Electron is introduced
Simply put, Electron is a library that lets you write desktop applications running on Windows, macOS, and Linux using Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Case pictures
Development Environment Installation
Install Node.js click here to enter the official website to download and install.
Verify the Node installation
node -v
Install CNPM
For well-known reasons (slow domestic connection to foreign network), you need a CNPM instead of NPM, here it iswebsite.
Install commands (open cmd.exe on your system to execute commands) :
npm install -g cnpm –registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
Install the Electron
cnpm install -g electron
Install the Electron – forge
This is the Electron tool integration project similar to the Dumb dev kit. For details, click here. cnpm install -g electron-forge ==================================================
There are two ways to create a project
– Method 1: Use example codes
1, download the example code from the lot: git clone https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-startCopy the code
2. Run the CD electron-quick-start directoryCopy the code
Directory structure:
3, The installation project depends on NPM installCopy the code
4. Launch Project:
npm start
5. If the following interface is displayed, the project is running successfully
Method 2. Use electron Forge
1. Create a project
$electron-forge init myproject
Copy the code
2. Go to the directory and run
$cd myproject
$electron-forge start
Copy the code
WEB URL changed to desktop EXE
The project structure
Creating a window object
Let mainWindow function createWindow () {mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({various attributes, various methods});Copy the code
Windows fixed width and height
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 400,
height: 300,
Copy the code
The window is displayed in full screen
MainWindow = new BrowserWindow({//fullscreen //fullscreen: true,});Copy the code
Window maximization
MainWindow = new BrowserWindow({// do not show //show: false,}); The default is not to display, then maximize the window, and finally display mainwindow.maximize () mainwindow.show ()Copy the code
Exe icon
MainWindow = new BrowserWindow({// icon icon: './logo.jpg',});Copy the code
Load the url in javascript executable
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { //nodeIntegration: True [default] // When loading remote content, whether using BrowserWindow, BrowserView or < webView >, the first task is to disable node.js integration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false } })Copy the code
Load the remote URL
let url="http://www.baidu.com"
Copy the code
Hide the menu for the Electron window
Copy the code