1. The main process communicates with the renderer process via IPC, for example:

1) main process

const { ipcMain } = require('electron') 
// Listen for renderer information
ipcMain.on('message'.(event, arg) = > {
  event.sender.send('message-reply'.'pong') // return subroutine
// The main process sends messages to the renderer separately

ipcMain.handle('perform-action'.(event, ... args) = > {
  / /... Represents renderer operations

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② Rendering process

const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
ipcRenderer.send('message'.'ping') // Send to the main process
ipcRenderer.on('message-reply'.(event, arg) = > {
  console.log(arg) // pong

Call the main process method in the renderer process
ipcRenderer.invoke('perform-action'. args)Copy the code

2. Use the remote module –> only call the main module in the renderer

Implementation principle: Similar to RMI in Java, the underlying is based on IPC

const{ BrowserWindow ... (Main process API module)} =require('electron').remote
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Note: Since electron is based on Node, the modularity of Node is the CommonJS (require) specification, which is different from ESM (import-ES6)

Solution: Use WebPack packaging

Electron shortcut key development

The native method of electron is used here. You can also use a third-party JS library such as MouseTrap.

  1. Listen for keyboard events in the main process
  //1, local shortcut --> Use the Menu module accelerator property must be triggered when the application gets focus
  const { Menu, MenuItem } = require('electron') - commnJS specificationconst menu = new Menu()
  menu.append(new MenuItem({
    label: 'Electron'.submenu: [{
      role: 'help'.accelerator: process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Alt+Cmd+I' : 'Alt+Shift+I'.click: () = > { console.log('Electron rocks! ') }


  //2. Global shortcuts listen for keyboard events and are triggered whether the application gets focus or not
  app.on('ready'.function () {
    / / register
    globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+Alt+K'.function () {
        type: 'info'.message: 'success! '.detail: 'You pressed a global registry shortcut binding.'.buttons: ['good']
  app.on('will-quit'.function () {
    // Unlog all shortcut keys
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  1. Listen for keyboard events in the renderer process
//1. Use the browser window to listen to keyboard events
window.addEventListener('keyup', doSomething, true)
true, which means that the current listener always receives the keystroke before other listeners to avoid the other listeners calling stopPropagation().// Use the third-party library mouseTrap (recommended)

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