At the beginning of writing, everyone will be very upset, because at work, there are often many things in parallel, but every time I can’t concentrate on one thing, there will be some inexplicable emotions, so I made a small summary, welcome everyone to discuss

1 Clear plan

1.1 the truth

No time = unimportant?

All that stuff you didn’t start doing because it wasn’t important enough, or because you didn’t know what was

1.2 solve

  1. Each person writes down the latitude of each part of the wheel of life that they feel is important to them
  2. Each latitude is scored on a scale of 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating greater satisfaction
  3. Write down the three things you’d like to do in the near future in each of the three dimensions you’d like to increase your satisfaction with

2 Time Management

2.1 the truth

There was plenty of time, and you didn’t manage it

If you know what you want to do and know how to set aside time for it and keep working on it, do you have a chance of becoming an expert in your area of interest for another four to seven years

2.2 solve

Manage your time with a big rock weekly schedule

  1. Reservation time
  2. Balance work, personal, and community
  3. Announced plans
  4. Allow maneuver time
  5. OKR
  6. Monthly plan
  7. Week plan

3 know how to say no

  1. Set a do-not-disturb period and Say no to unnecessary interruptions
  2. Keep away from disturbing objects in space and avoid temptation
  3. Define your role and scope of responsibility

4. Ensure physical energy

4.1 the truth

Time * effort = efficiency

Prioritize your work and stay energized

4.2 solve

  1. Eat healthy and maintain blood sugar levels
  2. Sleep regularly and get enough sleep
  3. Exercise appropriately to ensure reasonable oxygen

5. Make friends with emotions

  1. Recognize emotions correctly
  2. What bothers us about understanding how emotions work is not the events themselves, but the way we look at them
  3. When you’re in a negative mood, try belly breathing to pause the attack and wait for your cortex to coordinate
  4. Seek positive emotional support and actively create high-energy emotional states

6 Polish your mind

  1. Find your attention zone
  2. Leave the thinking blank, moderately empty, keep the flexibility of thinking
  3. Always try to look on the positive side of things

Live by your values

Explore your values vocabulary:

  1. If you were at the end of your life, what would you want to be remembered for?
  2. How do you want your epitaph written?
  3. Who is the person you respect or like the most? What are the top 3 things you admire and like about him?
  4. What qualities do you possess to be the best version of yourself?
  5. The person you want to be?
  6. Work and live the way you want to live right now, right now


Section 1/2/3 mainly deals with the relationship between time and plan, that is, it can fall into the four quadrants of time management

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