Hello everyone, I am a ruffian balance, is a serious technical ruffian. ARM Cortex-M performance index.

1. Processor performance specifications

There are many indicators used to evaluate CPU performance, and the test criteria may yield different indicators based on different performance priorities. The following two classic test criteria are widely used in the embedded industry.

1.1 Dhrystone standard

Dhrystone is a benchmark program developed by Reinhold P. Weicker in 1984 to test the performance of processor integer and logic operations.

The Dhrystone program was originally released in Ada, but Rick Richardson developed Version 1.1 in C for Unix, which helped propel Dhrystone into widespread use. The most recent Version of the Dhrystone program is Version 2.1, updated in 1988.

Dhrystone standard test method is very simple, is the number of times in unit time run Dhrystone program, its index unit is DMIPS/MHz. MIPS stands for Million Instructions Per Second, the number of machine-language Instructions processed Per Second. The D in DMIPS is an abbreviation of Dhrystone, which represents MIPS under Dhrystone standard testing methods.

1.2 CoreMark standard

CoreMark is a benchmark program proposed by Shay Gla-on of EEMBC, an embedded microprocessor benchmark association, in 2009. Its main objective is to test processor core performance, which is considered to be more practical than the older Dhrystone standard.

The CoreMark program, written in C, contains the following algorithms: enumeration (find and sort), mathematical matrix operations (ordinary matrix operations), and state machines (to determine whether the input stream contains significant digits), and finally CRC (cyclic redundancy check). The latest Version of the CoreMark program is Version 1.0.

The CoreMark standard test is also very simple. It is the number of CoreMark runs per unit of time in a certain configuration parameter combination. The indicator is CoreMark/MHz. A higher CoreMark number means higher performance.

2. Performance comparison of cortex-M processors

ARM provides the official performance comparison bar chart for the Cortex-M family of processors:

Specific indicators of each processor are as follows:

The latest ARM official index values in June 2019 are as follows:


[1]. [ARM Embedded System Development] Chapter 1 Dhrystone

[2]. Simple tool for testing CPU – Dhrystone

[3]. Introduction to Processor Performance Test Benchmark (CoreMark)

[4]. Cortex-M7 Launches:Embedded, IoT and Wearables

[5]. Csdn-markdown table style setting (cross-row table, background color, etc.)

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