Electron Builder Common configuration description


Special instructions

== NSIS configuration refers to the configuration of the installation process. If it is not configured, the installation will be automatically installed on disk C without any user selection function. = =

    "author": "xxxx".// Software author information
    "version": "0.0.1" // Software version number
    "build": { / / electron - builder configuration
        productName: ' '.// Project name This is also the prefix used to generate the exe
        appId: ' './ / package name
        copyright: ' '.// Copyright information
        directories: {                  // Output folder
            output: "release"
        // Platform configuration Windows related configuration
        win: {
            icon: './public/favicon.ico' // the recommended path is 256x256
        // Setup process configuration
        nsis: {
            oneClick: false.// Whether to install one piece
            allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true.// Allows you to change the installation directory
            createDesktopShortcut: "always".// Create a desktop icon
            createStartMenuShortcut: true.// Create start menu icon
            installerIcon: "".// Install icon
            uninstallerIcon: "".// Uninstall the icon
        extraResources: { // Copy static files to the specified location after packaging, I usually put some software configuration files and resource files, etc
            "from": "./public/extraResources/"."to": "extraResources"}}}Copy the code