A microservice app that allows users to vote for their favorite emoji and track the votes received on leaderboards. May the best emoji win.
The application consists of the following three services:
- emojivoto-web:
The front andREST API
- emojivoto-emoji-svc: used to find and list
- emojivoto-voting-svc: used for voting and leaderboards
In actual combat
Tencent Cloud K8S deployment Service Mesh — Linkerd2 & Traefik2 deployment emojivoto application
In Minikube
Deploy the application to Minikube using the Linkerd2 service grid.
Install linkerd CLI
curl https://run.linkerd.io/install | sh Copy the code
Install Linkerd2
linkerd install | kubectl apply -f - Copy the code
Check the dashboard!
linkerd dashboard Copy the code
Inject, Deploy, and Enjoy
kubectl kustomize kustomize/deployment | \ linkerd inject - | \ kubectl apply -f - Copy the code
Use the app!
minikube -n emojivoto service web-svc Copy the code
In the docker – compose
You can also run the application using Docker-compose (without Linkerd2).
Build and run:
make deploy-to-docker-compose
Copy the code
The Web application will run on port 8080 of the Docker host.
Via the URL
Independent deployment to an existing cluster:
kubectl apply -k github.com/BuoyantIO/emojivoto/kustomize/deployment
Copy the code
Generate some traffic
The VoteBot service can bring you some traffic. It voted “randomly” on emojis as follows:
- When it doesn’t vote for
, it randomly selects an emoji
If you run the application using the instructions(deployment instructions) above, VoteBot will be deployed and will start sending traffic to the voting endpoints.
If you want to run the robot manually:
export WEB_HOST=localhost:8080 # replace with your web location
go run emojivoto-web/cmd/vote-bot/main.go
Copy the code
Release a new version
To build and push a multi-arch Docker image:
Update the label name in common.mk
Create the Buildx builder instance
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes docker buildx create --name=multiarch-builder --driver=docker-container --use docker buildx inspect multiarch-builder --bootstrap Copy the code
Build & push multi-arch Docker images to hub.docker.com
docker login make multi-arch Copy the code
Distribute to the Linkerd Website repo
kubectl kustomize kustomize/deployment > .. /website/run.linkerd.io/public/emojivoto.yml kubectl kustomize kustomize/daemonset > .. /website/run.linkerd.io/public/emojivoto-daemonset.yml kubectl kustomize kustomize/statefulset > .. /website/run.linkerd.io/public/emojivoto-statefulset.ymlCopy the code
Prometheus indicators
By default, the voting service exposes Prometheus metrics about the current vote count on port 8801.
This can be disabled by unsetting the PROM_PORT environment variable.
Local development
Emojivoto webapp
The application is written in React and packaged with Webpack. Use the following commands to run emojivoto Go Services and develop them on the front end.
Set up the proto file to build the application
make build
Copy the code
Start polling Service
GRPC_PORT=8081 go run emojivoto-voting-svc/cmd/server.go
Copy the code
Start the Emoji service [in a separate terminal window]
GRPC_PORT=8082 go run emojivoto-emoji-svc/cmd/server.go
Copy the code
Bundle front-end resources [in a separate terminal window]
cd emojivoto-web/webapp
yarn install
yarn webpack # one time asset-bundling OR
yarn webpack-dev-server --port 8083 # bundle/serve reloading assets
Copy the code
Start the Web service [in a separate terminal window]
export WEB_PORT=8080
export VOTINGSVC_HOST=localhost:8081
export EMOJISVC_HOST=localhost:8082
# if you ran yarn webpack
export INDEX_BUNDLE=emojivoto-web/webapp/dist/index_bundle.js
# if you ran yarn webpack-dev-server
export WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER=http://localhost:8083
# start the webserver
go run emojivoto-web/cmd/server.go
Copy the code
Optional. Start the voting robot to generate traffic automatically.
export WEB_HOST=localhost:8080
go run emojivoto-web/cmd/vote-bot/main.go
Copy the code
Check the emojivoto
open http://localhost:8080
Copy the code
Test the Linkerd service configuration file
Service Profiles is a feature of Linkerd that provides per-route functionality, such as Telemetry, timeouts, and retries. The Emojivoto application aims to present the service configuration file with the following instructions.
The ServiceProfile file generates the ServiceProfile definition
Emoji and voting services are gRPC applications with Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) definition files. These.proto files can be used as input to the Linkerd profile command to create the ServiceProfile Definition YAMl file. The Linkerd Service Profile document Outlines the steps required to create a YAML file. Here are the commands you can use from the root of the repository:
linkerd profile --proto proto/Emoji.proto emoji-svc -n emojivoto
Copy the code
linkerd profile --proto proto/Voting.proto voting-svc -n emojivoto
Copy the code
Each of these commands outputs YAML, which you can write to a file or pipe, directly to Kubectl apply. Such as:
- Write to file:
linkerd profile --proto proto/Emoji.proto emoji-svc -n emojivoto > emoji
Copy the code
- Apply directly to:
linkerd profile --proto proto/Voting.proto voting-svc -n emojivoto | \
kubectl apply -f -
Copy the code
Generate the ServiceProfile definition for the Web deployment
Emojivoto’s web-SVC deployment is a React application hosted by Go Server. We can use Linkerd Profile Auto Creation to generate a ServiceProfile resource for Web-SVC using the following command:
linkerd profile -n emojivoto web-svc --tap deploy/web --tap-duration 10s | \
kubectl apply -f -
Copy the code
Now that service profiles are generated for all services, you can view each routing metric for each service on the Linkerd Dashboard or using the Linkerd routes command
linkerd -n emojivoto routes deploy/web-svc --to svc/emoji-svc
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