Solution 1:

<style lang=" SCSS "scoped>. El-table {. El-table__fixed {// left fixed column height: auto! important; bottom: 18px; }. El-table__fixed-right {// Right fixed column height: auto! important; bottom: 18px; }} </style> < span style = "box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (74, 74, 74);Copy the code

Solution 2:

< style lang = "SCSS" scoped >. The el - table {/ / processing table on the left side of the | | fixed position on the right side, not horizontal scroll bug/deep /. El - table__fixed - right, .el-table__fixed { pointer-events: none; // .el-table__fixed-header-wrapper, .el-table__fixed-body-wrapper,.el-table__fixed-footer-wrapper { > div { pointer-events: auto; } } </style>Copy the code