ES Module complete knowledge

Organize ES Module modular features, import, export syntax knowledge, notes, and concise syntax

ES Modules feature

The ES Module standard executes JS code by adding the type = module attribute to script

    <script type="module">
        console.log('this is es module')
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Four features

  • The ESM automatically adopts strict mode, ignoring ‘use strict’, where this is undefined in modularity
    <script type="module">
        console.log(this) // undefined
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  • Each ES Module runs in a separate private scope (addressing global contamination by using variables)
    <script type="module">
        var foo = 100
    <script type="module">
         console.log(foo) // Uncaught ReferenceError: foo is not defined
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  • ESM requests external JS modules through CORS
// Access to script at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS // policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
<script type="module" src=""></script>	

<script type="module" src="[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>// It is running properlyCopy the code
  • The ESM script tag is delayed, which is equivalent to adding the defer attribute to the script tag

ES Modules export

  • The default is derived
// Export by default
const name = 'hello module'
export default name

/ / import
import name from '... '
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  • Separate export
/ / export
export const name = 'hello module'

/ / import
import { name } from '... '
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  • Import and export multiple files together
const name = 'name'
function say() {}
class Person {}

/ / export
export { name, say, Person }

/ / import
import { name, say, Person  } from '... '
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  • Rename export
// Rename the export
const name = 'name'
export { name as fooName }

/ / import
import { fooName } from '... '
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  • Rename the export. Special case: Rename the export to default
// Rename the export to the default export
const name = 'name'
export { name as default }

// Import (must also be renamed when importing)
import { defalut as fooName } from '... '
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ES Modules imported

  • Relative path import
import { name } from './module.js' // Full path, can not omit the file suffix.js
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  • An absolute path
import { name } from '/module.js' // Start with the directory following the current project
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  • Full URL
import { name } from 'http://localhost:3000/module.js' // You can reference the CDN module file directly
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  • Load only, not extract
import {} from './module.js'  // Used to load sub-function modules that do not need control
import './module.js' //
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  • Extract to the same object
import as mod from './module.js'
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  • Dynamic import module
import('./module.js').then((module) = > {
 	console.log(module)})Copy the code

ES Modules Import and export precautions

  • Export is fixed usage, not deconstruction. They look similar, but they don’t actually have anything to do with each other
const name = 'li'
const age = 18
export { name, age }

/ / import
import { name, age } from '... '

/ / deconstruction
const { foo, bar } = { foo: "aaa".bar: "bbb" };
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  • Export reference address (js module is a singleton)
// module.js
let name = 'li'
setTimeout(() = > {
    name = 'ban'
}, 1000)

export { name }

// app.js
import { name } from './module.js'
console.log(name)	// li
setTimeout(() = > {
    console.log(name) // ban
}, 1500)
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  • The exported member is read-only and cannot be modified
// a.js
export let name = 'li'

// b.js
import { name } from './a.js'
name = 'ban' // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
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Import and export members in a unified manner

// index.js
// import/export
import age, { name } from 'a.j'
import { sex } from 'b.js'
export { age, name, sex }

// Import/export variables cannot be obtained in the current writing method
export {deault as age, name } from 'a.js'
export { sex } from 'b.js'
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