About the reasons for the drop-down BUG of IE with search:
Input in IE does not support readonly and cannot lose focus, but the Element UI by default hides dropdown items so it cannot be searched
Workaround: Manually unfocus the INPUT from IE by using visible-change events to determine when element UI hides drop-down items
Specific implementation methods:
- 1. Vue files
<el-form-item label="Save" prop="consigneeProvince">
<el-select v-model="pickForm.consigneeProvince"
placeholder="Please select province"
<el-option v-for="item in consigneeProvinceOption"
Copy the code
- 2, the methods,
InputBlur (flag,refName){// inputBlur(flag,refName){if(! flag){ this.$refs[refName].$children[0].blur(); }}Copy the code
Note: Visible-change is the method that triggers the element UI dropdown to expand the dropdown. When the dropdown is hidden, the first parameter is false