
⚑ multi-graph warning! This article uses a large number of images, please pay attention to traffic consumption.

πŸ“• suggest using a computer to read

Share my computer boot up a few software, improve office efficiency essential. These tools. With the use of shortcut keys, one word, absolutely.

Below is a list of apps. If you’ve used them all, I suggest you like πŸ‘ and close the page.

icon software function
Snipaste Screenshot + texture
ProjectEye Rest reminder
Rolan Shortcut Management
Listary search
uTools The toolkit
The shutters Folder management
1Clipboard Clipboard history
Memo (jian) Post-it note (can be started without boot)

First look at a daily application screenshots – recognition – translation, using the Snipaste + uTools two tools

Why not use QQ screenshot?

Each time, I need to log in QQ first. Secondly, I always use QQ chat version, and the screenshots of this version are 😜 without recognition and translation

  1. F1 screenshots
  2. Alt + O identify screenshot
  3. Click on theTo translateTo complete

Pack to download

The article is too long for me to read. Where can I download it?…

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1 Screenshot + texture: Snipaste

Before I knew Snipaste, I thought QQ screenshot was the best screenshot tool to use πŸ‘

Every time the screenshot must first open QQ, it is very uncomfortable (PS: our goal is to reach the goal of one step! πŸ€ͺ)

Then I found the king of screenshot tools – Snipaste

Snipaste is a simple but powerful screenshot tool that also lets you paste screenshots back onto the screen! Download and open the Snipaste, press F1 to start taking a screenshot, then F3 to display the screenshot at the top of the desktop. It’s that simple!

In addition to the rectangles/ellipses/lines/text that Snipaste tools have, here are a few features that Snipaste can do

1.1 screenshot

After installing the Snipaste, press F1 to take screenshots at any time. (Before installing the Snipaste, F1 will open Windows help by default, wasting a shortcut key)

Shortcuts F1

1.2 map

Maps can be pinned to the desktop to avoid switching between Windows. Five-star recommendation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Shortcuts F3

If you have copied text, press F3 to paste it directly to your desktop

  • After mapping, you can zoom in/out by scrolling the mouse

  • After mapping, press CTRL and scroll to adjust the opacity

  • After mapping, press space to call up rectangle/ellipse/line/text etc

1.3 the Mosaic

πŸ”’ Sensitive information, daub it with Mosaic.

1.4 the fluorescent pen

πŸ“™ doesn’t it look like the key points you drew in your textbook?

1.5 the color

After pressing F1, move the mouse to get the color value

Shortcuts C

Hold the mouse over the color selection position and press C to copy the color value (then press F3 to map the color value)

Shortcut keys Shift

Press Shift to toggle color formats, then press C to copy the colors

πŸ•Snipaste download address

Recommended πŸ“’ Windows Desktop: V2.5.6 -Beta (2020.12.10)

Snipaste also has a professional version available for a fee. The desktop version is fully functional and ad-free.

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

πŸ‘‰ Download 32-bit Snipaste V2.5.6

Download 64-bit Snipaste V2.5.6 from πŸ‘‰

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

After startup, the background occupies about 20MB of memory, which can be almost ignored.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right click on the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – Preferences
  2. Check boot and as administrator

2 Rest reminder: ProjectEye

A 20-20-20 rule based eye rest reminder software (Windows) to help you stay healthy at work and track your daily eye use.

ProjectEye will pop up a full-screen screen to remind you to look into the distance.

After the installation is complete, the 20-20-20 rule is used by default. You can modify the rule

This means focusing your attention at least 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Following this rule can effectively relieve your eye strain and protect your vision health.

ProjectEye has two main features, reminders and tomato clock

2.1 remind

Change the time to 60 minutes to remind once, easily achieve 8 glasses of water a day πŸ€ͺ

  1. Right – click the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – Options
  2. Modify the reminder interval and rest period
  3. Click on the application

2.2 pomodoro

First, the Pomodoro technique πŸ…

Using the Pomodoro technique, choose a task to complete, set the pomodoro time for 25 minutes, and focus on your work without doing anything unrelated to the task until the pomodoro clock goes off. Then take a short break (5 minutes will do) before moving on to the next tomato. Take an extra break every four tomato breaks.

