object’s properties

const obj = { a: 5.b: 7.c: 9 }
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
  console.log('key', key, 'value', value)
// key: a, value: 5
// key: b, value: 7
// key: c, value: 9
// Convert Object to Map
new Map(a)// The constructor accepts an iterable entry. You can easily convert objects to maps using the object. entries method:

var obj = { foo: 'bar'.baz: 42 }
var map = new Map(Object.entries(obj))
// Map { foo: "bar", baz: 42 }
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3. String padStart() & padEnd()

3.1 introduction

In String, ES2017 added two new functions, String completion length. If the string is not of a specified length, it is incomplete at the head or tail. PadStart () is used for head completion and padEnd() for tail completion.


str,padStart(targetLength [, String])
str,padEnd(targetLength [, String])
/** parameter (1) targetLength: the targetLength to which the current string is to be filled. If this value is less than or equal to the string length, the string itself is returned. Otherwise, fill the String left or right based on the excess length. (2) padString: Optional padding character. The default value is "" */
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// If targetLength is less than or equal to the length of the string:
'xxx'.padStart(2.'ab') // 'xxx'
'xxx'.padEnd(2.'cd') // 'xxx'
// If targetLength is greater than the length of the string:

// '0123456abc'
// If the second argument is omitted, Spaces are used to complete the length by default.

'x'.padStart(4) // ' x'
'x'.padEnd(4) // 'x '
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4. Trailling-function-commas

Function argument lists allow comma endings

4.1 introduction

ES2017 allows a trailing comma as the last parameter of a function. Previously, functions were defined and called without a comma as the last parameter.


function test(param1, param2,)
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5 Shared Memory and Atomics

5.1 introduction

Javascript is a single thread, while Web workers introduce multithreading. The main thread is used to interact with users and the Worker thread is used to undertake computing tasks. Data for each thread is isolated and communicated via postMessage. The main thread

const w = new Worker('worker.js')
w.onmessage = function (res) {
// worker.js communicates with the main thread via postMessage().

onmessage = function (res) {
  postMessage('hello')}Copy the code

5.2 SharedArrayBuffer object

Introduction: Data exchange between threads can be in a variety of formats, and the data exchange mode is the replication mechanism. That is, one process makes a copy of the data it wants to share and sends it to another process using the postMessage method. If the amount of data is large, the communication efficiency is low. In this case, you can use shared memory to improve the communication efficiency.

The SharedArrayBuffer object is used to represent a generic, fixed-length buffer of raw binary data, similar to the ArrayBuffer object, but capable of sharing data.

// We can create shared memory objects in the main thread

/ / main thread

const w = new Worker('worker.js')
// create 1KB shared memory
const shareBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024)
// Share memory address via postMessage communication
// Create a view on shared memory for data writing
const sharedArray = new Int32Array(sharedBuffer)

onmessage = function (res) {
  // Access shared memory
  const sharedBuffer =
  // Access the read-write area
  const sharedArray = new Int32Array(sharedBuffer)
  // At this point our worker thread can read and write to the shared read-write area
  sharedArray[0] = 100
  console.log(sharedArray) // Int32Array(256) [100, 0, ...., 0]
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5.3 Atomics Objects implement atomic operations

Introduction: Multithreading shared memory, need to pay attention to an important problem is: prevent two threads modify the same memory address at the same time; In other words, when one thread changes SharedArray, it needs to be synchronized to another thread. ES2017’s SharedArrayBuffer API provides Atomics objects that guarantee that all shared memory operations are “atomic” and that each operation is synchronized across all threads.

Atomicity: Multiple threads that share memory can simultaneously read and write data in the same location. Atomic operations ensure that the data being read or written is as expected, that is, the next atomic operation is executed after the last operation.

/ / used to write data to shared memory and return this value; Atomics.load(): Used to fetch data from shared memory. Used to modify data from shared memory., index, value)// typedArray is a **shared** array of the specified type
Atomics.load(typedArray, index) // Retrieve the corresponding position dataUse, read, write, modify and other atomic operationsconst buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024)
const array = new Unit8Array(buffer), 0.12) / / 12, 0) / / 12, 0.11) / / 11
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5.4 Use atomics. wait and atomics. notify to lock memory (let other threads sleep)


  (event) => {
     const sharedArray = new Int32Array( // Read shared memory
     const expectIndex = 0, expectValue = 10
     Atomics.wait(sharedArray, expectIndex, expectValue) // Wait: when sharedArray[expectIndex] === expectValue, worker.js will start to sleep and wait to wake up.
     console.log(Atomics.load(sharedArray, index))
/ / main thread
const shareBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024)
const sharedArray = new Int32Array(sharedBuffer), 0.100) // The main thread writes data atoms
Atomics.notify(sharedArray, 0.1) // notify: wake up a thread at position 0 in sharedArray memory
// Note: the browser main thread is not suitable for setting sleep, which will cause the user to become unresponsive. And in fact, the browser main thread rejects Atomics.wait
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Praise support, hand left lingering fragrance, with rongyan, move your rich little hands yo, thank you big guy can leave your footprints.

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