
Google mentioned Flutter at this year’s I/O conference, thinking it might be a trend. After learning the basic Dart syntax and the basic use of common Flutter widgets, I started to get impatient and decided to write a WanAndroid client to emulate the Open source Chinese version of Flutter.

The project address

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You can scan the code (use the browser to scan the code, not qq or wechat) and directly download the Release VERSION APK file to experience the smoothness

Project screenshots


  • WanAndroidPage.dart
    • Basic use of BottomNavigationBar
    • Simple use of Navigator
  • HomePageList.dart
    • Pull up to load more
    • Add a header layout (SlideView)
  • HotePage.dart
    • Toggle between hot and search lists
  • ArticlePage.dart
    • Basic use of TabBarView
  • ArticleDetailPage.dart
    • Use of the flutter_webview_plugin
  • SearchPage.dart
    • The meaning of key in the Widget constructor
  • ArticleItem.dart
    • Dart’s common constructor and named constructor
  • HttpUtil.dart
    • Simple encapsulation of Flutter network requests and addition of cookies

As you can see, the whole project is relatively simple

Problems encountered and solved in the project

  • I wrote a blog on this issue

    Problems encountered in the WanAndroid project of Flutter practice

Problems to be solved

  • The keyboard cover
  • Pull-down refresh, pull-up load more unified packaging
  • Load, empty data, error data interface unified processing

Learning materials

  • The official address of Flutter
  • Flutter Chinese translation version
  • Ali Xianyu Technology wechat official account (search ‘Xianyu Technology ‘)

The effects of the official Demo and widgets can be tried by yourself after the Flutter SDK has been installed under the Flutter SDK installation directory/Flutter /examples.

My blog canhuah’s blog