Set up the

This section will focus on how to set up Elasticsearch and get it running. If you are not ready, download it first and then check out the installation steps.

Elasticsearch can be installed using apt or Yum Repositories.

Supported Platforms

The officially supported operating system and JVM versions are here: supported platforms. ES has been tested on all of these platforms, although it may run successfully on other versions as well.

The installation

Download the latest version and unpack it, and run ES with the following command:

Bin /elasticsearch On unix-like systems, this command starts the ES process in the foreground.


The Elasticsearch process can be written to the specified file to make it easier to close the process later:

bin/elasticsearch -d -p pid kill cat pid

  • The process number will be writtenpidThis file.
  • killCommand topidThe process number in the file initiates oneTERMSemaphore.

(Translator’s note: I highly recommend you to do this configuration, it is quite convenient to operate and maintain)

Note: Linux and Windows have startup scripts that manage ES start and stop.

Unix-like systems

Additional parameters can be added using the ES script startup. The first thing we talked about is you can have ES execute in the foreground or in the background. Other parameters can be passed directly to the script as -d or getopt long style configuration parameters. The parameter configured here overrides the parameter of the same name configured in JAVA_OPTS or ES_JAVA_OPTS, for example:

bin/elasticsearch -Des.index.refresh_interval=5s –

Java version (JVM)

Elasticsearch is written in Java and requires a minimum version 1.7 to run. Only Oracle JDK and OpenJDK are supported. All Elasticsearch nodes and clients need to use the same version of JVM. We recommend installing Java 820 or Java 755 or later. Bugs in earlier versions of Java7 can cause index corruption and data loss. If you run Elasticsearch on the wrong JDK version, it will refuse to run. The Java version to use can be configured using the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

These logs, especially if you are planning to upgrade your ES version.

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