It contains about 200 Chinese characters and takes about two minutes to read

Recommended site: Google Search Education

1. Use quotation marks to force exact matching

For example: “What is javascript”

2. Use the AND operator

For example, HTML AND CSS return search results that contain both

3. Use the OR operator

For example :(javascript OR python) free course returns search results containing javascript OR containing python

4. Use the – operator to exclude

For example, javascript-css excludes CSS searches

5. Use the * wildcard

You can use the * wildcard as a placeholder, which will replace any word or phrase.

“How to start * in 6 months”

6. Search a single site

Such as:

7. Search for file types

Example: FileType: PDF Learn CSS

8. Search numeric range

Such as: ecmascript 2016.. 2018

The latter

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