I just finished a project. Electron wrote a client software, mainly used for corporate customer service and visitors chat.
After making the first version, the customer service staff tried a few days, said to me, can add a few themes, always a color a little greasy. I smiled and thought, “Oh my god, why don’t you tell me, you don’t know how many things I have to change?” But now that the demand has been made, I have to play with it.
I didn’t think it would be hard at first. A theme switch is just a style switch, so I could use a few more built-in styles. In line with this idea, quickly made.
The earliest implementation, fixed more than a few sets of themes
Iview is a VUE UI framework, CSS is less. Create a new theme. Less file in your project and import it in main.js
import iView from 'iview';
import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css';
import './theme.less'; // after the iView style
Copy the code
// Default style
/ / blue
/ / red
/ / the sky blue
.theme(@mainColor.@mainColorAct) {@import '~iview/src/styles/index.less';
@primary-color: @mainColor;
background: @mainColor; }}.title .btn > p:hover {
color: @mainColor;
.title .openurl{
filter: drop-shadow(85px 0 @mainColor);
&:hover img{
filter: drop-shadow(85px 0 #56b1fc); }}.chatMain{
color: @mainColor;
// background: @mainColorAct;}}}.charWindowList{
color: @mainColor;
.charInfo {
color: @mainColor;
background: @mainColorAct; }}.ivu-collapse > .ivu-collapse-item > .ivu-collapse-header {
background: @mainColorAct; }}.charInfo .kjyy li .icon-bianji..charInfo .kjyy i{
color: @mainColor;
.kjyy .edit_kjyy .titles{
background: @mainColor;
.kjyy .edit_kjyy .content .caozuo span:nth-child(2) {
background: @mainColor;
border: 1px solid @mainColor;
.el-button:active ,.el-button:hover {
color: @mainColor;
border-color: @mainColor;
outline: 0;
.chatMain .charWindowList .infoXieru .sumBtn > span{
background: @mainColor;
/* Define slider inner shadow + rounded corner */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: @mainColor;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
border-left: 1px solid @mainColor;
border-bottom: 1px solid @mainColor; }}}&.charOwn{
background: @mainColor;
border-right: 1px solid @mainColor;
border-top: 1px solid @mainColor;
background: @mainColor; }}}.info{
border: 1px solid @mainColor;
color: @mainColor; }}}}.chatMain .charRenshuList p > .ivu-icon {
background: @mainColor;
.settingBox .list_title .hover {
color: @mainColor;
color: @mainColor; }}Copy the code
Interface click a different theme button, change the class name. This is probably the oldest and most common practice for subject-based requirements. If you search baidu for front-end switching theme, iView switching theme, elementUI switching theme, 90% of what you can find is this solution. Its advantages and disadvantages:
- advantages
- Easy to implement, is a simple class name switch
- disadvantages
- Multiple theme styles exist locally, increasing the size of the code.
- Not flexible enough to use any color you want
Dynamic theme switching
After the function is completed, the customer took it for a month, and then ran to ask, can this not fixed several sets of themes, that is, I want to change any color what color. I smiled and ran through it (holy crap, it’s not easy). I can’t help it. We need to keep working on it. Maybe I’m a liberal arts student, so I don’t have much idea. Baidu search search, find a same function, it is very good, is a god, he is flower pants. At first I saw his article on SegmentFault website hand in hand, take you to use vue masturbation backstage series, later found in nuggets also, hahaha .
Vue-element-admin Dynamic skin, to quote him:
A quick explanation of how it works: After Element-UI 2.0, all styles are written based on SCSS, and all colors are set based on a few base color variables, so dynamic peels are easy to implement. Just find those color variables and change it. First we need to get the version number of the element-UI that we got from package.json and request the style according to that version number. Once you’ve got the style, replace the color with the color you need through regular matching and replacement, and then dynamically add the style tag to override the original CSS style.
Although I use iView, it is similar to Element and less is similar to SCSS. Maybe this idea can work for me too. It says, oh no, here’s a request, do I have to request the latest style back every time I change the skin, and then replace it again, if I keep switching, won’t it generate a lot of network requests? (at that time brain convulsive, did not want to request cache ), no, no, absolutely no, I will change the theme, absolutely can not request.
