In this paper, Nuopai electricity meter is taken as the collection object, and the data of voltage and current lamp is collected by using the Hechuang micro-connection acquisition and control system, and then the collected data is uploaded to the Hechuang Internet of Things platform, which can visualize the data in real time. The article is divided into three parts: the introduction of Nope meter, the connection of equipment, the configuration of serial port server IP and port. The use of the acquisition and control system: the deployment of controls, the use of acquisition nodes. The use of HaiChuang IoT platform: product and device creation, data visualization.

First, the Norpie meter

1. Equipment connection

First of all, the connection of the device is introduced. The upper part of the Nope meter is powered by power supply. Modbus protocol is used for communication, and the 485 line is used for data transmission. The unit ID and the address of the collection volume should be checked in the instruction manual.

2. Modify IP address and configure port

Next, we need to assign an IP address and port to the serial port server, open the assigned software ZLvircom, and click Device Management.

Find the serial port server port, double-click in, you can assign the IP address and port (return the baud rate stop bit, etc.).

II. Hichuang Micro Link Acquisition and Control System

The electricity meter data is collected by using Hichuang micro connection acquisition and control system.

Open the acquisition and control system of HMC, and drag out a timer and a debugger from the Modbus control in the acquisition engine on the left.

Click the image below to connect.

Modbus is configured as follows. The address and port are the address and port configured by the serial port server, and the communication mode is Teinet.

The function code is FC3, and 10 acquisition quantities are added (function code, unit ID, collection address, and algorithm need to check the device’s manual). The details are as follows (letters should be used for the identifier. Chinese is used here for the convenience of display, and letters will be changed when uploading to the cloud).

The timer is configured to send a request every 10 seconds.

When the configuration is complete, click Deploy.

The debugging interface displays the electricity meter data collected in a period of 10s.

The value of the electricity meter has been collected successfully. The quick reuse code is attached at the end of the paper, so that the import can be quickly deployed.

3. Haichuang Internet of Things Platform

The Haichuang Internet of Things platform can interact with the collection and control system of Haichuang Micro-Link to visualize the collected data.

1. Creation of products and equipment

Log in to Haichuang Internet of Things platform and click Device Management – Product – Create Product successively.

Then create a device under the product in the following sequence.

2. Definition of collection amount

Go back to the product you just created and add the collection amount to the function definition and the custom function.

Note: The identifier must be the same as the identifier in the acquisition engine. The function name does not matter.

When you look at the created device, you can see three unique identifiers: Product ID (ProductKey), Device ID (DeviceKey), and DeviceKey (DeviceSecret).

3. The visualization

Back to the collection and control system of Haicuang micro link, drag out Haicuang IoT from the cloud platform of Internet of Things, input 3 unique logos, and click Deployment.

Haichuang IoT shows that the connection is successful. Refresh the page and the device will show online.

Back to the Haichuang Internet of Things platform, the electricity meter data can be displayed in real time in the running state of the device.

If you want to know more about the product and get the product software, please check the official website introduction: Haichuang Internet of Things, or scan the QR code below to add.

Fourth, the appendix

Fast multiplexing code

[{"id":"196f69cf.f153e6","type":"iot-modbus","z":"f44b13c4.ed86c","name":"","server":"4faa5a15.f2e274","fc":"HoldingRegi Ster ", "columns" : [{" Key ":" active power sum ", "Label" : "active power sum", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "1", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE", "Arith / 10 metic ":" % s "}, {" Key ":" voltage ", "Label" : "voltage", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "2", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE" and "Arithmetic" : "% S / 100 "}, {" Key ":" current ", "Label" : "current" and "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "3", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE" and "Arithmetic", "% s / 1000"} {" Key ":" active power ", "Label" : "active power", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "5", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE", "Arithmetic" : "% s / 10"}, {" Ke Y ":" the apparent power ", "Label" : "apparent power", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "7", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType Int16BE" : ""," Arithmetic ", "% s / 10"}, {" Key ":" no Reactive power ", "Label" : "reactive power", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "9", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType Int16BE" : ""," Arithmetic ", "% s / 10"}, {" Key ":" frequency ", "L Abel ":" frequency ", "UnitId" : "5", "Address", "11", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType Int16BE" : ""," Arithmetic ", "% s / 100"}, {" Key ":" power factor ", "Label" : "power factor", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "12", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE" and "Arithmetic" : "% s / 1000"}, {" Key ":" input active power ", "Label" : "input active power", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "13", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE" and "Arithmetic" : "% s / 10"}, {" Key ":" output active power ", "Label" : "the output active power", "UnitId" : "5", "Address" : "15", "Quantity" : "1", "ValueType" : "Int16BE" and "Arithmetic" : "% s / 10}]," "x" : 475, the "y" : 280, "wires ":[["b4bc1d56.d0c14"]]},{"id":"f1526cf0.defec","type":"inject","z":"f44b13c4.ed86c","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","p AyloadType ":" date ", "repeat", "10", "crontab" : ""," once ": false," onceDelay ": 0.1," x ": 315, the" y ": 280," wires ": [[" 196 f69cf. F153e6"]] },{"id":"b4bc1d56.d0c14","type":"debug","z":"f44b13c4.ed86c","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"t ostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":635,"y":280,"wires":[]},{"id":"4faa5a15.f2e274","type":"iot-modbus-client","z":"", "Name" : ""," clienttype ":" the Modbus TCP - ", "the host" : "", "post" : "4196", "tcptype" : "Telnet", "serialport" : "COM1", "serialt ype":"RTU-Buffered","baudrate":"9600","databits":"8","stopbits":"1","parity":"None","unitid":"5","timeout":"2000","sleep ":"80","showActivity":true}]