Key points:
- Routing principle
- The Hash and History
- To implement the routing
The working principle of a VUE route
The differences between front-end routes and back-end routes:
Back-end route: Enter URL > request sent to the server > path of the server to resolve the request > take the corresponding page > Return to the front-end route: enter URL > JS resolve address > find the corresponding page > Execute the generated JS page > See the page
Vue-router workflow
Use of Hash and history
- The hash is the content of the hash
- You can get it from location.hash
- You can listen for hash changes through onHashchange
- You can add the path after the # sign without asking the server
- History is the normal path
- location.pathname
- You can use onPopState to listen for history changes
3. Basic knowledge of Vue plug-in
Vue-router, vuex, and Element-UI are plug-ins
Basic points of plug-in:
- Vue.use to use a plug-in and execute the install method
- Vue.mixin blends custom operations into the global Vue
- You can call this.$options to get the new Vue parameters
The following is executed in main.js
1, initial vue.use ()
console.log('use') // Prints use
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2. Install properties
let a = function() {
// let a ={}
Vue.use(a) // Install will be printed instead of a.
// If you give him a method, he executes the method,
// But whatever you give him, just give him an install attribute and he will execute install.
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3, Vue. Mixin ()
let a = function() {
// let a ={}
// vue. mixin global mixin custom operations. The above vue is passed in as a parameter, not the vue in import vue from 'vue'
data () {
return {
c:123456 // In other pages this.c}},methods:{
console.log('I'm a global method') // In other pages this.globalmethods ()
created() {
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Vue utility classes: defineReactive, extend, mergeOptions, WARN
let obj = {
setTimeout(function () {
obj.key='KEY2' {{this.obj1.key}}
let a = function() {
// let a ={}
console.log(vue.util) // VUE utility classes: defineReactive, extend, mergeOptions, WARN
vue.util.defineReactive(obj,'key') / / to monitor. The source code uses Object.defineProperty()
this.obj1=obj // On other pages {{this.obj1.key}}, the value is key.}})}Copy the code
Vue.extend () differs from vue.util.extend() :
vue.extend() // Unit tests
const home = Vue.extend(home)
// Create a new constructor for this component, that is, this for the component
const vm = new home().$mount()
vue.util.extend() // Shallow copy object
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Iv. Vue – Router
The following is a basic vue-Router that can only be switched between pages. This article is for familiarizing yourself with the source code, not for practical purposes. Create a folder named myRouter under SRC and create an index.js file. In index.js of the original router folder, change the path imported to the router to import VueRouter from ‘.. /myrouter’
Edit index.js in myRouter folder
// Record the history object
class HistoryRoute{
constructor() {// The path to listen on
this.current=null; }}/ / vuerouter itself
class vueRouter{
this.mode=options.mode||'hash'; // Configure mode
this.routes=options.routes||[]; // routes Routing table
this.routesMap=this.createMap(this.routes); // Call createMap with routes
this.history=new HistoryRoute;// instantiate history
this.init(); / / initialization
if(this.mode=='hash') {// Check whether it is hash mode
location.hash?' ':location.hash='/'; // automatically add #. Returns an empty string if there is a hash. Otherwise return /
window.addEventListener('load', () = > {// The listening page is loaded
this.history.current=location.hash.slice(1); // Get the hash value, remove the #. The current path assigned to the instantiated history.
window.addEventListener('hashchange', () = > {// Listen for hash changes
this.history.current=location.hash.slice(1); }}})// The path corresponds to the component. Compose a new object. For example, {'/':Home} is a mapping.
return routes.reduce((memo,current) = >{ // current indicates the routes table
return memo
// Write a plug-in to check whether the plug-in is registered
// Add operations to vue
if(this.$options&&this.$options.router){ // The router option is available in the app. vue file
this._root=this; // This refers to the current Vue instance, caching itself.
this._router=this.$options.router; // Mount the router passed in from the options.
Vue.util.defineReactive(this.'current'.this._router.history); // Listen for this.current and pass a third argument. Equivalent to children.
this._root=this.$parent._root; // If not, go up one level until app. vue new vue ({router}) is found.
// This.$router is read-only
Object.defineProperty(this."$router", {//this refers to the current component instance
return this._root._router; // Return to the mounted router}})}})// Define the component
let current=this._self._root._router.history.current;// Get the current stored in the router instance
let routerMap=this._self._root._router.routesMap;// Get the routesMap currently stored in the Router instance
return h(routerMap[current]); // Get the routerMap and call h. Render the routerMap mapping. Put it in the router-View component.}})}/ / vuerouter exposure
export default vueRouter;
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On the road ahead we walk together.