Recently I have been working on a common backend management system (based on Element UI), and there are a lot of duplicate table modules and forms, so consider encapsulating the components and reducing the amount of code.
Configuration items:
DynTable usage mode
Parameter names | The default value | details |
tableData | [] | Render table data |
tableColumns | [] | Used to define header fields and prop receive values |
headerStyle | { background: ‘#F2F6FC’, color: ‘#606266’ } | Define the header style |
isTree | {} | Whether it is a tree structure |
loading | true | Table Table loading effect |
handleSelectionChange | () => {} | The user manually checks the Checkbox (can retrieve all rows whose Checkbox is true) |
rowClick | () => {} | Used for multiple selection tables to switch the selected state of a row |
templete | ‘ ‘ | You can customize the effect display (get all information about the current row by _scope) |
Key points:
The templete method is used to customize the table content,
TableColumns Configuration item
Parameter names | The default value | details |
width | null | Set the current column width –> default “120px” |
prop | The name of the field corresponding to the column content | |
label | Display title | |
type | Corresponding column types, including (serial number, checknox…) | |
fixed | Whether the column is fixed to the left or right |
Code demo:
<dynTable ref='dynTable' loading={this.tableLoading} table-data={this.tableData} table-columns={tableColumns} Handle - selection - change = {this. HandleSelectionChange} row - click = {this. RowClick} / > enclosing tableData said the dataSource Enclosing multipleSelection said this. When multiple storage array handleSelectionChange (row) {enclosing multipleSelection = row}, this.rowClick(row) { this.$refs.dynTable.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row) },Copy the code
const tableColumns = [ { prop: '', label: '', type: 'selection' }, { prop: '', label: this.$t('index'), type: 'index', width: '50px', templete: <span>{( - 1) * this.listQuery.size + _scope.$index + 1 }</span>)}, {prop: 'formId', label: 'formId', width: '140px'}, {prop: 'execResult', label: 'execResult', templete: (_scope) => { return ( <el-switch v-model={_scope.row.execResult} active-value={1} inactive-value={0} Active-color ='#13ce66' inactive-color='#ff4949' disabled/>)}}, {prop: 'createTime', label: 'create date ', width: '180px'}, {prop: 'oaState', label: 'OA audit status ', width: '120px', Fixed: 'right', Templete: (_scope) => { return ( <el-button type='primary' size='mini' disabled={!!_scope.row.oaState} vOn:click={() => This.handleoacheck (}>{_scope.row.oaState? ' ':' '}</el-button>)}}]Copy the code
Component source code:
<script> export default { name: 'DynTable', props: { tableData: { type: Array, default: () => ([]) }, tableColumns: { type: Array, default: () => ([]) }, handleSelectionChange: { type: Function, default: () => { } }, rowClick: { type: Function, default: () => { } }, loading: { type: Boolean, default: true }, headerStyle: { type: Object, default: () => ({ background: '#F2F6FC', color: '#606266' }) }, isTree: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) } }, data() { return { } }, methods: { load() {} }, render: function(h) { return ( <el-table ref='multipleTable' data={ this.tableData } header-cell-style={this.headerStyle} border stripe tooltip-effect='dark' fit // {... this.isTree} row-key={this.isTree.rowKey} lazy={this.isTree.lazy} load={ this.isTree.load } tree-props={this.isTree.treeProps} highlight-current-row on-selection-change={this.handleSelectionChange} on-row-click={this.rowClick} v-loading={this.loading} style='width: 100%'> {, index) => { return <el-table-column key={index} width={item.width} align='center' header-align='center' show-overflow-tooltip={true} prop={item.prop} label={item.label} type={item.type} fixed={item.fixed} > {item.templete ? scope => item.templete(scope, this) : '' } </el-table-column> }) } </el-table> ) } } </script>Copy the code
The encapsulated Table component has met all the requirements for daily development