To implement a button that pops up a dialog box, the Element documentation says so
<el-button type="text" @click="dialogVisible = true"<el-dialog title= < el-button title="Tip"
:before-close="handleClose"<span> This is a piece of information </span> <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="dialogVisible = false"</el-button> <el-buttontype="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false"</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> <script>export default {
data() {
return {
dialogVisible: false
methods: {
handleClose(done) {
this.$confirm('Confirmed closure? ')
.then(_ => {
done(a); }) .catch(_ => {}); }}}; </script>Copy the code
However, this can only be done when the dialog box code is written on a page. In daily development, if the dialog box pops up a form or more complex business requirements, writing the dialog box on a page will make the code appear redundant and difficult to maintain. It is best to wrap each dialog as a separate component and introduce the corresponding popover component into the page. To enable the parent component to open the popover, the popover component must expose properties to the parent component, as shown in the code implementation below
// Popup component <template> <el-dialog title="Sample popover" :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<div class="dialog-content">
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"</el-button> <el-buttontype="primary"</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> </template> <script>export default {
name: 'dialogExample'.data() {
return {
props: {
dialogVisible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false</script> // Parent component <dialog-example :dialog-visible="showDialog"></dialog-example>
<el-button @click="showDialog=true"</el-button>Copy the code
Sync =”dialogVisible”, and dialogVisible is the value passed by the parent, DialogVisible cannot be directly modified in the popover component, and an error will be prompted in the console. The child component cannot directly modify the value passed by the parent component, so it needs to notify the parent component through events, as shown in the code below
// Popup component <template> <el-dialog title="Sample popover" :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<div class="dialog-content">
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="cancel"</el-button> <el-buttontype="primary"</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> </template> <script>export default {
name: 'dialogExample'.data() {
return {
props: {
dialogVisible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
methods: {
cancel() {
this.$emit('dialog-cancel'); </script> // Parent component <dialog-example :dialog-visible="showDialog" @dialog-cancel="showDialog=false"></dialog-example>
<el-button @click="showDialog=true"</el-button>Copy the code
To close the popover, ask the parent component to modify the value of the showDialog via an event notification. However, this is not the end of the story, because there will be a close button in the upper right corner of the popover, and when you click it, the console will still report an error. This is because :visible.sync uses the sync modifier, and clicking the close button on the callback triggers dialogVisible’s modification back to the situation mentioned earlier. If before-close is used to close the Dialog, the function(done) will be suspended. If
before-close is used to close the Dialog, do not call done
// Popup component <template> <el-dialog title="Sample popover" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" :before-close="cancel">
<div class="dialog-content">
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="cancel"</el-button> <el-buttontype="primary"</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> </template> <script>export default {
name: 'dialogExample'.data() {
return {
props: {
dialogVisible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
methods: {
cancel() {
this.$emit('dialog-cancel'); </script> // Parent component <dialog-example :dialog-visible="showDialog" @dialog-cancel="showDialog=false"></dialog-example>
<el-button @click="showDialog=true"</el-button>Copy the code
At this point, a perfect Dialog component is wrapped