Chinese | English
This is a basic Vue3 Admin Electron desktop terminal platform. Contains the most basic electron development build steps and uses Demo, a set of code that can be packaged simultaneously for Win, MAC, and Linux platforms.
The technology used in this architecture is: electron13+vue3(setup-script)+ Vite2 + Element-Plus, a new generation of cross-desktop framework, It’s easy and fast!
Use ESLint + Prettier +gitHooks and verify code to improve code standardization and development efficiency
Update log
/ / 11-01
add demo of electron
Copy the code
Online experience (Download the installation package and install the experience)
Github address:…
Extraction code: 4293
— win
— mac
Related projects
The frames are available in JS, TS, PLUS and ELECTRON versions
- Electron version: vue3 – admin – electron
- Js version: vue3-element-admin
- Ts version: vuE3-element-TS
- Js example see plus version: vue3-element-plus
- React version: react-admin-template
- Java microservice background data: micro-service-Plus
Development and use experience: two words really sweet !!!!!
The document
Documentation efforts under development…
Comparison of performance between VUE3 and VUE2
Package size reduced by 41%
Initial rendering is 55% faster and updated rendering is 133% faster
Memory reduced by 54%
Use Proxy instead of defineProperty for data responsiveness
Rewrite virtual DOM implementation and tree-shaking
Vite2 and Webpack speed comparison
Build steps
# Clone project
git clone
Enter the project directory
cd vue3-admin-electron
Install dependencies (yarn is recommended)
# Start the service (the page is hot loaded. The electron module will not be hot loaded. If both modules need to be hot loaded, you can use Yarn Run electron:nodemon to start the service.)
yarn run electron:dev
Copy the code
# Build packagingYarn Run electron:build > Note: Pack exe files in Windows and DMG files in MAC. Separate the files as far as possibleCopy the code
# Code format check and automatic repair
yarn run lint
Copy the code
- Login/Logout - Permissions Verification - Page Permissions - Directive permissions - Permissions Configuration - Two-step Login - Multi-environment publishing - serve-Build - Priview - Lint - Global features #- Internationalization of multiple languages #- Multiple dynamic peels - Dynamic sidebar (supports multi-level routing nested) - Dynamic Breadbreading - Quick navigation (tabs) - Svg Sprite icon - Local/back-end Mock data #- Screenfull - Adaptive Shrink sidebar - Editor - Rich text - Markdown #- JSON etc multi-format #- Excel #- Export Excel #- Import Excel #- Front-end Visualization Excel #- Export ZIP - Table - Dynamic table #- Drag and drop table #- Inline edit - Error page - 401-404 - Component - Avatar upload - Return to top #- Drag Dialog #- drag Select #- drag Kanban #- List drag #- SplitPane #- Dropzone #- Sticky #- CountTo - Composite instance - Error log - Dashboard #- Boot page - ECharts Chart #- Clipboard #- Markdown2htmlCopy the code
Note: #– not implemented yet (hope we can develop together)
The architecture is not easy to develop. If it feels good, please give me a thumbs up. The architecture is still improving
Browser support
Note: Vue3 does not support Internet Explorer. Modern Browsers and Internet Explorer 11+ are browsers.
IE / Edge |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Discussion and exchange (including electron Cross desktop video tutorial)
WeChat group
MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2021-present kuanghua