Double-click the icon in the taskbar in the lower right corner (the icon will turn into a tomato) to start a tomato clock, which will pop up when the tomato is finished

πŸ•ProjectEye download address

πŸ“’ ProjectEye is open source software. The official website is at GitHub

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

πŸ‘‰ Download ProjectEye v1.6.3

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

After startup, the background takes up about 70MB of memory, which is a bit more than Snipaste. For a software that can both remind and tell the time, 70MB of ram is worth it.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right – click the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – Options
  2. Check startup
  3. Click on the application

3 Shortcut management: Rolan

Rolan is a shortcut management tool that supports grouping shortcuts

Use the previous desktop appearance of Rolan (PS: images from Baidu)

After using Rolan, my desktop looks like this

Press the shortcut key to summon Rolan, and it will automatically hide when not in use, instantly refreshing.

Shortcut key Alt+ space

3.1 Recommended Settings

After summoning Rolan, the following Settings are recommended (PS: exactly like me 😁)

Adjust the layout

Hidden Settings

It’s important to hold Ctrl to prevent hiding!

Once configured, Alt + space calls Rolan and hold Ctrl (if you don’t press Rolan, it will disappear) to drag the desktop icon into Rolan

Add a group

3.2 Special Notes

Rolan is available in two versions and offers some charging features (where the Pro logo is on the screenshot)

  • Rolan 2
  • Rolan 3

I’m using Rolan 2.5.1, the free version, which has a lot of features and a nice interface. Roaln 2 is perfectly adequate just for managing shortcuts

Download from πŸ•Rolan

Recommended πŸ“’ Rolan 2: v2.5.1

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

Download Rolan V2.5.1 from πŸ‘‰

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

After startup, the background takes up about 1MB of memory, no problem boot arrangement.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Alt + space summons Rolan
  2. Enter the Settings
  3. Check the automatic startup at startup

4 Search: Listary

Listary is a search faster than Windows built-in search tool

There’s also Everything, which is smaller. I prefer Listary summoning, so I recommend Listary

4.1 the search

Get a feel for Listary’s search speed

Shortcut key Double click Ctrl

Double click Ctrl to call Listary and enter the search keyword. Keywords are separated by Spaces in fuzzy search

If the search results include a program, you can directly click to launch it, such as QQ in the picture above

4.2 Shortcut Commands

In addition to searching for files, you can also customize shortcut commands such as:

Enter BD SONY went out of business without

Press Enter, automatically open the browser, use Baidu search “Did SONY go bankrupt”

The keyword and url can be customized

The baidu search configuration is as follows, please copy 😜

In addition to opening urls, open fixed directories, commands, etc…

πŸ•Listary download address

Listary is available for free and Pro, and the differences are as follows

function The free version pro
Use restrictions Only personal There is no limit on the
Search all drive files and folders βœ” βœ”
Search for and start installed applications βœ” βœ”
Open search engines and websites βœ” βœ”
Project directory designation βœ”
Action command editing βœ”
Fuzzy search mode βœ”
Support for later versions βœ”

Recommended πŸ“’ Listary 5 free (ps: Pro cracked version can be found on some websites)

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

Download Listary 5.00.2843 from πŸ‘‰

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

After startup, all of Listary’s backgrounds take up about 70MB of memory, about the same as ProjectEye. The search speed is fast, the appearance level is high, and 70MB of ram is well worth it.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right – click the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – Options
  2. Go to general Settings
  3. Check the startup to automatically run Listary

5 Toolbox: uTools

Your productivity toolset

Free integration of rich plug-ins, fast matching “scene function”, run out

UTools supports the installation of a variety of plug-ins, as described on the website, is a tool set.

You can call Everything instead of Listary by installing a local search plug-in.

But I don’t have it installed. I’m used to handing search to Listary and tools to uTools.

πŸ’₯ Shortcut keys for conflicts

After uTools is installed, the default shortcut key is Alt + space. If Rolan is already installed, the default shortcut key is Alt + space.

What I did was change uTools to double click Alt, which corresponds to double click Ctrl Listary

Default shortcut keys Alt+ space

Double-click Alt for the new shortcut key

Double click on the

In addition to launch shortcuts, you can also set shortcuts for commands, such as Alt + T for translation, so that you don’t have to type “translate” every time, and efficiency takes off again

Here are a few plug-ins I use frequently

5.1 translation

Customize shortcut keys

Alt + T

How do I customize the shortcut keys

5.2 Text Recognition

Customize shortcut keys

Alt + O

How do I customize the shortcut keys

Click to Translate to jump directly to the translation plug-in

5.3 Image Compression

There are two compression plug-ins I use most often. The difference is that Tinypng doesn’t support GIF compression.

