
The company’s recent project needs to use element uploading component to upload pictures, but the company’s watermark must be added when uploading pictures to protect the picture information of the company’s product users

Technology stack

This method uses canvas plus Elementui to watermark images before uploading them


      :before-upload="imageUploadOther" // The hook function verifies the uploaded image type
      :on-change="imgChange"  // Listen to the function when the picture switch
      accept=".png,.jpg" // Soft display upload type
      class="avatar-uploader" // Base style
        v-if="form.carPhotos[0].carPicture"// Control display hide:src="form.carPhotos[0].carPicture"// The network address of the image returned by the backendclass="avatar"// Basic style />
      <i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i>Plus sign icon < / el - upload >Copy the code

2. Js

1. imgChange(file){}Function that listens for picture uploads

We need to use this function to obtain the local address of the picture

 1    imgChange(file) {
 2      // ----- The local path to get the image ------
 4      let dialogImageUrl = window.URL
 5        ? window.URL.createObjectURL(file.raw)
 6        : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file.raw);
 8        //----- call the wrapped function to process the image ------
 9        this.shuiyin({
10        url: dialogImageUrl,  // File is an image file that has been uploaded
11        content: "I am a watermark.".// Watermark the content
12        cb: (base64Url) = > {  // callBack()
13          this.base64Url = base64Url;
14          console.log(base64Url); // The converted Base64 image is sent here
15        },
16      });
17    },
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2. huiyin(url,textAlign,textBaseline,font,fillStyle,content,cb){}addThe watermarkfunction


  • The url passes in the local path to the currently uploaded image

  • TextAlign Text alignment defaults to left

  • TextBaseline Text level location By default top

  • Font Font and size and 12px Microsoft Yahei

  • FillStyle Text style RGBA (255, 255, 255,.3) color and transparency

  • Content Watermark content

  • Cb callBack(base64Url) The path converted from base64Url can be submitted to the background

 1 shuiyin({
 2      url = "".3      textAlign = "left".4      textBaseline = "top".5      font = "38px Microsoft Yahei".6      fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)".7      content = "".8      cb = null.9    } = {}) {
10      const img = new Image();
11      img.src = url;
12      img.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
13      img.onload = function ({
14        const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
15        let _ix = img.width;
16        let _iy = img.height;
17        canvas.width = _ix;
18        canvas.height = _iy;
19        const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
20        ctx.drawImage(img, 0.0);
21        ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
22        ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline;
23        ctx.font = font;
24        ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
25        ctx.translate(-20.100);
26        ctx.rotate((Math.PI / 90) * -15); / / rotation
27        // Watermark density
28        for (let i = 0; i < _iy / 120; i++) {
29          for (let j = 0; j < _ix / 50; j++) {
30            ctx.fillText(content, i * 170, j * 100, _ix); // Adjust the spacing
31          }
32        }
33        const base64Url = canvas.toDataURL();
34        cb && cb(base64Url);
35      };
36    },
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Okay, end of story