This is the 8th day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge
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Elasticsearch Analysis analyzer
- Analysis – Text Analysis is the process of converting a full text into a series of terms/tokens, also known as participles
- Analysis is implemented through Analyzer
- You can use Elasticsearch’s built-in profilers/or customize them as needed
- In addition to converting terms when data is written, the same analyzer is used to analyze Query statements when matching them
Analyzer composition
Word segmentation is a component specialized in word segmentation and consists of three parts
- Character Filters(for raw text processing, such as HTML removal)
- Tokenizer installs rule participles
- Token Filter processes the segmented words into lower case, deletes stopWords, and adds synonyms
Use Analyzer for word segmentation
- Simple Analyzer – Split by non-letter (symbols are filtered), lowercase
- Stop Analyzer – Lowercase processing, Stop word filtering (the, a, is)
- Whitespace Analyzer – The Analyzer is divided by space and does not change to lower case
- Keyword Analyzer – Takes input as output without dividing words
- Patter Analyzer – regular expression, default \W+ (non-character separated)
- Language – Provides word segmentation for more than 30 common languages
See the effects of different analyzers
Standard analyzer (default)
GET _analyze
"analyzer": "standard"."text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."} =================== result V =================== {"tokens": [{"token" : "2"."start_offset": 0."end_offset" : 1,
"type" : "<NUM>"."position": 0}, {"token" : "running"."start_offset": 2."end_offset" : 9,
"type" : "<ALPHANUM>"."position": 1},... {"token" : "evening"."start_offset" : 62,
"end_offset" : 69,
"type" : "<ALPHANUM>"."position": 12}]}Copy the code
Stop Analyzer – Lowercase processing to Stop word filtering
GET _analyze
"analyzer": "stop"."text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."} =================== result V =================== {"tokens": [{"token" : "running"."start_offset": 2."end_offset" : 9,
"type" : "word"."position": 0}, {"token" : "quick"."start_offset" : 10,
"end_offset": 15."type" : "word"."position": 1},... {"token" : "evening"."start_offset" : 62,
"end_offset" : 69,
"type" : "word"."position": 11}]}Copy the code
More examples of participles
#simpe GET _analyze { "analyzer": "simple", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } GET _analyze { "analyzer": "stop", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } #stop GET _analyze { "analyzer": "whitespace", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } #keyword GET _analyze { "analyzer": "keyword", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } GET _analyze { "analyzer": "pattern", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } #english GET _analyze { "analyzer": "english", "text": "2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening." } POST _analyze { "analyzer": } POST _analyze {"analyzer": "standard", "text": } POST _analyze {"analyzer": "icu_analyzer", "text": "this apple is not delicious"}Copy the code
Note that the ICU_Analyzer analyzer; Ik analyzer included; Does not come with Elasticsearch 7.8.0. Run the./bin/ Elasticsearch -plugin install analysis-icu command to install elasticSearch and restart elasticSearch
Chinese word segmentation
Support custom lexicon, support hot update word segmentation…
Tsinghua University Natural Language Processing and Social humanities Computing laboratory of a set of Chinese word segmentation…