This article describes how to access and use EMP in the React project. There are two main scenarios. The first scenario is to initialize the new project through @efox/emp -CLI (default access), and the second scenario is how to modify the EMP of the existing React project.

More and more companies and teams are using the micro front end (what is the micro front end can be clicked here), today xiaobi will take you to quickly feel the development experience of the EMP micro front end (what is the EMP click here +1), no more words, start ~

Use EMP out of the box

Learn about emP commands

EMP maintains a set of CLI scaffolding and a series of templates that beginners can use out of the box.

First we can install @efox/emp-cli globally

yarn global add @efox/emp-cli
// or npm i -g @efox/emp-cli 
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After the installation is successful, we can enter the command to view the version:

emp -v
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Of course, we can also view to help better understand the use of emP commands:

emp -h
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Initialize two application projects

Next, we will set up two application projects, named React-Base and React-Project, under the guidance of EMP initialization. We will experience how resources are shared between the two projects.

We first execute the initialization instruction, and then follow the instructions to complete the initialization of the project. For the template, we first select React – Base

emp init
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We can take a look firstreact-baseThe directory:

Of particular interest is the file emp-config.js. Mf/webPack mf/webpack MF/webPack MF/webPack MF

config.plugin('mf').tap(args => { args[0] = { ... args[0], ... Library: {type: 'var', name: projectName}, // The filename that was imported remotely 'emp. Js ', remotes: {// Remote project alias: @emp/react-project': 'empReactProject', }, // The object to be exposed: {// Alias: the path of the component './configs/index': 'SRC /configs/index', //... }, // Dependencies that need to be shared: {... dependencies}, }, } return args })Copy the code

Parameter Meanings:

The field name type meaning
name string The project name, which can be understood as the application’s ID card, is used to identify the uniqueness of the application when the application shares resources
library object Exposes the global variable name of the project, declaring a variable name mounted under the global
filename string The name of chunk after construction is also the file name that is imported remotely. It can be understood that applications with id cards need specific entry addresses before they can use resources with each other
remotes object Here declare what resources the application wants to use from other applications. The format is as follows: [Remote project alias: the name of the project imported remotely (that is, the name field of the ID of other applications)]
exposes object This is a declaration of what resources the application can share, in the format of [Alias: component path].
shared object Dependencies that need to be shared, you can control the version number of the third package here

Let’s take a look at the HTML plugin’s parameters:

Plugin (' HTML ').tap(args => {args[0] = {... args[0], ... {// head's title title: 'emp-base-project ', // remote call Project's file link files: {js: ['http://localhost:8002/emp.js'], }, }, } return args })Copy the code

Parameter Meanings:

The field name type meaning
title string The head of the title
files object Remote call the project’s file link, where the application loads the microfront-end entry file of another port application, so that the application can happily use the other application’s resources

The react-base emp.config.js file is used to configure resources for other applications, and how to share resources with others. Remember to select the React-Project template:

React-base and react-project declare a Hello component in the emp.config.js configuration file:

An object reception: {// alias: assemblies' path './components/Hello': 'SRC /components/Hello',},Copy the code

React-project declares that the Hello component of the react-base project is needed in the emp.config.js configuration file:

@emp/react-base: 'empReactBase',},Copy the code

React-project uses the Hello component of the React-base project:

import HelloDEMO from '@emp/react-base/components/Demo' const App = () => ( <> // ... <HelloDEMO /> // ... < / a >)Copy the code

So let’s run the react-base and react-project projects to see what the Hello component looks like:

cd react-base && yarn && yarn dev
cd react-project && yarn && yarn dev
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Congratulations on your first step into the EMP micro front end!!

There are so many things that can be shared between applications, including UI components, functions and even apps, so give it a try

An existing project is connected to EMP

In many cases, our application microfrontend wants to be seamlessly integrated into existing projects. So, how to seamlessly access EMP in the middle of the existing React project to truly feel the charm of EMP? Let’s do it together

1. Modify the package. Json

We can use the package.json command in the react-base and react-project projects above to add scripts to existing projects as needed:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "emp dev"."dev:hot": "emp dev --hot"."build": "emp build"."build:ts": "emp build -t"."build:lab": "emp build --env lab"."tss": "emp tss http://localhost:8001/index.d.ts -n @emp-react-base.d.ts"."start": "emp serve"."analyze": "emp build --analyze"
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2. Add the emp – config. Js

/ / react-base/react-project/emp-config.js / / react-base/react-project / / emp-config.js / / react-base/react-project / /

const path = require('path')
const packagePath = path.join(path.resolve('/'), 'package.json')
const {dependencies} = require(packagePath)

module.exports = ({config, env}) = > {
  const port = 8003
  const projectName = 'projectName'
  const publicPath = `http://localhost:${port}/ `
  config.plugin('mf').tap(args= > {
    args[0] = {
        // Project name
        name: projectName,
        // Expose the project's global variable name
        library: {type: 'var'.name: projectName},
        // The name of the file to be imported remotely
        filename: 'emp.js'.// Remote project alias: the name of the project imported remotely
        remotes: {
          '@emp/react-base': 'empReactBase',},// Something to expose
        exposes: {
          // Alias: component path, for example:
          //'./configs/index': 'src/configs/index',
        shared: {... dependencies}, }, }return args
  config.plugin('html').tap(args= > {
    args[0] = {
        files: {
          js: ['http://localhost:8001/emp.js'],}}},return args
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3. Add the import file

Next, you can add the entry files bootstrap. TSX and index.ts to the SRC directory.

The contents of the index.ts file are as follows:

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The contents of bootstrap. TSX are as follows:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import App from 'src/view/index' // Import file of the original project
ReactDOM.render(<App />.document.getElementById('emp-root'))
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4. Use shared resources

Next, we can reference the remote component in our project:

import HelloDEMO from '@emp/react-base/components/Demo'
const App = () = > (
    <HelloDEMO />
export default App
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The last

In practice, we may encounter the following minor problems:

  1. If the @ alias is used in the project, you need to add the following code to emp-config.js
    .set(The '@', path.resolve('/'.'src'))
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  1. There is no node core module by default in webpack5, if you use these core libraries. You need to add these core libraries in emp-config.js as follows:
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Finally, the EMP micro front end is not limited to React projects. Vue projects can be quickly enabled and plugged in, and even Cocos games can use the EMP micro front end seamlessly. EMP micro-front-end has been applied in 80% of our internal large projects. With robustness, flexibility and reliability, it is a very suitable micro-front-end framework for children who want to learn and use micro-front-end. Welcome to learn and communicate with us on EMP Github