119 articles from the official account

The 16th article of 2019

We still have 4 articles left to reach our 2019 target of 20

01. Inferiority has become my advantage

How did you spend your college life?

My college half time to the Internet cafe, four years can use “competent” to describe, so in 2014 into the first job is not ideal of the society, to find a traditional industry of graphic design, salary 2500, by contrast, some confronting with the “with the school of” outstanding students graduate took WuLiuQian wages, I was still feeling pretty bad.

At the beginning, quite regret, why did not study hard in university?

But later, the more I felt: the low starting point for entering the society, in fact, is not a bad thing, the low starting point makes me feel inferior, and the inferiority makes me have a heart of awe, lest any company be killed, and it is this mentality that makes me work harder and grow up fast!

On the other hand, people with a high starting point will have many blind spots, leading to not listening to advice, and can not see their own shortcomings, often need to eat a big loss, in order to sober up!

02. If you procrastinate, you may miss a chance

After graduating from college, I began my career in graphic design with low self-esteem. But it was a very short career, nine months later, I switched to UI.

To some extent, the choice is really more important than hard work. In this choice of career change, I am a man of action, said to turn on the turn, and I am very grateful for this choice.

I was in the last year of the bonus period in the UI industry in 2015, and it started to get saturated in 2016, and if I had hesitated at that time, I might have missed the best time to change industries.

03. Don’t go to a big job interview “ready.

Since I entered the UI industry, I began to know about BAT, and I know that joining Tencent (because I am in Shenzhen) is the dream of most UI designers.

So after a year of precipitation in a small company, I put my resume to Tencent without saying anything.

Unfortunately, the level was like this:

So, you know, not even getting an interview!

Many people feel that they are not ready to send their resume to a large factory, and this delay may be several years past! This phenomenon is because we take ourselves too seriously, we are afraid of failure, always want to prepare very enough, and then enter a big factory, but in reality, there are always a variety of circumstances that we have not considered, and finally lead to the failure of the interview.

What you think of as “ready” doesn’t necessarily mean that you are really ready. You will get closer to your goal only if you try and make mistakes and understand your own problems and skills.

Back to my story, “no interview opportunity” let me know, oh, Tencent and I have so far away! Knowing how far away it is,

I think: prove oneself no good, nothing terrible, don’t know oneself no good, only terrible!

4. Do you ever hate “who you are”

Although I didn’t even have the chance to interview With Tencent this time,


Fortunately, I had the opportunity to join huawei ITUX team. Although I was an outsourced employee, the team atmosphere was good, which broadened my horizon and made me learn more standard design process.

After joining a big team, I didn’t think I was any better than my colleagues, so I wanted to change.

To tell the truth, I since the childhood never overcome inertia insist to do something, I hate this myself, so I decided to insist to do one thing again, a thing that can make me proud, just had just write an article about “tencent method” of substance, and then insist on writing a 100 – day plan.

Thanks to myself, I persevered, and it’s no exaggeration to say that those 100 days almost changed my life.

But that’s not the point. What I’d like to focus on are two practical tips for persistence: “Start short” and “commit in the middle.”

Start simple:

Insist to do a thing that need to resist inert, originally don’t stick to the difficulty of setting is too high, otherwise it’s easy to fail, for example, I started writing, didn’t set to write professional summary, because that is the most difficult thing for me, my goal is just to write every day, no matter what to write, the key is to keep the output, that’s all.

Public commitment:

So many goals die within us. Why? Because if your goal is set silently in your mind, it will be easy to compromise when you meet difficulties. After all, only you know this goal, you will make excuses and tell yourself that it is not too late to do it in the future, but only you know.

Therefore, WHEN I insisted on writing the article, I chose to post it on my wechat moments every day, because there are people I respect in my wechat moments. This way is equivalent to making a public promise in front of them. In fact, the principle is very similar to our performance determination at work.

I will fulfill the goals I set for this commitment, because failure to do so would be humiliating.

After summarizing for more than half a year, I applied my resume to Tencent again. I thought that my output of such efforts was stable due to the background of a large factory, but unexpectedly, the result was: a tour.

Quantity change causes quality change

After a round of swimming, I was very frustrated. I wondered if this “output summary” was useful.

But on second thought, “one round tour” is still better than “no interview”, progress proves that this thing is not in vain, so I continue to keep “output summary”.

Writing an article in a year and a half later, slowly found that due to the accumulated output quantity, their logical thinking slowly become more and more clear, qualitative change has occurred subtle, coupled with the sharp mobile team a year for the icon, and allow yourself to have one more strengths, icon design, so I send your resume to the tencent again!

The failure of the first two years, coupled with the growth of logic and professional ability, let me successfully pass the first, second and third….

Finally, I did it!

Three years! During the three years of working with Tencent, I have changed from an ignorant little white person to a Tencent designer step by step. If there is something that helps me, I think it is “persistence”, and I deeply understand the infinite power of these two words.

I firmly believe: water drop wears away the stone!

06 Hope can bring you energy

It has been 600 days since I entered the goose factory. I have many stories to share after I entered the factory. I will continue to update them later.

Finally, a quote from Eli:

I wish I could be satisfied with who I see and what I do, if ONLY for a little good.

So, ALSO hope my story, can bring you encouragement, we forge ahead together!

Scan attention, add a dish to the mind