That’s it. Let go of that idea for a while. Again, CSS seems to have a custom attribute, also called CSS variables, using it is not able to do, also no nonsense, try it.
html {
--theme: #ff0000;
Copy the code
After a simple trial of CSS native variables feasible, on the excitement of his mother,less is not also using variables, my CSS variables to replace the variable of less is not on the line. The less color mixer doesn’t recognize this native variable at all. My young heart was hit, but also can good fun… Can I write the mixer for less by hand? Do it.
Check the official document of iView and find the Fade function of less, shade function (mix color with black), tint function (mix color with white). The default theme color value is #2d8cf0. Before doing that, replace the hexadecimal color value with the RGBA value. Filter out the values of r, G, B and A.
const value = val.replace('rgba('.' ').replace(') '.' ').split(', ');
var theme_obj = {
theme:[...value].map(Number), // Theme primary color
fade90:[...value].map(Number), / / 90% transparent
fade20:[...value].map(Number), / / 20% transparent
shade5:[...value].map(Number), // Mix 5% with black
tint20:[...value].map(Number), // Mix 20% with white
tint80:[...value].map(Number), // Mix 80% with white
tint90:[...value].map(Number), // Mix with white for 90%
Copy the code
Writing less functions
Fade function
theme_obj.fade90[3] = 9.;
theme_obj.fade20[3] = 2.;
Copy the code
Shade function
// Convert RGB to three values
for(let i=0; i<3; i++){ theme_obj.shade5[i] =Math.ceil(theme_obj.shade5[i]-theme_obj.shade5[i]*0.05);
Copy the code
Tint function
// Convert RGB to three values
for(let i=0; i<3; i++){ theme_obj.tint20[i] =Math.ceil(theme_obj.tint20[i]+(255*0.2)-(theme_obj.tint20[i]*0.2));
theme_obj.tint80[i] = Math.ceil(theme_obj.tint80[i]+(255*0.8)-(theme_obj.tint80[i]*0.8));
theme_obj.tint90[i] = Math.ceil(theme_obj.tint90[i]+(255*0.9)-(theme_obj.tint90[i]*0.9));
Copy the code
After the conversion is complete, set the CSS native variables in the HTML.
for(let key in theme_obj){ '-'+key, 'rgba('+theme_obj[key].join()+') ');
Copy the code
The render result is:
HTML {- theme: rgba (215,29,17,1); - fade90: rgba (215,29,17,0.9); - fade20: rgba (215,29,17,0.2); - shade5: rgba (205,28,17,1); - tint20: rgba (223,75,65,1); - tint80: rgba (247210208, 1); - tint90: rgba (251233232, 1); }Copy the code
After obtaining the corresponding variable, use the regular expression to replace the color value of iView.css.
// Add the color value of the iView theme color #2d8cf0 to the object
var theme = {
theme:'#2d8cf0'.fade90: 'rgba (45140240, 9)'.fade20: 'rgba (45140240, 2)'.shade5: '#2b85e4'.tint20: '#57a3f3'.tint80: '#d5e8fc'.tint90: '#eaf4fe'
let data = 'the iview CSS';
let reg = null;
for(let key in theme){
theme[key] = theme[key].replace('('.'\ \ (').replace(') '.'\ \]'); // RGBA color values need to be escaped parentheses
let reg = new RegExp(theme[key],"g");
data = data.replace(reg,'var(--'+key+') ').replace(/\f/g.'\\f'); // The icon '/ FXXX 'in the CSS needs to be escaped
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Once you’re done, copy the value of your data to iView.theme. CSS and put it under public. Modify the vue.config.js file and add
externals: {
vue: 'Vue'// Do not pack vue'view-design': 'iview'// do not pack iView}},Copy the code
Thinking summary
- Using CSS native variables, JS can be modified at will
- The iView must be imported manually, mainly in the CSS, without being packaged and compiled
- Replace the color values in iView.css with the theme color and the blended color, and replace them with CSS variables.
How to be More flexible
The idea now is that you can convert color RGBA to hexadecimal using JS, and electron can use node modules, which means you can also read and write files. After the conversion, the fs module is called to read the content of iView. CSS, and the regular expression replacement color value is the CSS native variable value, which is written to the iView. CSS file.