Double click Alt to summon uTools and type Compress to see the installed compression plug-in

5.4 Installing Plug-ins and Shortcut Keys

  1. Start uTools and click the icon

  1. Click the download button for the plug-in

  1. View startup keywords

  1. Set shortcut keys

You can then use Alt + T to launch the translation plugin 😁

5.5 Super Panel

Super panel is another way to start uTools. Take a look at the introduction for yourself. My suggestion is to turn it off.

πŸ•uTools download address

Please download the latest version from πŸ“’

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

πŸ‘‰ Download uTools V1.3.5

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

The amount of memory used by uTools depends on the number of plug-ins. The memory used by uTools is about 60MB after the startup, and as the plug-in is used, I can see that the number of processes added is about 10MB.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right – click the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – Preferences
  2. Enter the Settings
  3. Turn on start up

6 Folder management: Blinds

Compared with the software introduced in front, the shutter is relatively niche, and even Baidu is not the official website. His developer is known for another product called Drive Life.

Single-window, multi-tab explorer eliminates cluttered Windows and speeds up office productivity

Blinds can organize Windows open folders into tabs that can be switched with a click.

Before using blinds

Open the folder is such, folder after many, switch very inconvenient.

After using blinds

Only a folder window, folder at a glance

πŸ• Blinds download address

πŸ“’ please pay attention to download the latest version from the official website. If there is a crash during operation, restart the blinds.

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

πŸ‘‰ Download Blinds

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

After the shutter is turned on, it will take up about 30MB.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right click the taskbar icon in the lower right corner – open window
  2. Click on the three lines in the upper right corner
  3. Check boot and take over the system folder operation, each startup folder will automatically call the shutter

7 Clipboard history: 1Clipboard

A universal clipboard management application that makes it easy to access your clipboard from anywhere on any device.

1Clipboard is a clipboard tool that can save all your historical clipboard records, support search and favorites.

For example, the name of the software used in writing this article can be looked up in history instead of being copied.

My habit is to stay in the lower right corner, need to click open to view the history, not when it does not affect other operations.

Why not use the clipboard that comes with Win10?

The clipboard doesn’t support search or favorites, and image previews aren’t friendly. Take a look at a comparison picture and judge!

1Clipboard also supports clipboard synchronization between multiple computers, but requires Google services, so you get the idea 🀑

7.1 the collection

For important records to bookmark, click ⭐ in the lower right corner

Click ⭐ on the left to view the collection of records, convenient to die 😜

7.2 Clearing Historical Records

Clean up your history every 10 and a half days and maintain good usage habits

  1. Right-click – Preferences…
  2. Into the history
  3. Click remove

πŸ•1Clipboard download address

Please download the latest version from πŸ“’

πŸ‘‰ go to the official website

1 the clipboard πŸ‘‰ download

What if the website cannot be opened? πŸ‘‡…

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πŸ’‘ Startup

1Clipboard takes up about 60MB after startup. There are smaller clipboard tools, but the interface is not as friendly.

It is recommended to configure boot after the installation

  1. Right-click – Preferences…
  2. Into the routine
  3. Open the boot automatically run 1Clipboard

8 memo (jian)

Paper Post-it notes (PS: Picture of Zhihu Lai)

Win10 comes with notes, instead of paper sticky notes sharp tools

πŸ• Download address

πŸ“’ Is provided by the system. You do not need to download it.

The task bar search box can be launched by typing Notes. If you can’t find them, try Sticky Notes

πŸ’‘ Startup

Can not set the boot, I suggest it fixed in the taskbar, at any point


Background memory usage may be different from the actual memory usage for reference only

icon software Background Memory usage shortcuts download
Snipaste 20MB F1 Download 32-bit Snipaste V2.5.6
ProjectEye 70MB Download ProjectEye v1.6.3
Rolan 1MB Alt + space Download Rolan v2.5.1
Listary 70MB Double-click the Ctrl Download Listary 5.00.2843
uTools 60MB Double click Alt (modified) Download uTools v1.3.5
The shutters 30MB Win + E Download Blinds
1Clipboard 60MB Download 1 clipboard
Memo (jian) Do not run do not occupy

Package download πŸ‘‡…

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